Chapter 2

After being trapped in this... place for what seemed like forever, I caught a break in my case.It was sort of an accident to be precise. I was doing the usual research in the library when I heard something that caught my attention. A librarian was telling a small group of kids a story. And not just any story...

"Legend has it that one individual has the rare ability to travel to any universe by just using their mind."

"Woah!" Many kids exclaimed.

"I wish I could do that!" One child said.

"And how might she go about doing that?" I asked. All of a sudden all eyes were on me. Apparently, I'm too old for fairytales- If that is that is what it's called.

"What makes you think they're a female?"

"Nothing," I said "Just an educated guess, that's all.

"Well, this is no time for any guesses." The librarian said bitterly.

Everyone was now looking at me like I had just shouted a rude word at the top of my lungs. I thought that it would be best if I left. At least for the day.

I currently am taking shelter in an abandoned house. I mean yes, it's old and creepy. But I at least have a roof over my head. That's all that matters.

I couldn't shake that eerie feeling that I wasn't alone. Throughout the night I heard the creaking of the floorboards. I felt like I was trapped in a horror movie. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't. I was pinned down by fear.

Pretty soon I saw a figure approach me. One was holding what appeared to be a hatchet.My heart was now pounding against my sternum. My breath was short and rapid. I closed my eyes and imagined myself back home. With my family, my friends, and my pets. I then opened my eyes, expecting to look pure evil right in the eyes. Expecting to see the end. But I was no longer laying on the firm bed. I was now in a different bed, my bed. And then a warm joyous sensation filled my insides.

"I did it!" I exclaimed. I then stood up on the bed and began to shout "I did it!" Over and over again. 

"Shut up!" My brother grumbled from in his room, but I didn't care. I was glad that I was back.
