The storm

The once bright sky seemed to become more and more stormy, dark and unwelcoming the further me and Toothless flew over the dark and dangerous ocean. Waves crashed down onto the surface of the wild ocean, and I could hear thunder rumbling somewhere in the near distance. Toothless weaved through the waves, whimpering every time thunder sounded.
"It's alright bud, it's just a small storm." I said, despite my own worries. Last time there had been a storm, Snotlout had been hit by lightning, and I didn't want the same fate. All of a sudden, it started raining, soaking me and Toothless immediately. I groaned in annoyance and Toothless grumbled. We both hated it when it rained, it rusted my metal leg and Toothless' metal connecting rod for his tail, and it also made it much harder to see, therefore making it much more dangerous to be flying around, let alone in the middle of a big storm. A sudden bolt of blinding lightning struck the dark ocean directly passing me and Toothless. Toothless yelped in terror and swerved quickly to the side, losing his balance and falling into the deep, dark ocean, with me on his back yelling in fear. Huge waves threatened to push me and Toothless apart, and the roars of the frightened dragon and my yelling  seemed to be washed away by the deafening sounds of thunder and rain and lightning.
"Toothless!" I shouted, taking big breaths before being pushed underwater by the big waves. It was dark. I could not see and the sound of rain seemed more muffled. My vision began to go dark as I sank further and further down into the depths of the cold ocean. Suddenly, a dark shadow dove into the ocean above me and swam down towards him. It was Toothless. I gripped weakly onto Toothless' tail, ignoring the pain as Toothless dragged me back up towards the surface of the ocean. we surfaced, breathing in the fresh air deeply. I desperately tried to climb back into Toothless' back, but I kept sliding off, back into the raging ocean. Suddenly, another bolt of lightning struck the water close to us two, burning Toothless' tail and electrifying us both. The last thing I remembered was Toothless' frightened roars as I sank further and further into the uninviting, dark ocean, my vision slowly going black.

I woke up in a small, cramped room. I sat up and gripped my head in pain as a sudden wave of nausea overtook me. I became more aware of my surroundings. I stood up slowly. I was on a ship in a small cell. I suddenly noticed Toothless in the cell opposite me. The dragon was seemingly unconscious, and his artificial tail had been burned and broken. I grasped the strong metal bars as I called out to my dragon.
"It's no use, he isn't waking up anytime soon." A man walked in front of my cell. Viggo. I glared at my enemy, threateningly.
"It was quite a shock when my hunters saw you and your night fury floating in the ocean. Of course I had you brought to my ship immediately." Viggo continued. I just glared at him, silently praying to the Gods that this was all just a bad dream, and that I would wake up with Toothless sleeping peacefully beside me.
"I have actually been hoping that I would come across you. After my little attack on Berk, I knew that it wouldn't take very long for you to fall right into my trap."
"It was you!" I shouted angrily. "But how did you get a dragon to attack Berk aswell?"
Viggo chuckled. "Ah, the dragon. I was wondering when you would ask about that. You see, that was a dragon that even I was shocked at coming across. It is a myth to most people anyway. When I saw it, I thought of something. What if the myth was true? If it was true, it would become my new weapon to use against all people who disagreed with me."
"And what dragon would that be, Viggo?" I asked curiously, still glaring angrily at Viggo.
He grinned, savouring the moment.
"A Lycanwing."
