
I woke up to the sound of yelling. I had been having a very weird dream, where I was captured by Viggo and turned into a night fury. I stood up, immediately noticing that I was in a dark cell on a rocking ship. I desperately looked around the small cramped room looking for any chance of escaping, but I couldn't find any. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from somewhere above me, and I fell over. I stood back up on my paws- wait, paws?! Nononono, it wasn't a dream! I desperately thought as I looked in horror at my shiny, scaly paws. Another deafening crash startled me out of my thoughts.

"What is going on up there?" I tried to say, but my words came out as loud roars. My eyes widened in fear and I threw myself at the strong, metal bars that were keeping me from my freedom. Why was this happening to me? Where even was I? What day was it? All of these questions went through my head as I repeatedly hit the metal bars, with no luck on my side. I lowered my head in shame. How could I have let myself get captured like this? What was happening to me?

It suddenly went silent. A second later, I could hear talking from the upper deck of the ship. I recognised their voices, but I couldn't quite place who the voices belonged to. I heard a loud thud as someone jumped down onto the lower deck of the ship where I was being kept. The thuds stopped, and I looked up to see a shocked Fishlegs staring at me. I stared at him. He stared at me. We both stared at each other for about ten seconds before he screamed. I desperately tried to fit my paw through the cage so that I could quiet him, but my paw wasn't able to fit. Astrid suddenly jumped down onto the lower deck of the ship where me and Fishlegs were, and walked up to Fishlegs.
"What are you doing Fish... oh, my, Thor."
Now both Astrid and Fishlegs were staring at me. I narrowed my eyes and placed a paw on the metal bars that were separating us.
"Right, right, umm, Astrid, where are the keys to the cage?" Fishlegs stuttered madly, not taking his eyes off me. I snorted in annoyance. Leave it to Fishlegs to overreact about a Night Fury on board a dragon hunter ship. Actually, now that I think about it, it is like him to do that. Astrid returned with the keys in hand and unlocked the cage. I walked past my friends and up into the deck. Water surrounded the swaying ship, and slight waves made the ship rock from side to side. I heard Astrid behind me.
"Okay, looks like Hiccup isn't here. Let's look somewhere else."
I turned to her and madly tried to explain that I was Hiccup. Of course, my words came out as roars and growls. Astrid simply stood there while I ranted. As I finished, she turned to the other riders and asked them a question I couldn't quite hear. However, they all nodded to this mystery question. I turned and walked to the edge of the boat. We were very far from shore, and I couldn't see any way off the boat. I heard some footsteps behind me, and I turned to see Fishlegs with something in his hand that I couldn't quite place. He then opened his hand and edged closer to me. Dragon nip. Did they really think that it would work on me? I'm not even a real dragon. I tried to walk away, but for some reason an unknown instinct seemed to be pushing me forwards towards the dragon nip.
"This can't be happening", I thought to myself as I unwillingly crept closer to Fishlegs. His expression on his face changed to become terrified, and I could also sense the change in mood as well. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I turned back to see a dragon hunter, cross bow out, eyes narrowed. The last thing I saw was him running away with Astrid closing in on him, brandishing her axe in anger.
