xviii. I LOVE YOU !

"RODRYGO! stop eating all of the strawberries!" Nathalia whines as she gives the Brazilian a light shove. Rodrygo laughs at her in response before taking a sliced strawberry.

She was back in her apartment in Madrid and the two of them went to the farmers market that morning to buy the ingredients for the strawberry tres leches cake. Of course, the strawberries were some of the best he ever had and couldn't help but snack on them.

"They're amazing, I can't help it!"

Nathalia glares at him as she grabs the last strawberry and finely chops it. Rodrygo couldn't hold back a smile as he reaches for another piece. Before she could slap his hand away, he brings the strawberry up to her lips.

"Try them."

She raises her eyebrow, ignoring the way her heart started to beat rapidly. She hesitantly opens her mouth to take a bite of bright red strawberry.

She furrows up her eyebrows and tilts her head in shock from how sweet the fruit tasted. Without thinking, Rodrygo whispers, "Meu Deus, you're so cute."

Nathalia's raised her eyebrow in shock and confusion. "What do you mean?" She quietly asks. He suddenly felt nervous. He didn't mean to say his thoughts out loud. Yeah, he wanted to tell her about his feelings but it wasn't meant to be at that moment.

"It's- it's nothing. Is the cake almost done-"

"Rodrygo." She says, dragging out the last letter in order to get his attention.

"Just ignore what I said, Nathy."

He couldn't believe how nervous he had felt around her. He's had girlfriends before, flirted with plenty of others girls before as well but he had never felt as nervous as he did around Nathalia.

She was special and different from the other girls he's been with. He loved her silly jokes with her habit of scrunching up her nose. He loved how gentle and kind she was with him no matter how she felt. He loved the fact that she laughed at any and everything. He loves her and he's 100% sure of it.

Nathalia furrows up her eyebrows as she received no response from the Brazilian after calling out his name. She slowly reaches for his hand that was resting on the counter. "Rodry..."

"Nathalia, I love you."

"What?" She whispers in disbelief, not sure if she heard him correctly.

Rodrygo sighs, running his hands through his now grown out curls. "I know I made the most stupid mistake this summer. I messed up and I hurt you but I can't stop thinking of you, Nathy." He says as her facial expression softened at his words. "You're on my mind constantly. I have never felt like this towards someone. I'm in love with you. Eu te amo, Nathalia."

Nathalia was left speechless. Her mind was filled with hundreds of thoughts. For a second, she couldn't think of what to say. She noticed the sudden look of worry and fear on his face as he took a step back. Remembering her talk with Georgina, she grabs onto his hand.

With a deep breath, she quietly responds, "Eu te amo, Rodrygo."

He glances up at her with a surprised face that made her want to just kiss him, but she held back. "You do?"

"Yes, I do." Nathalia says with a chuckle. "For a while now but I was too scared to admit it. Gio helped me realize that the reason why I was always smiling with you and thinking about you, is because I love you. I think I'm ready. I want to be with you, officially."

Rodrygo's lips curled into a happy and relieved smile as he hears her speak. With his other hand, he reaches over to gently cup her cheek. "Then, will you officially be mine?"

She slowly nods in response with a smile that matched his. "Yes." She softly whispers. She couldn't help but glance down at his lips which were slightly red due to the strawberries he had earlier.

Rodrygo noticed the movement of her eyes. With a boost of confidence, he leans in and kisses her gently. Nathalia hums quietly, pulling him in closer.

When they both finally pulled away, they let out breathless chuckles. Suddenly remembering the cake in the oven, she gasps. "We need to finish the cake, Rodrygo. Stop distracting me!" She whines as she grabs the oven mitts from the counter.

She huffs, hearing him laugh loudly as she carefully takes the (thankfully not burnt) cake out from the oven. "I'm sorry, linda. It was for a good reason though."

She glares at him in response. Seconds later, she lets out a snort and playfully shoved him. "Yeah, yeah, just be grateful that we didn't burn it."

"I got a girlfriend and a strawberry tres leches cake, could this day get any better?"

"You're a dork."  Nathalia laughs. She leans over and pressed a kiss on his cheek, causing Rodrygo to smile widely. "But you're my dork."

bi speaks ! ☆彡
this is so late i'm sorry pookies 😔🙏
ignore any typos if there r any😋
