Chapter 7: Coffee Things

I woke up to a blaring alarm clock at 7:30. I had already snoozed it twice, and now I only had fifteen minutes to get ready.

I rolled out of bed and threw on a random sweater and jeans. I half brushed my hair and braided it down the side and put a little makeup on, trying to make it look like I wasn't a three-year-old.

Then I was at the door, phone and backpack in hand.

Hunter got in the car not even a minute after I did and glanced over at me.

"Who were you up super late with?"

"Just a friend." I shrugged and he raised his eyebrows, smirking at me.

"A boyyyfriiieennnddd?~"

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes.

"Is he cutttteeee?"

"How long is it going to be until you finally grow up?:

"Well... Is he?"

I punched his shoulder and we both walked into school laughing that day.

I walked to my locker and noticed a note taped to it. I opened it up and read:

Hey, sorry if you're too tired to function today. I didn't mean to keep you up all night."


I smiled at the note and put it in my pocket as I opened up my locker.

Inside on the top shelf, there was a venti iced coffee. None of its ice melted and the smell reached me right away.

I felt a stupid grin forming on my face and I immediately tried to wipe it away.

I took the free coffee and sprinted to my first hour class, with only fifteen seconds left to get there.

I made it and slipped into my seat next to Sofia just as the bell rang and the teacher slammed the door.

She was wearing her how-dare-you-show-up-late-I-was-so-worried-about-you face.

"Sorry I got sidetracked,"

"Wow, I see how it is. You don't have time for your friend but you have time to go get STARBUCKS,"

"Well no actually," I smiled and whispered, "It was actually a gift... from Justin."

Sofia's eyes grew wide. "Justin Peters?"

"One in the same."

"Dude, seniors never go for sophomores, especially the popular ones."

I giggled, "Well, we were up almost all night on FaceTime"

Sofia gasped and Mr. Kleeman cleared his throat.

"If you two girls are done discussing your love lives will you please turn to the problems on page 327 and be silent."

Sofia and I both blushed and looked down.

A few minutes later she passed a note to me that read

This discussion is not over!


As soon as we sat down at lunch, Sofia started throwing questions at me.

"How long have you been talking to him? Have you told anyone else? Did you tell him your locker number? Is he really as hot as he looks in pictures?"

"Wait, what?" Marcus cut in to stop her constant flow of questions. "Who?"

"Justin Peters stayed up all night FaceTiming out Tasha! He even left a coffee in her locker to apologize, love letter included!"

"It was not all night! And it was not a love letter, it was an apology!"

I could feel my face going tomato red.

"What did he do to you?" Marcus asked, stiffening in his seat.

"Nothing! He just felt bad for keeping me up so late."

Marcus relaxed a little but still looked a little uneasy. He was just about to say something when Lily cut him off.

"But isn't he a senior, their wing is like suuuper far away?"


"Well, it's sweet that he would walk all that way just to drop off a coffee and note."

I smiled and looked down at my tray, the blush receding from my cheeks.

"I wish a boy would go through all that for me." Chole sighed.

"Doesn't tony do cute things for you sometimes?" Lily asked, raising her eyebrows.

Chloe laughed, "I don't think he even knows what that word means."

We all laughed and I started to zone out when she went on one of her mini rants.

It wasn't until Marcus poked me that I realized I had been asked a question.

"Wait what...? Sorry."

Sofia rolled her eyes. "I was wondering if you would want to come to watch all the Lord of the Rings movies with us at my house tomorrow."

"Oh, hecks yeah! Should I bring the snacks?"

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted a chapter. :( Sorry about that. Anyways, I hope you like it and think that it was worth the wait. 

Also, this chapter is dedicated to one of my new friends that have helped me so much more with this book than they have realized. Thank you! :)
