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Especially the one and only Jay Kelso. It had been two days since she sabotaged her friend, Leia who'd wanted to kiss Jay who Emmy had a little (huge) crush on β€” much to her dismay and shock.
Emmy was currently on the phone to Nikki who was worried for her friend "You've got to stop mopping around Em! We're going to a rave. Tonight. You are coming." Nikki pleaded to which Emmy agreed feeling sorry she hadn't hung out with the group in quite a bit.
If Leia found out Emmy was the reason she and Jay hadn't kissed Emmy would die of embarrassment even more so when Jay found out Emmy liked him and he most likely did not like her back
. "Always the people pleaser" Emmy gave out to herself as Nikki squealed in joy "You will not regret coming! I'll pick you up later my darling"
Emmy smiled and hung up the phone, Hyde asked to make him a coffee which Emmy did quickly and grabbed his favourite newspaper. Her dad was currently ill but refused to go to the doctor. "Emmy! doctors work for the government I am not giving them a penny of my money!" the man rambled on β€” Emmy rolled her eyes and laughed at her dad "That's a bit much dad, even for you" She told him to open his mouth so she could put some medicine in for him.
"It's just a cough theres no need for any of-" Her dad began to protest before he broke into a coughing fit Emmy smiled knowing she was right and put the spoon of medicine into his mouth much to his dismay.
"That's awful" Hyde said with a disgusted look as his daughter laughed at the silly face he made.
"Your a child" she grinned.
"No no your a child! which is why you should be out with those friends of yours right about now not looking after your old man" Hyde smiled as his daughter shrugged "I don't mind taking care of you, Old man"

Emmy began to get ready for the rave even though she didn't exactly want to go but her dad was totally chill about his only child going to a rave, like Emmy had expected him to be and even gave her twenty dollars
With the request to bring him back a beer β€” they'd actually had a heart to heart in which she'd told him all about Jay and her feelings.
After Hyde almost had a stroke about his daughter possibly dating Kelso junior he gave her decent advice. "Look Em, your stunning β€” I mean you've got those Hyde genes" He grinned with pride.
"If Jay...Kelso doesn't like you it's his lose plus if he's anything like his dad it's probably for the better if you guys don't get together maybe make him jealous" Her dad suggested.
"Your a little too good at fatherly advice" Emmy smiled and left his bedroom to go get ready to make Jay Kelso regret ever decision he's ever made β€” if they don't get together it's his lose not Emmy's.
She decided on a black dress she'd gotten in France with some green and red led bands and face paint.
She looked real good. Jay Kelso best be begging the moment he sees her she laughed to herself but knew she didn't need a boys approval anyway.
Just as she finished her makeup, Nate's car beeped outside signalling their arrival so she knew to come out to them so they could leave.
"Bye darling! have fun β€” not too much fun" her dad called out as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Wowza" Nikki hit Nate but had a huge, proud grin on her face at the sight of her best friend looking pretty good. As Emmy got into the car Nikki gasped, "Em! you look amazing"
"Thanks Nik! but look at you!" Nikki looked great. The pair of best friends looked real good β€” Nate nodded at Emmy's comment "Nik you could be a model honestly" he said politely trying to make up for the way he looked at Emmy a while back.
"Thanks babe... Um Em just so you know we're picking up Jay too" Nikki said expecting a hissy fit from her bestfriend but instead she got a "That's cool" β€” a trick Emmy's dad had tought her when she was little.
"Alright then" Nate laughed, driving to Jay's with enthusiasm.
Nikki turned on the radio and "Friday I'm in love" began to play and the trio sang along, their horrible singing causing them to laugh.
"Jay man!" Nate greeted with a grin as his best friend entered the van.
"Hello ladies" Jay grinned at Nikki and Emmy who rolled their eyes.
"Rave time!" Nate tried to make it less awkward "Woohoo" Jay cheered unaware it was awkward at all.
Jay boosted about the dodgy cologne he was wearing. It stunk up the van.
They arrived at the rave in less than thirty minutes and Emmy avoided Jay the entire way there, which was hard as he was sitting next to her with a cute grin the whole time trying to make conversation but every time Emmy looked into his eyes she wanted to grab his pretty face and give him a kiss. She was going insane β€” she'd had boyfriends, girlfriends and hookups but never has she felt like this, like a lovesick puppy.
As soon as they arrived at the rave Jay began flirting with Leia and something between them happened because Leia came storming over to them with an annoyed look.
Emmy assumed Leia had figured out what happened and why Jay didn't show up the other night and that it was all Emmy's doing but apparently not because Leia started shit talking Jay, the two really were polar opposites. Jay was soon dancing with a bunch of other girls.
Emmy and Leia started dancing.
"So...how's life?" Leia began making conversation "Decent" Emmy grinned
"It's good that your over him" Leia said shrugging "I might need some tips, Emmy" she smiled
"What do you mean?" Emmy said with a super confused look.
"You don't seem jealous- I just assumed you were over him sorry"
Leia said, her dancing stopped and she started to get upset.
"Oh right! uh yeah I am- Look right now!" Emmy said, grabbing a guy nearby and locking lips with him
"Rad" the boy grinned at her.
Leia laughed, walking away to find Gwen she was happy for her friend.
Emmy on the other hand was finally breathing again she didn't want to upset Leia but she definitely still liked stupid Jay Kelso.
"I am so sorry. I was trying to make my friend not think I like her crush when I actually do" Emmy ranted
"That's alright... I'm honoured to kiss a girl like you" the boy grinned
"I'm James Bennett" He greeted
"Emilia Hyde but call me Emmy"
Emmy didn't think about Jay for the first time in two weeks and actually focused on the guy infront of her.
James was real cute, he had messy blonde hair and brown eyes.
She was so busy chatting with James, Emmy didn't notice the boy shooting daggers at James and the boy couldn't even take his eyes of Emmy.
Jay Kelso was in love.


sorry i haven't updated in so long, it's exam week πŸ’”
ahhhh Jemmy is happening my loves.
Too bad Emmy's moved on... or has she ? 🀭
also James is a character for a couple of chapters and I love him sm.
James's face - claim;
