Theora carefully held her phone above Nicholas as he slept snoring like a jack hammer. She quietly recorded him but Nicholas turned to his side bumping into the phone causing it to fly off from Theora's hand across the room.

"My phone!" Theora screamed

"What! What happened!" Nicholas jumped up sleepily.

"I swear if it's cracked" Theora growled but took a sigh of relief seeing that it was unharmed.

"Aha! Here's the proof. You. Nicholas. Markopolous. Snore!" Theora handed him the phone as the video of him snoring played on it.

"Huh? What ya know" Nicholas muttered before throwing Theora back her phone and collapsing back into the bed snoring again a few seconds later.

"Unbelievable" Theora muttered getting up to go to the bathroom. She took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a loose tshirt. When she came back Nicholas was still sleeping snoring happily away.

"Wake up! Nicholas!" She shook him again

"Theora let me sleep" Nicholas said taking her pillow and covering his face with it.

"It's past ten and we have to go to Lanzarote. Get up!" Theora tried pulling his arm to wake him up but Nicholas yanked back his arm causing Theora to fall on top of him.

"This isn't how foreplay works Theora" joked Nicholas removing the pillow between them. Theora just rolled her eyes and got off him.

"Get up or I'm going without you" she said going downstairs.

"I'll be down in five minutes!" Nicholas called after her.

Nicholas and Theora only planned to spend the day in Lanzarote there were seven flights everyday between Tenerife and Lanzarote that they could easily be back home in the evening. Lanzarote had really beautiful beaches and Nicholas planned to spend some time at the beach then take her on a volcano tour that he had booked for them.

Theora changed into a bikini and tied a sarong around her waist in the changing station at the beach. The bikini was a simple black one with a top that could go away with being a tank top on its own it had a criss cross design underneath the bra portion of the top and in the back.

As she made her way out Theora found Nicholas to be nowhere in sight. She was going to search for him when her phone started buzzing it was her Mama.


"Guys thank you so much" Theora said "wish I was there with you all"

"Don't worry honey we'll celebrate your birthday once you come back" her mama said

"Having a good time there Theora?" Papa Asked

"I am yesterday we went snorkelling and today we flew down to Lanzarote"

"Good now we won't take much more of your time. Carmen wants to wish you as well she just needed to take a call"

"Oh Carmen's there too?"

"Christos dropped her off after a doctor's visit" her mom explained

"Are you behaving yourself there young lady?"

"Yes Yaiyai"

"Carmen is here" he father said

"Hey there birthday girl" Carmen said

"Hey Carmen"

"Sorry I couldn't be here for the singalong I had to attend a phone call"

"It's okay how are you doing and how is the little one?"

"We're all doing fine"

"Okay Nicholas and I plan to fly back in a day or two"

"Don't the doctor told me I still have some time left spend the entire week"

"We'll think about" said Theora. At that moment Nicholas showed up in the distance walking up to her.

"Okay I'll talk to you guys later"

"Have fun and don't forget to send Mama and me pictures!" Carmen said

"I will. Okay bye" Theora hung up the phone before Nicholas had reached her.

"Was that your parents?" Nicholas asked

"And Carmen"

"Really? What were they saying?"

"Just asking if we're having a good time or not and they want me to send pictures" Theora answered biting the inside of her cheek. She panicked the other day when Nicholas asked when her birthday was because she didn't want him to make a big deal out of it. Theora thought she'd tell him once it passed but right now it felt awkward admitting that it was her birthday today.

"I think we should go somewhere secluded" Nicholas said looking around. Theora looked at him in confusion. Currently on the beach was a group of elderly people, a few guys playing volleyball and the two of them they basically had the whole beach to themselves.

"Come on let's go over there" Nicholas pointed to a far off spot where no one was.

"What's wrong with right here? There aren't many people around"

Nicholas looked over to the guys playing volleyball then to Theora trying to find the best way to explain that he didn't like other men staring at her.

"Nicholas" Theora snapped her fingers infront of his face "you zoned out for a good minute there"

"Theora I'd feel more comfortable if we went to a more secluded spot" Nicholas said again. Theora just shrugged this time and went with him. While they were walking away Nicholas made a point of placing his hand on her back and going a few steps behind her to cover her from anyone's view. Theora couldn't understand why he was acting so weird suddenly. They sat in beach chairs next to each other.

"I'm going for a swim you want to come?" Nicholas said getting up

"No you go ahead I'm going to stay here for a while" Theora said wearing her sunglasses and laying back into the chair. She watched Nicholas as he went into the water absorbed by the way his back muscles moved when he walked.

"Hey there!" Someone called out breaking her from her trance. Sitting up she saw it was one the guys who were playing volleyball looking back towards Nicholas she saw he had already swam quiet far out.

"I'm Darren" he waved his hand he had thick Australian accent

"Theora" She said

"You're American?"

"Greek American" she answered

"Well my friends and I are from Australia. That must be your husband I gather by the way he was all protective of you"

"Yes that's Nicholas my husband "

"Well we have a couple of girls in our group too they'll be here in awhile. We're all going to a party later on you two are more than welcome to join"

"Actually we're flying back out to Tenerife in the evening but it was nice of you to ask"

"It's no problem at all, you kids have fun aright" Darren said before going back to join his friends. Theora looked back towards the beach to see a very angry Nicholas stomping towards her muttering something under his breath.

"What was that guy doing talking to you?!" He seethed.

"He just asked if we wanted to join him at a party later on" Theora shrugged

"He asked you out!!"

"No he asked us out" Theora said rolling her eyes "why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

"Big deal! Theora those men aren't nice there was a reason why I insisted we sit far away from them"

"You don't know them and even if we did sit near them and they did ask me out don't you trust me enough that'd I'd turn them down"

"I trust you Theora just not them"

"I can't deal with you when your like this I'm going for a swim" Theora got up untying her sarong

"Why are you taking that off!" Yelled Nicholas

"You want me to swim in a sarong!"

"Fine but I'm going with you"

"No stay where you are!" Theora tied back the sarong "I'm not going for a swim anymore but I'm not sitting with you either" Theora started walking away angrily.

"Theora wait up!" Nicholas followed holding her by her elbow once he reached her.

"Let. Me. Go. Nicholas!" She tried to swat away his hand but he entrapped her in his embrace locking his arms around her tightly.

"Why do you care? Why does it bother you so much when a guy talks to me?" She challenged freeing her arms and trying to push him away but it was no use he didn't even budge a little.

"It affects me because I am also a man and know how men think and believe me Theora you do not want to know how seeing you in this bikini has affected my mind and body " Nicholas admitted outloud for the first time "now you might not like it when I say it but it's something you will have to accept about me as I feel it's not going to change anytime soon"

Theora stared into Nicholas' eyes trying to digest what his words meant. Try as she may she couldn't hold back the blush or the smile that came across her face Nicholas chuckled lowly and placed a kiss on her forehead as she ducked her head into the crook of his neck.

Nicholas let go of her and Theora moved away back towards the chairs.

"I'm going for a swim" she announced suddenly taking off her sarong "and Nicholas Markopolous you will have to deal with" she placed the sarong on the chair before blowing a kiss towards Nicholas and heading towards the water. Nicholas crossed his arms but still grinned like an idiot as he watched her swim away then ran towards the ocean to join her.

Theora and Nicholas had a quick lunch after getting changed and went for the volcano tour. The tour took them around the Timanfaya National Park taking them around the many active volcanos there. When the sun set they both made their way back to the airport to catch the last flight back out to Tenerife.

As they approach the villa, Theora noticed a small white pavilion tent perched on the beach with a table for two in it.

"Nicholas did they rent out our villa to someone else?" She asked him

"I don't know let's check it out"

Theora looked around but there was no one in site as she reached the table she realised there was something on top of it. A small cake which had 'Happy Birthday Theora' written on it. Theora turned around to face Nicholas in shock.

"You knew!"

"I had to do a few questionable things to find out" Nicholas laughed coming closer to her "After the first night here when you avoided the topic I searched your purse and took out your passport to check once you slept"

"And that's why you were acting so secretive yesterday?"

"Actually that was Carmen. I called to ask her what you liked and she suggested to surprise you later on like this" Nicholas admitted

Theora felt like she was going to cry here she was doubting Nicholas when in fact all he was doing was trying to surprise her.

"Come on let's sit down to eat" Nicholas said grabbing her hand and taking her to the table pulling her chair and seating her down.

"Hector the menu please" Nicholas called out and a waiter came into view.

"Si Senõr" Hector bowed handing Nicholas the menu "all of the Senõra's favourite foods are listed"

"Well since it's her special day why don't we ask the senõra what she wants" Nicholas said handing her the menu. Theora took the menu and looked through it in awe all of the foods she liked from pizza to dolma was on it.

"You have all of these?"

"Want to pick everything on the menu to see for yourself" Nicholas suggested playfully

"No there's no need. I want pizza exactly the way I like it let's see if you've really done your homework and a side of fries plus I want mint chocolate chip ice cream with my cake of course"

Hector went back inside the house and sure enough he brought a large pizza and side of fries back with him a few minutes later. Theora was surprised to see it was made exactly how she preferred it a pepperoni pizza, extra sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese, topped off with basil and a crispy crust.

"Carmen explained your food preferences in vivid detail to me the pizza alone took twenty minutes of the phone call" Nicholas said as Theora's mouth hung open in shock.

Hector poured them both some red wine before clapping loudly a guitar player appeared playing some soulful romantic music.

"Nicholas I don't even know what to say" Theora gushed

"Let's do the talking later I'm absolutely famished and might eat your entire pizza before you"

"Never! It's mine" Theora growled playfully grabbing a slice. Theora and Nicholas dug in and soon the pizza had disappeared. Hector placed the cake infront of Theora and she blew out the lone candle on it while Nicholas, Hector and the guitar player sang her happy birthday. After she cut a slice for the two of them, Theora also cut the rest of the cake for Hector and the guitar player.

Theora sat on the steps of the villa later on after the hired help had left. Apparently there was an entire team of chefs inside the villa which Theora came to know about later.

Nicholas joined her after he had seen them all off and taken care of the payment.

"I'm sorry Nicholas" Theora said after a moment of silence

"What for?"

"When you were acting all secretive and not telling me about who was calling you or messaging you I kind of started to doubt you" she admitted. Nicholas chuckled to himself shaking his head.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You were jealous"

"No! I wasn't jealous!"

"Admit it Theora, you thought I was talking to a girl behind your back and you got jealous"

"Whatever" She said folding her arms and turning away from him. Nicholas was still laughing at her but moved in to kiss her on her cheek that instantly melted Theora making her laugh as well.

"Thank you for today" She said resting her head on his shoulders while she slipped her hand into his.

"Thank you for giving me another chance to make things right" Nicholas said.

Theora looked up at him and found her hand moving up to his face she moved her thumb over his jaw before she found herself crashing her lips against his. Nicholas immediately responded wrapping his arms around her and moving his lips in sync with hers. Theora was the first to break the kiss immediately ducking her head into his neck in embarrassment. Nicholas laughed hugging her tightly savouring this moment with her and the new beginning to their relationship.
