"So why have you gathered all of us on such short notice?" Leon asked getting straight to the point as he took a seat in the living room.

Odelle, Yaiyai, Demos and Fiona were all there too. Theora sat nervously at the other end of the sofa while Nicholas was standing facing everyone.

"Did you two have any part in this fiasco today?" Nicholas asked his parents

"Is that the tone you use with your parents?" Leon countered angrily

"Please answer me father" Nicholas said still holding his gaze with firm determination.

"We feel its time that you two thought seriously about having children and I don't see anything wrong with a visit to the doctors" Leon shrugged

"And you all came to this decision without running it through me or Theora?"

"You're a married couple you should know what is expected from you" Leon retorted "instead we have to push you in the right direction each and every time like with your honeymoon"

"Nicholas you're father is right sometimes it might feel like we're forcing our decisions on you but in the end it's for your own good" Demos chimed in.

"He's not a two year old Demos!! He's a grown man! And to think I'm about to hand over the entire company to him" Leon shouted angrily

"Theora and I don't want kids at the moment!" Nicholas announced to the shock of everyone else.

"Theora is this true?" Fiona asked like her daughter had committed a huge crime.

"Mama, Nicholas and I feel like we need more time having children is a huge decision and something we have to be fully prepared for" Theora said

"Prepared? What do you need to be prepared for you have us for help and we can provide maids, nannies and everything money can get you. It's not like your strapped for cash and need to save up for a family" Yaiyai said angrily

"Theora and I have taken this decision together if you all can't accept it then.." Nicholas said

"Then you'll what?" Challenged Leon

Nicholas wordlessly reached for his pocket taking out his car keys, home keys, credit cards and company cards and placing them on the coffee table in front of Leon. Theora got up in shock not believing what her husband was doing.

"I want full control over my life even if it means leaving the company and starting from scratch"

"And Theora? You plan ruining yourself and on taking her down with you too?" Leon countered

"I won't be able to provide for her like I do now but I promise to keep her happy no matter what" Nicholas answered before turning to Theora "but the decision is all yours if you don't want to go with me I understand"

With tears welling up in her eyes threatening to spill over any second Theora grabbed Nicholas' hand interlocking their fingers.

"Nicholas I'm willing to go wherever you take me but this is our family we can't just cut ties with them"

"I'm just leaving the company Theora not the family. They'll always be a part of our lives"

"But what about your dream Nicky honey?" Odelle said speaking up for the first time capturing her son's face in her hands as tears ran down her cheeks "you worked so hard to become the next CEO. It's all you ever wanted"

"Maybe life has something better in store for me Mama and I might even make you all proud by starting something on my own"

"Nicholas this is a really drastic decision you're making surely we could sort something out" Demos said getting up as well Yaiyai and Fiona also joined him.

"There's no compromise with Leon Markopolous it's either his way or the high way I'm afraid" Nicholas answered

"There is if he is in the wrong" Leon spoke up. Nicholas raised an eyebrow did he hear what he thought he heard or is his mind playing tricks on him.

"All I ever wanted was for you to truly take up your responsibility. I had no complaints with you in the office but I suspected that you were lagging when it came to Theora now that I see that that's not the case I'm fine with letting you run your life as you wish" Leon said also getting up and moving towards Nicholas and Theora before engulfing him in a hug "I'm proud of you son". Leon patted his son's back.

"Thank you father" Nicholas said once they broke apart

"We also promise not to interfere with you two as well" Demos said with Fiona nodding in agreement. Yaiyai scrunched up her nose in displeasure but didn't say anything all the same.

"Well in that case there's something else I need to tell you" Nicholas said squeezing Theora's hand. Theora looked at him in confusion completely clueless about what he was about to say.

"Theora is going to join university like she wanted to in the beginning before you arranged our marriage" Nicholas said

"But she can't go to university!" Exclaimed Yaiyai

"Yes she can, if she wants to that is" Nicholas replied

"Whatever decision you take we are with you" Leon said "and I think you should take this back" he handed Nicholas all his cards and keys "you've truly earned them today"

"Thank you Nicholas" Demos said hugging Nicholas "a father always wishes that her daughter finds someone who will cherish her. Thank you taking care of my Theora"

"But what about the Botsaris name?" Yaiyai intervened not happy with the turn of events

"Yes the Botsaris name" Demos shouted excitedly "our Theora will make us all so proud once she graduates from university with top honours"

"Demos I don't feel this is right" Yaiyai shook her hands angrily

"Yaiyai times have changed we need to supportive of our children" Demos said hugging his mother "look how happy our Theora is that's all that should matter"

Theora gave her Yaiyai a huge smile as tears of happiness flowed freely.

"Fine!" Yaiyai said in the end "but don't come crying to me when everything goes to haywire!"

Demos roared in laughter before Yaiyai could finish and so did everyone else. Yaiyai crossed her arms and pouted like a child but couldn't control the smile that soon came over her face. After all however strict she may be to Yaiyai the happiness of her family mattered most.

"I think we should leave it's late" Leon said looking at his watch

"Yes and it's time for your medication as well Demos" Fiona agreed

"Ah! My medication how wonderful mustn't miss that" Demos remarked sarcastically

Theora and Nicholas said their goodbyes by the door as all of the family left together. Taking a tired sigh while running his hands through his hair, Nicholas reached over to untie his tie. Theora watched him for a moment he went head to head with his father willing to leave everything behind just for her. Not knowing what she was doing she found herself taking small steps towards him and soon she found herself a few inches apart from him. Nicholas who was too busy with his tie only noticed her when she stopped infront of him looking up to her with puzzled expression.

"I love you" Theora whispered

"What!" He heard her but just couldn't believe what he was hearing to which made Theora giggle.

"I love you" Theora said a little louder. Nicholas let the tie slip through his fingers down onto the ground before gently placing both hands on either side of Theora's face.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to hear that from you" he admitted resting his forehead on hers "I love you Theora more than anything I have ever known"

Nicholas crashed his lips on hers eliminating the little bit of distance between them not even letting air come between them. Theora moved her lips in sync with his in equal need. Theora broke the kiss backing away while still grasping his hand she lead Nicholas upstairs. Once inside their bedroom they resumed there makeout session both clumsily falling on the bed without breaking their kiss.

"Theora" Nicholas said breathlessly breaking the kiss suddenly and sitting up "I have to give you something first"

Before she could say anything Nicholas got up and picked his suit jacket and took out a small velvet box. Theora sat at the foot of the bed not sure what he was up to now. Nicholas knelt down next to her opening the box to reveal a simple wedding band with a small diamond.

"Theora Botsaris will you accept this marriage proposal arranged by our two hearts?" Asked Nicholas

"Yes you idoit! Yes!" Theora shrieked wrapping her arms around his neck and kneeling on the floor with him.

"I thought we'd get married sometime next weekend after we wrap up the CEO ceremony this weekend" Nicholas said "what do you think?"

"I think I'm in love with you all over again"

"What do you say we finish what we started then" Nicholas said pulling Theora closer and placing small kisses down her neck driving her insane with pleasure.

"Nicholas wait" Theora said moving away from him with great difficulty

"What is it?"

"I think we should wait like till after we get married. It would everything all the more special"

"Wait like for another week and a half. Ten days and nine nights"

"We've waited this long haven't we"

Nicholas remained silent in shock for a good minute before Theora slid her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

"I want this as much as you do Nicholas but I also want it to be special"

"I guess" Nicholas finally reacting to her "you're right we should wait"

"Thank you Nicky" Theora said rubbing her nose against his.

"Anything for my Theo"
