The Keys Have Requirements

(Transformer Cybertron and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are not mine.
-comm speech-

Lori, "Woah! So this is Velocitron. Just look at this place."

Bud, "Look, look, look. That road goes on forever."

Coby, "I am looking, Bud. Yeah, it is really awesome."

Airazor was holding her servos in a tight fist, -Why are they so cute?-

Tigratron, -Indeed, I am trying not to just steal them away to hide them in our nest.-

Scourge laughed, -I can see why you are so protective of them Optimus.-

Optimus smiled, -I know.-

Hotshot, "Optimus sir, kids and new friends."

Red Alert, "Hello Sir, it is good to see you again."

Optimus, "It is good to see you both doing well. Report!"

Hotshot stood up holding the three children, "We made a positive alliance with Knockout and Breakdown here and had contact with the leader Overdrive."

Red Alert, "We are positive the trophy in the next race is the Cyber Planet key."

Optimus, "I see."

Cheetor, "Scourge, why don't we take part in this race?"

Scourge, "Hmm... I suppose if one warrior on both our sides took part the chances of getting this Cyber Planet key is higher."

Optimus nodded, "Agreed. I just wish I knew where the Cyber Planet key of Jungle Planet was."

Hotshot, "Huh? You mean the Cyber Planet key is missing?"

Airazor, "It is not missing per say but it is in some sort of limbo. According to the old texts we found the key has a consciousness of it's own."

Red Alert, "What does that mean for us?"

Tigratron, "It means we have to prove ourselves worthy of the Cyber Planet key in order to get it."

Hotshot, "I see. That complicates things for us doesn't it?"

Coby who was sitting on Hotshot's shoulder pat his cheek, "It may make things harder but it makes sense from a security point of view."

Bud nodded from his hold, "Yeah, if I had an all powerful item that could be used to access the powers of another God I would put some sort of a safety net on it."

Lori, "Agreed, I am just glad we do not have to sacrifice anyone to get those items like... You know what."

Optimus, "Children? What do you mean by that?"

Coby, "It's just news from our family on the other side of the planet."

Vector Prime, "The one that consists of your Aunts and cousin Sabrina."

Bud, "Yeah, she successfully became a full - fledged Witch... "

Lori muttered, "After almost dying for it. I am now really worried about my own ceremony."

Coby sighed, "I know what you mean, a lot crazy stuff has been happening at home."

Bud nodded, "Right? On top of that the assassins appearing didn't help."

Hotshot became alarmed, "What do you mean by assassins?"

Lori, "Bud! You didn't have to tell them about that."

Coby, "Yeah, they already have their plates full."

Optimus, "Children, children, please, tell us."

Scourge, "Who are these assassins you speak of?"

Airazor, "Only a coward would attack a young child. You are now part of our clutch now. So, as the adults, it is up to us to keep you young ones safe."

Bud looked away, "Ah! About that, you see.... Uhhh.. Coby you explain."

Coby sighed, "Right, well long story short. We were not always Hansen, before we used to be Spellmen."

Lori, "And my family was not always Jiménez, before it was Swampfire."

Tigratron, "I see, you were forced to change your name for your safety because they tried to eliminate you before. Am I right?"

Lori nodded, "The Spellmen and Swampfire families are cousin families. We always produce strong and capable Wiccans."

Knockout, "Wait, what are Wiccans?"

Bud, "Ooh! Ooh! Let me show you. I have been practicing my cleaning spells."

Coby and Lori nodded and Bud took a deep breath and muttered the three spells for cleaning, waxing and finally buffing. All the Bots felt Bud's magic wash over them and Bud looked a little winded after opening his eyes and looking at them. Bud grinned looking at them especially at how shiny and clean they were after he used the spell. Scourge, Airazor, Tigratron and Cheetor were looking at their reflection on their armour that now looked like it was as new as the day they were sparked. Optimus and Vector knew the kids could do things like that with magic but knowing and experiencing were different things.

Coby, "Easy Bud."

Hotshot, "I look good as new."

Bud, "I am glad to hear that. Don't worry Coby. I am okay."

Red Alert, "That got rid of all the scratches and bruises you got trying to challenge Overdrive and get the Cyber Planet key."

Tigratron, "That's not all they did. I no longer feel the tightness of my joints."

Airazor, "Agreed! My feathers have not looked so shiny before. You are definitely amazing Bud."

Lori chuckled, "He is sleepy is what he is."

Tigratron smiled, "Why not give him to us? We can keep an eye on him while you focus on the race."

Hotshot, "That would be good, safer too."

Red Alert, "Especially with Megatron around."

Coby, "Megatron is here."

Scourge, "He must be trying to get the key of this planet since he could not get the one from the Jungle planet."

Lori, "Makes sense. So, what's the plan?"

Hotshot, "I am going to race and win."

Coby, "We get that but what's your plan, like what's the road type you have to race on? Are you equipped to race on it? Do you have extra spare parts for any busted parts?"

Knockout, "My, my ~ Your little friend here sounds like he knows about terrain racing a lot, Hotshot."

Lori, "Coby has raced on three different terrains before."

Coby, "And each terrain required us to adjust and stabilize our rides. I think it is not that different for you guys too."

Breakdown grinned, "You got that right, kiddo. You should listen to your young friend here Hotshot."

Hotshot, "I always do actually. Coby, would you help me out please?"

Coby, "Always. When in the race?"

Hotshot, "The final race is in a few weeks. I somehow managed to clear the preliminary ones, but the selection is still going on."

Coby nodded, "Mr Breakdown, Mr Knockout, could you show me the race track that will be used in the finals please."

Breakdown, "Just call me Breakdown kiddo, none of that Mr stuff."

Knockout nodded opening his servos and Coby climbed on to it telling Hotshot to follow along. Lori though stayed behind with Red Alert who was giving a report on everything that happened including how two of Velocitron's members had joined up with Megatron. Optimus frowned, it looks like Megatron had the same idea as him to recruit the locals from the planets they went to. Lori cheered them up saying they still had a good chance to get things right and to not fret too much. That made Scourge laugh in agreement, as long as they worked together and were alive they did have a chance.

Optimus, "Cheetor, you wished to take part so perhaps we should go search for Overdrive to get you a chance to take part."

Scourge, "You have always been the fastest among us beast formers. I have no doubt you will perform with honour and respect."

Cheetor stood tall, "Yes, understood. I will do my best."

Lori, "Great, I have been curious about this Overdrive for a while now."

Clockwork, "You will like her, she is cool and very chill."

Lori, "Really?"

Airazor chuckled at the enthusiasm coming from Lori, "The excitement is very contagious."

Tigratron, "Indeed. How is the little one?"

Airazor, "Sleeping soundly. Do not worry about him."

Tigratron, "I think that is Overdrive."

Lori, "Hello Overdrive, my name is Lori. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Overdrive blinked then nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you too, little one."

Cheetor, "My name is Cheetor and I wish to take part in the race."

Overdrive, "I have never seen you around before."

Cheetor, "I am from the Jungle planet and I am the fastest on my planet."

Overdrive turned her optics away from the young femme, "Is that so?"

Cheetor, "Yes, so I would like to take part in your race."

Overdrive, "Very well, let's go to the race track. The test is this way."

Lori, "Do you test every racer?"

Overdrive smiled, "Anyone who has the courage to take part."

Lori, "Seriously? You are cool."

Overdrive, "Thank you."

Optimus, "I have to talk about the Cyber Planet key."

Overdrive raised a servo, "Hotshot and Megatron have already told me about them. And honestly I am not sure if the trophy is the key. You are however welcome to take part in the race like everyone else."

Lori, "Oh! I guess, we will know if it is the Key or not soon enough. If it is not the Key, I say we had fun racing."

Vector Prime chuckled, "Indeed, a little fun and relaxation never hurt anyone."

Scourge, "Shall we take part too?"

Optimus, "Us? Together?"

Scourge, "Yes, it will be a good activity for us to get together."

Optimus, "I guess that is true."

Landmine, -Optimus, come in, optimus.-

Optimus, "What's wrong Landmine?"

Landmine, -It's the town. It is in trouble.-

Lori, "My home is in what?"

Landmine, -It was on the news. The mine is collapsing and everyone is worried.-

Bud, "Huh? Whaaaa... ?"

Airazor, "You are awake little one."

Bud nodded, "What's going on back home?"

Lori, "It is bad, Bud. Remember the gold mine the politician was talking about. It is about to collapse and no one knows how bad it will be."

Scourge, "On second thought, perhaps we should let our warriors handle racing and make sure the children are okay."

Optimus nodded, "That would be better yes."

Hotshot, "Optimus, we returned as fast as possible."

Coby, "What's happening back home?"

Optimus, "We will have to return to Earth to find out."

Bud, "We just got here too."

Lori pat his back, "An emergency is an emergency."

Vector Prime, "Optimus go right ahead. I will keep an eye out on things here."

Optimus nodded, "Hotshot, Red Alert, you are to report to Vector Prime while we check on Earth."

Scourge, "Come children, let's make sure your family units are safe."

Lori smiled as she got on Scourge while Coby entered Optimus's cab as they returned to Earth. While they were off, they did not notice the interested look in Overdrive as Lori left with Scourge. Overdrive then turned to one of her guards and ordered them to find out about the Autobots. Overdrive may have been very unreceptive in the beginning but if they had young ones who were as happy as Lori or as comfortable as Bud with them then perhaps they were not that bad. But she would do her own research and then decide if they were worthy of her time and effort or not. She was a leader first and foremost and as the leader, her planet's safety and security came first.

Coby, "What's happening Landmine?"

Landmine, "It is that gold mine the people were digging. Fifteen hurt and there is a chance it will collapse."

Bud, "But if it collapses on itself then it is okay right?"

Scattershot, "Afraid not. Here, look at this."

Lori, "Is that an underground lake?"

Jetfire, "Afraid so. If the mine collapses, the water will come out flooding the entire town."

Optimus, "We cannot let that happen."

Scourge, "Do not fret children we will figure something out."

Airazor, "Where are their family units?"

Landmine, "They are at the main City Hall right now."

Lori, "We have to tell them to get out of there."

Bud, "Especially if the water will flood the town."

Lori, "Coby? Why are you not saying anything?"

Coby, "Let me think."

Optimus, "Men, in the meantime go out there and help as many humans as you can. We are robots in disguise after all."

Scattershot, "Right!"

Landmine, "Got it boss!"

Coby, "I know. How about we pump the water out and empty the underground lake?"

Scourge, "Oh? Do tell!"

Coby explained his idea of creating an empty space under the hill by using a pump to empty the lake completely to avoid a flood. It was a very simple idea but sometimes the simplest solution was the best solution as Rhinox always said. Optimus decided to give Coby's idea a try and went off in the direction of the mines to pump the water out with Scourge. The kids decided to join Jolt, Reverb and Six - Speed to try and look for other ideas if that one didn't work. Luckily for all of them the idea worked and the town and everyone in it was safe. Optimus would have felt really guilty if the kids lost their home, just like how they lost Cybertron, he was happy he could keep the kids home safe at least.

(To be continued...
Till next time my lovely readers.)
