Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15


Arabella Baine

He lunged at me, catching me by surprise. Snarls came out of his mouth as he pushed me deeper onto the rocky pavement. Little jolts of pain erupted throughout my body, but my anger helped me forget about the pain. Gritting my teeth tightly, I tried my best to shove him off.

“Get the hell off,” Jake growled as he pried Austin’s hands away from my body. Austin stumbled down as Jake cradled me into his arms.

“Pathetic little whore!” He snarled looking at me with the hint of challenge and defiance in his eyes. “Fight me, wench. If you were really the Luna, you’d fight your own battles. You won’t let a damn Beta do it for you! You are a pathetic little coward!”

My eyes closed as his voice made its way into my mind. ‘You’re pathetic like the other whores here! You’re a coward just like that damn mother of yours!’

I knew that I had to stop being weak. I had to stop letting people order me around, because that won’t get me anywhere. I needed to take charge and stand up for myself just this once.

 “Let me be, Jake,” my voice rose as I felt all of the hurt and pain turn into anger. I stood up and dusted myself. “You want a fight? You’ll get a fight.”

Austin let out a menacing chuckle as he circled around me. “Don’t do it, Bells. Let me,” Jake offered, looking at me pleadingly.

“He’s right. I have to fight my battles now. A fight to the death,” I felt an overwhelming strength and power enter my body as my lips curled into a smile. “This won’t be much of a fight.”

“Trust me sweetheart, it won’t,” Austin sneered as he swung his fist out. Using my reflexes, I dodged his attack and planted a blow to his abdomen. He fell on his knees and clutched his stomach. Spitting out blood, he looked over me with surprise. “You caught me by surprise there. Won’t happen again,” Within seconds, he caught me into a headlock and slammed my body into a nearby wall.

Jake growled as Nicolai held him back. “You must have faith in my skills,” I felt more power and energy surge through me as I escaped his death grip and flipped him over. My arms snaked their way around his neck and caught him in a very tight grip. “The tables have surely turned, Austin. Still want to go through this?”

He snarled, pushing me away and landing a blow to my right arm. His blow had no effect on me for the pain all turned into anger. It was as if the anger channeled itself through my body and gave me enough strength to actually stand a chance against Rylan’s third in command.

“Is that the best you can do?” I taunted, feeling his aura take a turn for the darker side. He was deliriously angry and that’s something I can take to my advantage. He’d be so blinded by his rage that he won’t stop and try to think about a strategy. I, on the other hand, channeled my anger and am using it the opposite way. I was going to use it to overpower him.

“I’m not even trying,” he hissed, throwing his fists my way. I easily evaded his attacks and threw some kicks his way. His heavy pants reached my ears as his attacks seemed to have visibly slowed down. Gripping his shoulders tightly, I pushed him back and made him fall on his face. Grabbing his wrists and setting myself onto his back, I let out a little laugh.

“Pinned ya,” I chuckled as he bucked and tried to escape my grip. “Pathetic excuse of an omega,” I laughed, causing him to growl fiercely. The shredding of clothes reached my ears as my hands were forcefully pried out of his hands or should I say paws.

His huge gray wolf stared at me, baring its sharp canines. “Now that’s not fair,” not a single ounce of fear crept into me. I can take him. I am the Luna of this pack and he is only an Omega.

Yes. We can take him,’ a voice appeared in my mind.

I shrugged it off as Austin and I continued to circle around. He lunged at me, catching me off guard. His sharp claws dug into my chest and pierced through my skin. The pressure of his claws made it hard for my lungs to expand as I felt warm liquid soak up my chest. I took a hold of his paws and tried to pry them off.

Let me out,’  the voice pleaded as I felt the remainder of the air leave my lungs. ‘NOW!’

Black spots danced around my vision as my eyes closed. Darkness overwhelmed me as my body felt like it set itself on fire. A scream escaped my throat as the pain spread through my limbs like a wild fire.

Nicolai Firenze

“Let me go! Can you not see that she’s shifting?” Jake exclaimed, causing me to look back at Arabella. Her eyes were closed; however, an ear splitting scream escaped her throat. “Let me go,” Jake yanked himself out of my grip and tackled Austin to the ground.

“Arabella?” I knelt down beside her, placing her head onto my lap. “Take deeps breaths my Bella,” I wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead and carried her onto a spacious field.

“They placed Austin into the cell room,” Jake called out, rushing over to me. “I didn’t want to finish him off. she looked like she really wanted to do it. And… Did you see her strength? Unbelievable.  He stirred and caused her wolf to surface!” Jake rambled on, looking over Arabella worriedly.

A whimper escaped her lips as she lifted her eyes. “What… happened?” Her eyes looked at us questioningly.

“I…You…Shift!” Jake ranted on, looking at me with wide eyes. I was at loss of words myself. We thought that she was shifting!

“Where is he?” Arabella cried out as she took in her surroundings. “Where is that bastard? We’re not done yet!”

“Give it a rest, Arabella. You’re wounded,” Jake pulled her to her feet. “He’s detained in the cell room.”

“I’ll take care of him,” she spat out fiercely before heading towards the Grant Pack House once again.

“You’re not stable, Arabella. Give it a rest,” I pulled her back, gasping at the sight of her eyes. The familiar bright green eyes turned into a solid crimson color. Her teeth elongated into sharp canines as she snarled at me.

“Let me be. I will take care of him,” she yanked her arm away from me and stalked towards the Grant Pack House.

“She is definitely something, eh brother?” Jake joked but stiffened as he took in the last word he said. “We should follow her, before she gets into too much trouble.” He cleared his throat and followed the little spitfire of a Luna.

“Yes she is, brother,” I muttered, walking after him.

“Come one, come all,” Arabella shouted as she pulled a reluctant Austin behind her. “And watch how your pathetic little Luna manages to take down this tyrant of an Omega,” she sneered, pushing through the doors leading to the battle training grounds.

Austin let out a chuckle and looked her in the eyes. “Having the whole pack as witnesses, I challenge you Luna of the Sauron Pack. A fight to the death. You lose, I get to be promoted as Beta.”

“If she loses, Rylan would kill you!” Jake interjected.

“Oh please, she is nothing but a harlot in Rylan’s eyes,” Austin chuckled, earning a deep growl from my wolf. He hated it when women were disrespected, especially Arabella.

“We don’t have to worry about Rylan. I will win this and this will be the last time any of us will see you alive,” Arabella growled, sending her fist towards his face. His nose made a satisfying crack, earning a few cheers from the pack. They were definitely on Arabella’s team. “Hit me,” she taunted, circling him as he held onto his bleeding nose.

“Oh I will,” he got to his feet and swung his fists at her wildly. She looked graceful as she dodged his hits. It looks so effortless and mesmerizing. The slight snapping of his bones echoed through the field.

“You are not going to shift on me again,” her voice laced with authority sent shivers down everybody’s spines. “You will fight me fair and square.”

His eyes looked down in defeat as the snapping of his bones seized. Her knees came into contact with his abdomen and his fist onto his jaw. He fell on the ground, spitting out an ample amount of blood.

The fight went on for hours as Arabella managed to skillfully dodge his blows and sent some damaging hits his way. Arabella wiped the sweat with the back of her hand as Austin fell on his knees and breathed heavily.

“He’s going down,” Jake muttered. “He used up too much of his energy. His anger is going to be his downfall and hers will help her win.”

“It seems that we’ve all underestimated her.” To that, Jake nodded.

“Come on, pup!” Arabella taunted as her aura of dominance seemed to hits us all in waves. Her strength and power seemed too overwhelming. Her voice seemed to have an edgier ring to it and her eyes turned into a deeper red tint. “Get up!”

Austin took a deep breath and looked at her. She stood a few feet away from him, smirking. Running towards her, his clothes started to shred and his gray wolf reappeared. Typical of Austin to use the remainder of his energy in his werewolf form.

“Tsk tsk,” she muttered teasingly. “You have been such a bad boy, Austin. You went against my order.”

He growled, lunging at her. She caught him by his neck as her arms grew fur and her nails elongated into sharp claws. “You are going to wish you never challenged me. Any final words, pup?”

The gray fur soon turned into a deep crimson color as she nails dug deeper. Her other hand soon partially shifted and dug into his neck too. Using her profound strength, she lifted the massive wolf up and watched as he struggled to breath.

The whole pack fell into silence as they watched her in awe. It was an amazing site to witness. The petite woman hoisted a wolf three times her size and held him up like some trophy.

Slowly, his gray fur grew shorter and eventually exposed his human skin. His bones snapped back to his human form. “Go to hell…” He choked out as Arabella put more pressure into his neck.

We watched as her right hand left his neck and hovered over his chest. Her claws were dripping with blood as she pushed them over his left breast. His agonizing screams pierced through our ears as he writhed in pain.

His head soon drooped lowly as her grip on him loosened. She threw his body onto the ground as she held her right hand up.

“I’ve already been there and back,” she muttered. “I’m living in my personal hell, but I may as well enjoy it.”

My eyes widened as I took in the object in her right hand. With her canines bare and her lips curled into a sinister smile, Arabella held the object up with pride and satisfaction.

“No,” Jake looked away, clenching his fists. “That is not her… That can’t be…”

Arabella looked over at me, locking her deep crimson eyes with mine. “That is certainly not her.”

Suddenly, the pack erupted into cheers and applause. I couldn’t bring myself to celebrate over her victory.

I knew that it wasn’t only Austin who may have died into that battle field. It was also Arabella. The real, sweet and kind Arabella.

I looked over her once again, feeling my heart clenched. She held his body up like a damned medal. She held that thing up like a damn trophy.

Before this fight, everyone must’ve known how heartless Austin was. But now…

‘Perhaps he wasn’t heartless after all. Maybe he just didn’t know how to make good use of it,’ my wolf chuckled at her proudly while my insides churned with dread.

The proof was in her right hand.

The thing she held onto like a damn trophy was Austin’s heart.

---------------------------END OF CHAPTER 15--------------------------

She is FIERCE!

What do you think of Arabella's new found strength and power?

If you thought that was crazy, this is only the beginning!


Thank you for the support and reading! I love getting feed backs from y'all.
