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Jay said, motioning to the weed they'd found in the Forman's basement.
They'd come to the conclusion Leia's grandma, Kitty was their very own drug dealer which obviously wasn't true but Emmy kept her mouth shut cause she knew Leia didn't feel welcomed in the group and she wanted her to realise they were seriously starting to like her.
"I dunno I'm literally wearing this" Leia shuck her head, showing the teens her t - shirt which genuinely said 'D.A.R.E to keep off drugs' Emmy grinned.
"Their daring us to do it" both Emmy and Gwen remarked at the same time.
They looked at each other and giggled
Over the past few days, they'd realised how similar they were yet Leia and Gwen were a lot close whereas Nikki and Emmy had become close friends.
They were even sitting next to each other at the moment much to Nate's annoyance because he clearly wanted a makeout session with Nikki.
"Guys we learned about this is healthy class I think we should just say- Woah" Leia said as high as a kite.
All her teenage friends were actually,
Jay was playing with an elastic band while Nate and Nikki talked shit and Emmy could not stop laughing into Jays shoulder for some reason.
"I'm gonna go get snacks" Leia said, asking what the group wanted. Leia needed an excuse to get out of the room as much as she loved Emmy something was telling her Jay and Emmy were more then friends.
"Raisin bread" the teens agreed, chanting it for some reason.
While Leia went to go get the raisin bread her friends looked around her grandparents house.
"This must be Leia's room" Jay said
Emmy had been in Leia's room more times then she could count but had completely forgotten what it looked like blaming that on the drugs in her system. But it was clearly Kitty and Reds bedroom as it had older looking furniture and just screamed grandparents.
She'd sort of snapped out of her laughing fit until Jay picked up a night gown, he assumed belonged to Leia "sensible night wear" Jay commented to which Emmy went into another laughing fit. Jay give Emmy an odd look, confused on her random outburst of laugher till Nikki told them it was clearly Kittys room without the raisin bread.
"Oh great! you guys are in the room i've never dare to step into" Leia said her voice laced with stress.
"It's okay we're in here right?" Gwen said to which Leia nodded "It's the summer we should do what we want right?" Emmy tried shushing her friend as her grandfather, the one and only Red Forman walked into his room catching the teens.
He immediately kicked them out.
Emmy said goodbye to Leia giving her a quick hug and grabbing one of Kittys fresh cupcakes and kissing Red on the check as she left.

"You are over thinking this Leia"
Emmy laughed at her friends franticness, the two were watching tv in the basement yesterday when Kitty suggested they throw a movie night and invite their new friends.
Leia had been a mess the moment the teenage girls agreed to host the movie night, she was none - stop "This movie? that movie? what about the drinks and food?" It was safe to say Leia wanted to make a good impression on her new found friends.
"Well excuse me for being prepared!" Leia defended herself, sitting up from the couch.
"Your planning a movie night, Lele not a funeral... now c'mon let's go rent some movie so you can convince Jay to make - out with you by the nights end" Leia gasped at Emmy's comment and lightly threw a pillow at the girl laughing so hard, her tummy hurt a little. Kitty agreed to drive the girls so they could pick a movie to watch later that evening with their new friend group.
"Hey isn't that your loverboy?" Emmy said as soon as the entered the store - indeed, Jay 'Leia's guy' was working there which shocked the girls.
Leia smiled at her friend before going over to Jay telling him he hadn't said he worked here before. Emmy blocked out their conversation telling herself she couldn't care less.
Instead she decided to rent her favourite movie, 'Romeo and Juliet'
Going up to the till to meet a red - cheeked Leia and Jay who wouldn't stop fixing his stupid hair.
Emmy coughed so they'd know she was coming over β€” if she'd walked into a make-out sesh she'd probably run out of the store in awkwardness.
"Wow. Never took you as the romance type, Em" Leia said, noticing her friend's movie choice.
"Oh we aren't watching that crap later are we?" Jay questioned Leia who shook her head at Emmys pout
"Excuse you Jay! never ever put 'Romeo and Juliet' and the word 'crap' in the same sentence" Emmy scolded the poor teenage boy.
"Alright then, Mom" Jay laughed at her bossiness and just as Emmy was about to pay, Jay's boss told him to go fix the bathroom's plumbing.
"Don't worry about it. On the house" Jay quickly said with his signature smile before heading to the bathrooms with a groan.
Emmy was a little shocked at Jays sweetness, he was a 'player' ans players usually don't do acta of kindness before she could put anymore thought to it Leia told her she had the perfect movie in mind for them to watch.
Little did they know Emmy, Leia and Kitty would need to go to some clearly high dudes house to retrieve the movie Leia had her heart set on.
Lucky for them, Emmy and the dude were pretty close. Leia knocked at the door and a few seconds later the door opened by Leo, Emmys uncle of sorts.
"Emmy! is that you dude?" Leo asked the teenager, squinting his eyes at her
"Uncle Leo! it's been a while" Emmy smiled as she embraced him much to Kitty and Leia's shook.
"Well um... since you too are such good friends. Mind givin' us a movie?" Leia said and in return Kitty scolded her and tried to get the movie herself. Emmy wasn't too shocked when Leo believed they were trick or treaters and went along with it. Leia smartly said they were and instead of candy they'd like the movie and Leo gave them it with ease saying he'd say them next halloween.
Turns out Leo did not give them the movie like he intend to.
He gave them a little crazy recording of himself to which Emmy giggled at video ignoring Leia's (yet again) stressed face. Leia had given them all raisin bread and joke about the time they'd all got high and wanted raisin bread. Jay and Nate β€” the idiots choked on the raising bread.
"Toddlers eat this stuff! idiots" Emmy mocked them with Gwen.
Leia seemed messed up as she ran out of the basement, Emmy and Gwen following her with concern.
"What happened in there?" Gwen asked when they'd caught up to Leia.
"I just feel like you guys are so close and I don't fit in" Leia shrugged, explaining. Gwen cheered Leia up by saying how boring the group had gotten immediately Leia's mood brightened up she felt wanted.


hi guys!!! thank u sm for the love on this, i literally published it yesterday and it's already the πŸ₯‡'#jay kelso'
ALSOOOOO Emmy & Jay are so cute help.
