Chapter FourteenPointFive

 Sorry for taking too long. Hope you'd enjoy!

Chapter 14.5


Rylan Sauron

I didn’t think that I’d meet you here like this,’ his deep voice chuckled. ‘It’s about time.’

My head whipped around and met two piercing black eyes. His stature towered over me by a couple of inches and his skin seemed to have a certain glow to it. It looked at if he was on fire. I expected my wolf to be here, not this… This…

Demon?’ he chuckled as he shook his head. ‘I still have control over your mind. How amazing.’

“Who the hell are you!?” I demanded, trying to make out of what was around me. Everything was dark and the only light was emanating from the glow of his skin.

Why I was your wolf,’ he laughed again, glowing a bit brighter by the second. I frowned, not liking this one bit. He couldn’t be my wolf. He looks more like a- ‘Demon? I really do find this mind reading ability very useful. I was only kidding my boy. I am actually a crossbreed between a magik and werewolf.’

“Your presence radiates evil and power. I’m very sure that you are a demon.” Magiks are powerful creatures, yes. However, they were the most peaceful creatures in the world.

I really do blame all of those training sessions with your father. You never got to learn any of our world’s history. Demons are either born or made. Demons can be made through the bite of another demon or through the abuse of dark magic. In my case, I am neither. I had a twin brother who was very much like my father. They both loved to use dark magic. Little by little, Demetrius began to turn into a demon. Before he can fully turn into one, I took him away and we ran away from home. My mother was never there for my father wasn’t her true mate. Much like you, we were the products of rape.”

“I don’t give a damn about your life story! I just want to go back to my mate,” I growled, throwing my fist into the air. Surprisingly, my fist just went through him. I knew right then and there that everything was true. He is a demon.

Actually, your mate is very much involved in this issue as my brother and I are. Long ago, the shifter’s kingdom crowned its last Royal. Her name was Arabella too,’ he looked at me, as if asking my permission to go on. I nodded and waited for him to continue. ‘It’s not a coincidence that your mate has the same name as sweet Arabella. She is her great grandmother, you know.’

“What does her grandmother have to do with all of this?”

You need to stop interrupting and let me finish, pup. Arabella was very beautiful. Her long red hair cascaded down her back and her piercing green eyes had many men falling for her. One of them was my brother. Demetrius was enchanted by her beauty and found out that he was her mate. Unfortunately, weeks after his revelation Arabella announced that she was going to marry the strongest Alpha Male in the world- Lucian. Demetrius got really angry and demanded that Arabella sees him. She found that Demetrius was also her mate. They saw each other secretly, for the King was aware of our family’s history. They planned to run away together the day she was to wed Lucian. Demetrius waited for hours, but she never came to their meeting place. When Demetrius got back into the kingdom, he found out that Arabella has married Lucian and that she was already a month pregnant,’ he let out a dry laugh as his body started to illuminate more and more.

“What happened to Demetrius?”

He was livid and devastated. The King soon passed his throne over to Arabella and Lucian. Demetrius knew that he needed a whole lot of power to over throw the werewolves. He started to use dark magic again. I didn’t oppose to it because I loved my dear brother. The woman literally broke him into pieces. When he asked for my assistance, I obliged. Together we killed King Lucian and Queen Arabella. We tried to look for their son, but the Spirits interfered. They banished Demetrius and I. They also punished the Magiks for not trying to help the werewolves. The Magiks were to be obligated to the descendants of Queen Arabella. They will serve her descendants and their mates until the end of time,’ he looked over at me and smirked. ‘Now that’s where you and Arabella come into the picture.’

“Since we have mated, Arabella and I will gain the control over the Magiks?” I couldn’t believe it. That wasn’t possible!

Very much so. That is why I’m back. I have been too lenient with my brother,’ he looked at me pleadingly. ‘Let me help you fight in this war against Baine. Somebody needs to teach ym brother a lesson. I know I should have never helped him overthrow the King and Queen. Please let me help you.’

Fine. But you will not be gaining too much control over my body. I need to win my mate’s heart back. Also, you need to help me get out of this dark abyss,” my knees buckled as an overwhelming pain came rippling through my spine and stomach. “What…Is…Happening?” I choked out as my lungs felt like they were going to explode.

The Magiks are coming for you. The power too. You just need to wait and see,’ He disappeared, taking the remainder of the light with him.

We need you Alpha…” A distant voice mumbled.

“I am right here!” I tried to yell, only to have the pain intensify at every word spoken. “I…”

My body felt as if it was on fire and breathing came in short pants. My body convulsed as I felt various stabs of pain all over my body. It felt as if someone was stabbing my body with a dagger. It was painful, but I knew I deserved something far worse. I deserved a slow and painful death for doing that to Arabella. With every stab of pain, Arabella’s pleas and cries of pain made their way into my mind. I deserved this and so much more.

Alpha Baine

“Get that wretched whore out of my presence!” Almost immediately the damn woman was taken away. Power, that was my one and only love now. Ever since Almira has left me, I had done nothing but strengthen my rule. The Alphas should’ve never interfered. If it weren’t for them, my Almira would be safe and sound and their mates would mean nothing to me. Now, the presence of these whores brings satisfaction to me. If I can’t be with my mate, then they certainly can’t be with theirs.

My head started to throb as my knees started to feel weak. “What the hell is happening to me?”

Your good for nothing daughter is still alive and she is fully mated,’ my wolf growled, making my blood boil.

The damn whore was still alive! “What happened Alpha? Are you alright?”

“No! I am not alright. Tell me, did you all make sure that the whore was disposed of? Are you all sure that my daughter was dead?”

“I…I…She looked like she was barely breat-“ My claws dug into his neck as he wheezed and thrashed about.

“You insolent fools didn’t finish her off! Damn it! She is finally mated and is going to take my power from me,” Trickles of blood poured onto my fingers and hand as he gasped out one last time.

“What is going on here?” A blue eyed whore screamed as she looked at me.

“Call some of the guards. Tell them to dispose of his body. I want you to clean this up,” I marched my way into my office and looked through the map of the forest. She was last seen in the border between Grant and I’s territory. It’s not  possible that Grant took her. He usually disposes of the whores I throw into his territory.

She must’ve gotten the energy to flee,’ my wolf suggested.

“She couldn’t have. She was basically immobile after I whipped her.”

She is a Baine afterall,’ he argued. I couldn’t find a rebuttal for that. Our bloodline was very strong and powerful. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had done that.

“Either way, she is going to die,” My lips curved into a smile and I pinpointed the other location she must’ve gone to. “Sauron’s territory.”

I grabbed my phone and contacted the best man for the job.

“Hello? Alpha?”

“Yes. It’s seems as if my little daughter is still alive. I need you to do what you do best. Fetch her for me. This time, I will make sure she’s dead.”

“The little kitten sure does make use of her nine lives. I will get right on it.”

“Glad to know you’re still enthusiastic about your job.”

“You’ve produced such a delectable creature. I have missed the little one. I will make sure not to go too rough on her now,” he chuckled.

“Do whatever you want. Just bring her to me- alive.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

With that, a big breath of relief coursed through me. ‘What about the magiks? You will lose control over them!’

“I don’t always need the magiks. I have strength too. You shouldn’t underestimate me.”

‘What if Rylan gets a hold of the whore? He will have both the magiks and strength to beat you,’ he countered, completely silencing me.

“Then we shall take matters into our own hands. We start the war.”

Are you mad?! Would we really stand a chance against Rylan’s army of wolves? He has taken over numerous packs!’

“Then we take over the packs he hasn’t conquered. We also try to reduce his army incognito though. Therefore, when the war rages on, he won’t know what hit him,” I looked over the map and pinpointed the packs that Rylan has yet to conquer and the surrounding packs that needed to be ambushed.

Let the war begin,’ my wolf snarled, making me laugh.

“Yes, let it finally begin,” excitement coursed through my veins at the thought of victory over Rylan’s pack. The pup would finally know his place.

-------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 14.5-------------------------

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Sorry if it's a bit of a bore. I was rushing... Spring Break is finally over. Back to school. :\

