Chapter #2: Jason Wood

 The first time I saw him was at a youth summer camp in the middle of the woods. He was thirteen and I was twelve. I was a nervous middle school girl and he was a confident, charismatic middle school boy.

I had just moved from a smaller town into a bigger one and I was looking forward to meeting some new people. That's why my mom had sent me to camp here with some old friends so I could make new ones.

I remember he would always come up from the lake with his buddy Nolan, shoving each other and doing the dumbest things middle school boys have ever done. I remember that they climbed Big Rock, a small mountain, in the middle of the night and got caught by the head consular. They were forced to do all the dishes all week!

I used to beat him all the time in nine squares and his team always beat mine in capture the flag.

But after camp, I still saw him. He was at the fast food places in town and at all the sport events. I even saw him at my church and youth group. Apparently, he and Nolan lived in the same town as me.

For the longest time I just watched him from a distance. My middle school self soon started to fall head over heels for him. He was athletic and handsome and most of all he was friendly to everyone.

I didn't think he noticed me at first, but after a while I noticed some smiles when we passed at church or a head nod across the room. Nolan always kind of scared me, and they were always together, so I never talked to Jason.

After a while I worked up the nerve to talk to him. It was kind of awkward at first, we couldn't seem to find things to talk about. After a while we got to know each other better which caused the uncomfortable atmosphere to gradually die down.

 But after the awkward phase we became best friends quickly. Nolan still kind of scared me (and he still does when he's mad) but I wasn't shaking in my boots anymore.

I hate to admit it but I still kind of like Jason, but I'm okay with just being friends...for now.

I hope you liked this chapter, I know its super short but I wanted their backstory to be kept into one part separate from everything else. But do you think that they'll get together? I dunnu... hue hue.... 
