xii. FESTA !

thaliamaria posted !

liked by rodrygogoes, georginagio, and 4,302,926 others !
thaliamaria: brasil, eu te amo!!!

user1: r u dating joão ??
thaliamaria: no he's stupid we just want to brasil on a bffs trip
joaofelix79: ok stupid head 😒

joaofelix79: woah i look goooood
thaliamaria: i think u need glasses tbh

user2: joão and thalia's friendship is everything

iamrafaeleao93: who took the pics for u🤨
thaliamaria: rayan and ravy

rodrygogoes: still can't believe you beat me in football!
thaliamaria: duhhhh i'm nathalia dos santos aveiro what'd u think🙄 (it was pure luck that one goal)

rodrygogoes: linda *liked by thaliamaria*

georginagio: 😍😍😍 *liked by thaliamaria*

user4: omg thalia and rodrygo??

user5: bet nathalia is going to vini's party

pablogavi: barcelona next !!
thaliamaria: fine i guess 🙄🙄

user6: so pretty !!

user7: hair goalss

☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

THE BOOMING BASS AND THE SOUND OF CHATTER filled Nathalia's ears as she enters the huge home where Vinicius was throwing his grand birthday party. She severely underestimated how large the party was going to be.

She should've expected it though. There were so many people, that she quickly lost count as she walked down the corridors. She recognized some influencers and celebrities. Ludmilla, who was a singer and close friend of Vinicius, greeted her when she sees her.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Vini had told me you were coming. He was worried you'd get lost." She says as they both let out chuckles.

"Nice to meet you too! And he was right, I feel lost." Nathalia replies. She did feel completely out of place. She felt uncomfortable being surrounded by people she hardly knew in a country she wasn't familiar with.

Thankfully, the singer noticed how uncomfortable she was. "Vinicius and Rodrygo are in the living room." She says with a smile, pointing down the hall.

"Thank you. I'll see you around?"

"Of course."

Nathalia takes a deep breath as she continues down the corridor, in search for the living room. She hears familiar laughs as she turns the corner. She sees Vinicius standing with Eduardo and Rodrygo, the three of them surrounded by other influencers and big names in Brazil.

She remembers what happened the last time Vinicius threw a party and grew hesitant to go up to them, especially after seeing the pretty girls near them.

Rodrygo noticed her the moment she walked into the living room. He excused himself before making his way over to her. He noticed how she visibly relaxed when she finally sees him.

"Thalia!" He exclaims with a smile, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She looks up at him and smiles as she copies his action by wrapping an arm around him.


"You look pretty."

Nathalia shyly laughs, grateful that her cheeks were already a shade of pink from tanning which hid her blush. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She says with a chuckle as he leads her over to where he sat.

"Nathalia!" Vinicius exclaims, clearly already tipsy. The attention was suddenly shifted on her as the birthday boy gave her a hug.

She smiles as she hugs him back and gives a quick greeting to Eduardo. The people in the group kept their attention on her, clearly not really recognizing her since she wasn't a huge star in Brazil.

"So what do you do?" A girl next to her asked in a slight rude tone. Nathalia turns to her, surprised that she was suddenly asked a question.

"Stay at home daughter?" She says in an unsure tone, finishing with a chuckle. Rodrygo let out a laugh which caused her to relax just a bit. When she notices the girl gave her a blank stare she quickly adds with a nervous laugh, "An influencer, I guess."

The girl didn't say anything in reply and turns away from her. Nathalia takes a look around the living room. It was filled with people sitting in groups in every corner possible. She hears Vinicius say something loudly and everyone in the group she was in bursted into laughter.

Her insecurities flooded her mind as she kept noticing how good the girls around her looked. Rodrygo immediately noticed how she seemed to shrink into her self, immediately crossing her arms and crossing her legs.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him. "What's on your mind, linda?"

She lifts her shoulders up in a shrug, letting out a huff. "It's nothing."

"But you seem so tense?" He questions with a chuckle. "Relax a bit, we're here to have fun. There's drinks too if you want."

Nathalia raises her eyebrow at him. "After last time I drank? No thank you. I don't want to wake up with a hungover again. Unless you give me a reason to." She replies, mumbling the last sentence.

Rodrygo sighs, reaching over to grab her hand. He intertwined their fingers as she glances up at him. "I won't."

She gives him a smile but before she could say anything, she hears Vinicius's booming voice. "Come drink!" He exclaims as he began to pour shots.

Nathalia holds back a laugh as she turns to the tipsy Brazilian. "Last time we drank together, we both had to be dragged away." She reminded him but he just bursted into laughter.

"More for me!" He says in reply, taking the shot that was assumed to be hers all for himself.

"So no uno?" Eduardo questions with a pout.

She sighs, taking a second to think. A smile creeps up on her lips as she asks, "Do you have the cards with you?"


"One round." Nathalia says, causing the french player  and Vinicius to let out an excited cheers. She turns around to look at Rodrygo and asks, "Wanna join?"

"Count me in."

☾⋆。𖦹 °✩

thaliamaria posted to their story !

thaliamaria posted !

liked by rodrygogoes, camavinga, and 4,029,093 others !
thaliamaria: and i go back 2 black

user1: amy winehouse reference 😩

user2: idk if i wanna be u or if i want u

rodrygogoes: nice photos, wonder who took them?🤣
thaliamaria: yeah i wonder too🤣🤣

rodrygogoes: 😍 *liked by thaliamaria*

camavinga: the way u took this before you got drunk was so silly
thaliamaria: had to take pics for the gram before 🤫
joaofelix79: u never drink w us😢
thaliamaria: next time pookie

user3: i bet she went to vini's party

vinijr: miss "i'm not gonna drink" ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE UNO GAME

georginagio: que hermosa mi niña 😍 [how beautiful, my girl/daughter]
thaliamaria: tq y te extraño !!🥹🫶 [ily & i miss you]

iamrafaeleao93: she a baddie she know she a 10🙄🙄💅💅💅
thaliamaria: LMFAOO

user4: her relationship w gio is everything 🙏

user5: tell ur dad i said hi
thaliamaria: kk

bi speaks ! ☆彡
had to add ludmilla when i heard she
was at vini's party sawrry, i just luv her

anyways rma vs milan was so😩
had me super stressed in the
first half icl

and sorry this took so long 😔💔
