Chapter 1

I woke up to find that I was laying on the ground, with no idea how I got there. I stood up and investigated my surroundings. A sky of pastel green and a city like no other surrounded me. And to make matters more confusing, three blue moons hung up proudly in the sky.

Curious, I said to myself. Very curious.

I knew that this was a dream. It had to be, right?

I now had a sudden urge to explore. To take in the elegance that stood before me. I was going to wake up soon, I'm sure of it. I better enjoy paradise while I can.

"Hello," I heard someone behind me say in an accent that I did not recognize.

"You speak English?" I asked.

"What's English?" The woman asked, looking at me perplexed.

"Never mind," I said and walked away. I heard the woman mutter "youngsters," as I passed by.

After a full day's worth of exploration, I was ready to wake up. Except I didn't. Not today, the next day, or even the week after. Is it possible to be trapped in a dream? And then it hit me. What if I wasn't dreaming? My grandfather used to tell me about different universes. With infinite possibilities.

But my grandfather had dementia. And delusions are a common symptom of dementia. I was told that he was old and losing his mind. And maybe he was. But I couldn't shake off the feeling of what if he was right?

After asking for directions I was able to walk to the library on foot. I don't know how far, but it did seem like a lengthy hike. Perhaps five miles or so.

Once there I was able to find what I could on multiverses. Hopefully to prove to my indecisive brain that this indeed is a dream.

While reading a fair stack of books at an isolated table, I had a sudden epiphany. I remembered a fact that I learned during my brother's knowledge bowl competition. People cannot read in dreams. Which made me conclude that this is not a dream. But with one question answered, a hundred more swarmed my head. 

But the two main questions that stuck was where am I? And how do I get back? 
