Indy Explodes

"You know, dear, I've been thinking, I'd love to have you move back home, Gwen." Her Mom started her plea. "I mean, there's plenty of room for all of you at my house and I'm sure Indy and Avan.."

"Mother..." Gwen tried to interrupt.

"And since William's passed on there's nothing to hold you here." Indy winced at the mention of her brother-in-law. He was a great man, but Gwen had made sure he never knew about magic.

"Nothing has to hold me here, Mother. I like being here. I can have a normal life here. They can have a normal life here." Her sister explained.

"Oh, being normal is vastly overrated!" Her mom waved the comment away. Indy had to agree there. Acting the mortals version of normal the past year had been mind numbingly boring.

"Well, I like being normal. You know, Mother, as much as I want the kids to know their all of their family the fact're not normal." Ok, Indy would admit that shot hurt. Her sister was  saying that like she wasn't abnormal as well. Her sister used to love being a witch. She would spend her Halloween's sneaking to the mortal world to pull pranks on them.

Yet here she was, the picture of a suburban mortal mom calling them not normal. "That's really nice, Gwen. It's good to finally hear what you really think of us." Avan wrapped his arms around her trying to comfort her.

"Indy, I don't mean it like that. It's just, every time she comes into this house, it's-it's chaos, and the candy and the decorations and the..." Gwen stopped when she saw the hurt looks on her mom and sisters face.

"Mother, Mom, Let's not fight again. I know you're only here for a couple of hours. Indy you dropped everything to help me, and now it's time for you to go back to the life that you and Avan love. Go and tell them a story, mom." Gwen explained.

"Talk to them and get to know them, but on your honor don't tell them about home. Your home, I mean." Indy had to smirk at her sister's slip. Halloweentown would always be home no matter how much she denied it.

"Oh, don't worry, dear. I won't tell them a thing." Now why didn't Indy fully believe that.

"Thank you." Gwen said relieved.


"And after I specifically told you not to tell them anything about it!" Indy wasn't surprised in the least to hear her sister fuming as she came down the stairs.

"I was only trying to do what you should have done long ago. Why, you're on the verge of breaking a tradition that goes back more than 1,000 years..." her mom was on a roll now.

"Your tradition, Mother, Not mine." Indy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She might not practice anymore but it is her legacy.

"Marnie is my daughter, and if I decide not to train her like a witch then it's none of your business!" Her sister shouted. Indy felt her niece at the doorway and knew her husband did too when he glanced at her looking for direction.

Her discreet head shake telling him to let her hear. They might not be able to tell her, but her own mother was. Maybe it was wrong, but her sister was turning her back on her family and their magic given to them by their ancestors and she couldn't find it in herself to listen to her sister any longer.

"A witch's 13th Halloween is supposed to mark the completion of her training. Indy was finished by the time she was Dylan's age!" Her mom wasn't giving up.

"If Marnie's training doesn't at least begin tonight, her powers will be lost forever!" Her Mom was almost begging her daughter not to turn her back on centuries of tradition.

"Yes! And she'll finally be human! She'll finally be normal, like her brother, like her father and like Sophie will be after her." Indy scoffed.

"Ya, but you seem to forget, Gwendolyn Splendora, that you are not a mortal! You are a Cromwell witch! No matter how much you seem to wish you weren't, that won't change. You'll be a witch with,as you say "normal", children who never even got a choice." 

Avan tried to calm her down but now she was angry. "Tell me, Gwen. When we have children will I have to hide them? They will be witches and warlocks. Will that be too much of a chance to rub off on your "normal" children? Maybe I'm not good enough to be around you and your children any more. It's not like you'll break your commandments and visit my children, will you?" Gwen looked shocked. Her mouth gaping as she tried to form an answer.

Indy sighed shaking her head. "You know what, just forget it. You don't have to worry about us anymore. Mom, we'll meet you at the stop." Indy left knowing her niece had heard what happened and wouldn't blame her.

"She just needs to calm down. I'll try to get her back next year." Avan said politely. Gwen just nodded still in shock. With that he followed his wife out of the kitchen and out the door.

Avan caught up to her just outside the house. Quickly scooping her up into his arms knowing how hard that was on her. He wasn't surprised when he felt the front of his shirt getting wet from her tears she was trying to hide.

She had always looked up to Gwen. To find out once and for all that Gwen was rejecting their life was a harsh blow to her. Indy had always hoped that Gwen would one day come back to them. But now that she was letting Marnie go mortal she never would. Not wanting to explain how she let them lose who they are.

"I miss my sister, Av." She whispered. "I know you do, little witch. You know she still loves you. She's just doing what she thinks is best. I don't agree with it either, but it's a choice she has to make herself. Now let's go home." His speech had taken them to the end of the street where they had said to meet her mother.

Her mother wasn't far behind them. Tired of her elder daughters attitude as well. "Are you alright, dear?" Her mom asked her worried seeing the tear marks. Indy was about to answer when she felt something that made her smile...
