Temples and Relics

(Transformers Cybertron and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are not mine.
-comm speech-

Lori pointed at the large hill, "I think that is the place."

Overdrive hummed, "It does fit the description we were given."

Red Alert looked around, "I don't see the others yet. Let me contact them, Lori, Overdrive I will be right back."

Lori watched him go, "I hope they are alright."

Overdrive cooed as she came to a stop by the temple, "I am sure they will be alright."

Lori exited the femme, "This place is really beautiful."

Overdrive agreed, "In it's own wild way, it is very lovely. Lori?"

Lori had sat down in a meditative pose, "Hm... "

Overdrive stayed close by and watched using her magic to connect with the planet just like Coby had done back in Velocitron. Of course, back then, she had actually thought it was how the young humans rested only to realise it was not the case at all. Apparently what happened was Coby was adjusting his magic to her home planet's natural energy as it would be dangerous otherwise. Lori got up and stretched after a few minutes and checked her magic by trying out a simple magnet magnet spell. One of the smaller screws flew to her hand and she nodded feeling satisfied by the result.

Lori, "Okay, I am ready to go inside."

Overdrive smiled, "Very well, Lori. I have a question, will you, Coby and Bud be meditating on every planet?"

Lori nodded, "We have to, otherwise we would constantly be at odds with the natural powers that are found in abundance on the planets."

Overdrive, "I see. Sounds like having magic is not as easy as it sounds. You have to follow rules and practices to not face any problems."

Lori grinned, "Afraid so! It is not exactly easy but that's life I guess."

Rhinox was waiting for them at the entry, "Hello, welcome to Jungle Planet. My name is Rhinox, I am the caretaker of this temple and a teacher to those who wish to learn under me."

Overdrive straightened, "My name is Overdrive, the leader of Velocitron, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Lori bowed, "Greetings respected Priest of the temple. My name is Lori and I am a witch from Earth."

Rhinox beamed at them, "Oh my! I am surprised you know about my other title. Most guests and visitors do not realize I am the Priest here."

Overdrive, "Lori is kind of special, you could say."

Rhinox, "Hm.. Curious little one, aren't you? Please come in, come in."

Lori beamed, "Thank you."

Overdrive, "Much appreciated, is this where the Key is said to be located?"

Rhinox, "We are not sure if I were to be honest. However I do believe there will be clues for it."

Lori perked up, "I love puzzles and mysteries."

Rhinox gave a hearty laugh, "That is the spirit, little spark. Now, come in, come in. I will show you around."

Overdrive walked in behind Lori looking around and noticed something interesting, "This place is untouched by the naturally occurring disasters on this planet."

Lori was giddy, "That is because this place was blessed to become a safe and peaceful sanctuary."

Rhinox, "Indeed, the temples across the planet are one of the places us beast formers take refuge in during the times disasters occur."

Lori was feeling the temple walls now, "You are very loved, Priest Rhinox. These blessings are one of the strongest I have come across."

Overdrive kneeled down, "You can feel them, Lori? How many are there?"

Lori used her own magic to make glowing letters appear, "There is one for protection against earthquakes. Ooh! This one is against sand storms. This one here shaped in squiggles is against some sort of parasite or maybe diseases, I think."

Rhinox, "Well, the beast formers who come to the temple do feel better after entering the temple."

Lori nodded then pointed at another writing, "This is for protection against tornadoes. That one above it, is for protection against fire. And these are just the basic ones that overlap each other to create a multi - layered type of protection."

Overdrive chuckled seeing Lori's excited look, 'Bringing her here was definitely a good idea. I wonder if Velocitron has blessings like these. I should take her there at some point in the future.'

Optimus looked around frowning, 'I have a bad feeling.'

Scourge, "Optimus, what is the matter?"

Optimus, "Well, I noticed that the second in command, Starscream disappeared in the middle of battle."

Red Alert, -Optimus? Come in, Optimus.-

Optimus, "Optimus here, what is the status, Red Alert?"

Red Alert, -We are at the designated temple and Overdrive has gone inside with Lori who was extremely excited about blessings.-

Optimus blinked, "Blessings? Please explain!"

Red Alert, -Overdrive sent me what Lori found. Turns out the temples on this planet were blessed to become a sanctuary for those who were hurt or suffering from diseases.-

Optimus, "That makes sense. Stay close to them Red Alert. We will scout the area, make sure there is no more trouble and then join you all."

Red Alert, -Very well sir. Be careful.-

Hotshot, "That was fascinating to learn."

Optimus nodded, "Indeed Scourge, your planet does not fail to amaze me."

Scourge puffed up, "Thank you, my dear mate, Optimus. And yes, the temples around here are a safe sanctuary. You and your pack are always welcome to rest and heal in these temples."

Optimus smiled, "We appreciate and accept the invite, Scourge."

Back on planet Earth, Coby and the rest were helping the rest of the civilian Cybertronians search for the Earth planet key. From time to time they ran into trouble with the authorities from other countries which Coby and Bud handled as much as they could. From creating a few distractions so the Cybertronians could slip away, to apologizing for the reckless driving and to pretending to test run new auto vehicles. The last one was strangely enough the mist easily believed one no matter the country so they used it a lot. It made Jetfire grumble under his breath about how gullible some adults were when it came to children.

Coby, "It is not that bad, Jetfire."

Jetfire, "Not that bad he says."

Bud, "Yeah, big guy. Besides it works out for us, doesn't it?"

Jetfire slumped, "I... I suppose it does but still... You would think they would be more wary."

Scattershot, "Vector Prime is coming back."

Vector Prime transformed, "Coby, I request your help."

Coby, "Sure, what do you need?"

Vector Prime took out a very old looking slab, "This item, I have no doubt it is covered in magic."

Coby, "That is not just any item. Bud, get over here."

Bud, "What did you find?"

Coby, "Look, it is a prophecy."

Bud, "The pagans of the old Gods will test the new Queen. If she fails she will die, if she succeeded a new era shall come."

Vector Prime, "Is that what it said? How curious! My sword was reacting to it very strongly."

Coby, "The scurrying mirror, please Bud?"

Bud, "I will get it."

Scattershot, "What does it mean by Queen though?"

Coby, "I have a feeling this is talking about my cousin. I need to give her a warning though with all the trouble she got in lately I would not be surprised if she is already in danger."

Bud, "I already called Aunty and Sabrina is with her."

Hilda, {Goodness me! That really is quite the prophecy.}

Sabrina looked upset, {Great! Just what I needed. It is bad enough I had to deal with the three Kings from Hell before. Now I have to do it all over again.}

Coby, "Again? What do you mean again? And three Kings?"

Zelda, {It is quite a tale, dear nephews. Do not worry about us though. We will send you a summary of what happened before at a later date.}

Bud, "As long as you are alright Aunties and cousins. I suppose Ambrose is still searching for the ex - Father Blackwood."

Sabrina, {He is, yeah.}

Coby, "Ahem! Aunties, I want to introduce you to new friends who have been taking care of us. This is Vector Prime, the oldest and the leader."

Vector Prime smiled, "Greetings, it is a pleasure to meet our little spark's family members."

Hilda, {Oh my! It is a pleasure to meet you too.}

Bud, "He was the one who found this tablet with the weird Prophecy."

Zelda looked at the giant with respect, {I owe you greatly, Mr Prime. With everything happening around here we are very thankful for the warning.}

Coby, "This here is Jetfire, do not let his tough exterior fool you. He has a big spark and worries about your safety like a mother."

Jetfire, "I do not. Hello there! While I am not sure it is wise to get more humans involved. I suppose it is alright for family to at least know you are safe."

Sabrina, {We would have found out if they got hurt anyway. See that wall full of dolls. They represent each of us using magic. So, if someone got hurt it would show there.}

Vector Prime, "How fascinating!"

Coby, "And finally this is Scattershot, the watcher of the group."

Scattershot gave a two finger salute and smiled, "Yup, nothing can escape my sight. We work together to keep the kids and this world safe."

Zelda, {Coby, would you be a dear and send it to us? Do not fret, we have something here that I think you would like.}

Bud, "Really?"

Hilda chuckled, {I was going through the Spellmen library and guess what I found. An old tome with records as old as the Atlantis era.}

Vector Prime perked up, "Truly? We were wondering if there were any such records existing anymore."

Sabrina, {We have the only one in the country. So we will need it back.}

Jetfire, "Of course, of course. It is a treasure from the past.

Zelda became curious, {Why did you need it though? It is obvious you are technologically advanced. Not to forget, you Sir Prime are blessed by a celestial.}

Vector Prime, "While we are perhaps advanced but we are not alone in that field. There are others who do not care about this planet and wish to steal it's most important treasure."

Hilda, {I see, I see. Have you set up the teleportation and exchange circle dear?}

Coby, "Yes, Aunt Hilda. Ready when you are."

After a few more seconds they started to chant the spell that would teleport and exchange the two items. While Sabrina was unhappy to learn there was more trouble coming ahead, she was grateful for the warning. Coby and the others thanked them for the records and promised to return it in one piece soon. Bud took one of the records and opened it carefully, it was in the shape of a very rustic book with writings in a very old language. Coby looked it over and decided to check it using magic to make sure there were no hidden pages in the book. It was a normal record.

Coby, "Um... This might take a while."

Vector Prime, "Indeed, translation takes time. I am glad we were able to help your family."

Bud, "Me too. I hope cousin Sabrina will be okay. I do not like how dark that Prophecy sounded."

Jetfire, "I can't believe such things even exist on Earth."

Scattershot, "I know what you mean."

-Base! Come in base!-

Scattershot, "Scattershot here. What's the news Greenlight?"

Greenlight, -We saw Starscream and followed him to the South Pole.-

Jetfire, "You did what? That was dangerous."

Blavkracer, -We know but it is a good thing we did.-

Vector Prime, "Explain!"

Greenlight, -There are two bots here who fought with Starscream and got hurt. They need medical attention.-

Coby, "I am on my way. I just have to get proper clothing. Give me three minutes."

Blavkracer, -I am sure we can wait three minutes. These two are stubborn and strong.-

A voice was heard, -Wait a minute! Is that a human? We are supposed to protect humans. We are not to get them involved in this.-

Greenlight was heard placating them, -I know, I know but Coby is really good at his job okay. Just sit tight.-

Bud, "He sounds like he could be your twin Jetfire."

Jetfire, "He does not!"

Vector Prime coughed to hide his laugh, "Let us go check the situation as well. You mentioned Starscream was the reason?"

Greenlight, -Yes sir!-

Jetfire, "I will go."

(To be continued...
Till next time.)
