Instant vs Homemade

"Merlin himself used this talisman to end the Dark Ages over in the Mortal World, and I think it's just the thing to tackle our troubles here in Halloweentown." Her mother said opening the wooden box holding the talisman Merlin had given her before moving on. He had left plenty of other relics with his family and knew Aggie would need it one day.

Indy looked around as something began to beep similar to the mortal microwave. "Ooh! Hm, Are you cookin' chowder, Grandma? I like chowder." Sophie said smelling something cooking. Indy grinned at the girl, such a cute little witch. "Oh, no, dear, This is witches' brew, It's a little recipe that I picked up in the sixth century." "The one you got from King Arthur?" Indy asked smelling the air. "The same." Her mom said smiling, happy that one of her girls remembered her tales.

"How's this stuff gonna help?" Marnie asked excited. Before either trained witch could answer she went on. "Are you gonna use your magic to raise some spirits, have a big séance and call on the forces of darkness to get it going?" Indy recognized the way her eyes lit up at the thought of magic, Gwen's used to do the same. "No, I'm just gonna fill it up and see if the light goes on." Her mom said with a chuckle. "I'm not sure about that instant stuff, mom." Indy said knowing everything was more powerful when made from scratch.

"If I can get it lit and install it properly, it should suffice to drive away this force that threatens us." "That's it? You just fill it up?" Marnie was very disappointed. "I do have to say a spell over it. That's why I came, to ask your mother to help me." Indy looked at her mother but didn't comment. She knew her mom really had hoped it would lead Gwen back home. "You see, spells are much more powerful when more than one witch joins in, especially if they're Cromwells'." Indy grinned, her mother would never change and she was grateful.

"Well, I'll help you." Marnie jumped to try magic. "Oh, that's very sweet of you, dear, but you haven't been trained yet and since your mother isn't of the mind to help I know Indy and I can handle it." Indy put a hand under Marnie's chin lifting it to look at her. "There will be plenty of time for magic. Don't be discouraged, niece. We'll have you at full strength in no time." She said with a wink. Marnie's grin was her answer. Holding the talisman over her mother's hands they began to chant.

"Bet y March, bet y Guythur, bet y Gugaun, Cledyfrutm anoeth bid!" They said adding some drama for the teen. It lit for a quick moment before flickering out. "Ha,Oh, drat! You're right, Lucinda, that's what I get for trying to use instant." She said sadly. "Just doesn't work like it does when you make it from scratch." Indy said knowingly. She had tried instant potion mixes before. "Well, that's something I can help you with! I can cook!" Marnie said excited. "If you count pouring cereal, Ow!" Dylan wasn't so helpful to his sister's ego.

"Well, let's look at the original recipe." Her mom said happy Marnie was interested. "Come, come, come over here. Now, let's look, Let's all look. Quick, see...That's it!" She said as she threw open her enormous leather potions journal. "Vampire's fang, hair of a werewolf..." Her mom began. "And sweat of a ghost. The rest I already have in store at Emrys." Indy said knowing the potion well. It was a basic staple of witchcraft, but not often made from scratch anymore.

"I suppose we could get the remaining ingredients in town. But we have to be careful not to reveal our true purpose. I can't be certain who to trust anymore." Indy nodded, she knew who she didn't trust that's for sure. "Let's do it." Indy said making Marnie shout in excitement. "Let me call your uncle over he would hate to miss this adventure. We haven't had an adventure like this for centuries." Walking over to her mother's mirror she tapped it twice before calling her husband's name.

"Aven Emrys." She stated clearly. Quickly her image disappeared and was replaced with her husbands. the mirror that stood on his desk for just such calls showing him working hard. "Miss me already?" He asked with a smirk. No matter how long she was with the man his smirk never failed to mesmerize her and she hoped it never would. Shaking it off quickly she smiled. "No, well yes.." She giggled like the girl she felt with his. Shaking her hand she got back on topic. "Don't distract me, Av. We have a mission." She said excited. He raised a brow in question. "We're going to help mother in making her witches brew from scratch and need a few hard to find ingredients from town." She adored the mischief that lit up his eyes when she said that.

"Really, now? Haven't been on an ingredient hunt in..." "Too many years to mention." She said with a laugh. He smiled nodding. "I'll meet you at the center of town?" He asked standing to put on his jacket. Watching she once again forgot what she was saying for a moment. The fire in his eyes when he caught her stare nearly made her blush. "Ya, that's fine...wonderful." She said clearing her throat. "Oh, how you boost my ego, little witch." He said quietly before tapping the mirror and her own image showed again.

Taking a moment to calm herself she made her way back to the kitchen where the others waited. "He's meeting us in Town center. Everyone ready?" She threw her cape back on and off to town they went. An adventure awaited them and Cromwell's were never late.
