What. An. Idiot.

The Great Hall, September 1st 1989, 6:03 p.m.

I walked into the great hall, very excited for my first year at Hogwarts. I was a muggle born but my older sister had gone to school here as well. She was a Hufflepuff through and through. I waited in the long line of kids to be called for sorting. I heard the sound of some whispering behind me.

 I turned to see two scrawny, identical red heads sniggering and whispering to each other. I turned right back around and ignored them, they were being awfully loud and annoying. I zoned out and waited to hear my name. I hadn't made any friends on the way here, so I just watched other children get happily sorted into their houses.  

After 30 minutes of agony, "Y/N, Y/L/N" Professor McGonagall announced. I cracked my knuckles and pushed through the crowd. I sat under the old brown hat and let out a deep breath. 

"Hmmm... very sarcastic. Witty, a thirst for learning. Oh but you are quite loyal. Hmmm... it better be... Ravenclaw!" The hat announced with its deep, booming voice. 

I smiled and made my way to the table filled with blue.  I sat down and received several congratulations from older students at my table. I quietly watched as other kids sat under the hat before smiling widely. 

"Fred Weasley." McGonagall stated next. One of the lanky boys sat under the hat. 

It had barely touched his head when the hat roared, "Gryffindor!" 

The maroon table cheered and welcomed him. 

His identical brother walked under the hat as well when Professor yelled, "George Weasley." He walked up and smiled at his brother. He sat under the hat and slightly smirked, as if he was up to no good.

 "Gryffindor!" The hat yelled once again. 

The boy grinned and threw a circular shape up in the air. Several different colored fireworks shot up into the air. Some taking the forms of dragons, others were different magical creatures. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to the table. How disruptive, why do teenage boys have to be so annoying? I wondered. Luckily, there were only 3 more students left before the feast began.

 Professor McGonagall brushed the soot off the hat and continued calling names. 

The last kids were sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff. 

Dumbledore introduced himself and with a snap of his fingers, food had appeared on the table. 

My eyes lit up and I immediately dug in. I grabbed several different food items and started eating. Everything was strangely delicious, I glanced at the Gryffindor table to see the two twin boys still snickering and whispering to each other. I shook my head and continued to eat. 

Charms classroom, September 4th 1989, 8:57 a.m.

I sat down in my assigned seat, three minutes early for my first day of charms. I had the first weekend off and I actually managed to make a friend.

 Her name was Ruth Atkinson. We both got along since we liked to read.

 I spent the rest of the weekend organizing my new dorm. I zoned out for the next three minutes until Professor Flitwick walked in and began to call roll. I took my wand out of my robe pocket and set it in the desk's divot. It was a Redwood wand with a Unicorn hair core that was 14" long and extremely flexible.

 "Y/N, Y/L/N" Flitwick called. I raised my hand, "Here." I nervously stated. 

I looked two seats to the left of me. It was one of those scrawny red head boys that had been messing around on Friday.

 "Fred Weasley." The professor called. 

He nodded his head to announce his presence. Flitwick drew a mark on his parchment and glanced up once again before rolling it up, setting it on his desk. 

Fred, I'll have to remember that, you thought. Fred was sitting next to a dark skinned boy, also with extremely messy hair. Another ginger leaned forward, revealing himself to me. He looked the same as the boy closest to you. 

That must be George, his name was George right? Ruth nudged my arm, she had sat next to me. 

"You ready?" she asked.

 I nodded and smiled at her, then turned to the front of the classroom.  

"Today students... we will be getting familiar with our wand movements." Flitwick announced in his high voice. 

George raised his hand, laughing with the two boys next to him. Professor gestured for him to speak, "When can we do spells?" he flatly asked. 

"Ah eager I see, probably not for the first week I'm afraid." Flitwick calmly responded. I sat through the rest of class, participating when I was asked. 

The Hogwarts Express, September 1st 1990, 11:07 a.m.

 After sorting through more than 10 cabins, I found an empty one. I heard a person calling my name from down the car. 

"Y/N!" Ruth yelled, she pushed through several people before reaching me and pulling me into a full hug. We sat in the cabin and slid the door shut. The train began to jerk and move as we set out trunks in the storage above us.

 I took a deep breath and looked out the window at the cold brick, flying past us as the train left the station. I looked to the right, across the walking path. 

The Weasley twins were opening the door for Lee, pulling suspicious packages out of their pocket to show him. 

I assumed that they would put on another unimpressive firework show at the feast tonight.  

The Hogwarts Express, September 1st 1990, 4:48 p.m.

The prefects walked past each cabin, announcing that there was 45 minutes left in our journey. 

I grabbed my backpack, "I'm going to change." I murmured to Ruth.

She nodded with a smile.

George and Fred were sniggering with Lee. George hadn't really bothered me this past year... well not personally. 

I still wasn't interested in having anything to do with him. I walked into the vacant restroom and began to change. 

I pulled off my brown jumper and began to button my white shirt. I folded my robes, leaving them in my bag until later. 

I unlocked the door and squeezed through the small space into the walkway.  I felt a pair of veiny hands on my hips. I looked down and back up urgently.

They belonged to George Weasley. He was a touch shorter than Fred so I was able to identify him rather quickly. 

"Excuse me... just set off some poppers in the prefect lounge so..." he muttered under his breath.

"Why do you always have to make trouble?"

His hands finally let go of me. He turned around to face me, since I'm a tall kid, I only had to look up at him a bit. 

He shrugged, "Cause it's fun."


I began to walk past him but he blocked me with his arm, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, don't like it, Y/L/N?" he slyly remarked.

I assertively pressed my pointer finger against his chest, taking him by slight surprise. "Your cockiness isn't attractive, just thought you should know."

I returned to my cabin wearing a wide smirk. I sat down across from Ruth.

"What are you so happy about?" 

I became aware of my wide smirk. "Nothing." I muttered, shaking my head. 

Our cabin was soon called to exit the train. Ruth went ahead of me, me walking behind her. 

"Ah! There she is!" George sarcastically stated. 

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up Weasley." 

He ignored my cold response, repeatedly trying to flat tire my shoes.

After several minutes of his crappy choice of torment, I spun around to face him. He also had his uniform on, looking quite nice for a 12 year old. I ignored what I had just thought and hooked my foot around the back of his knee, dead legging him. 

He began to fall but grabbed onto me, trying to gain his balance. How many times is this kid going to touch me? He stood back up, giving me a dirty look. 

I slyly smiled before giving him a death stare as well. I continued out of the train and towards the Thestrals. I slipped my robes on and followed the Head boy and girl towards our table.  

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see no one there, I got wind of what was happening and turned the other way. 

George was there standing with a smug look on his face. 

"Stop touching me."

He poked me again

"George Weasley."

His hand reached again.

I swatted it away with force. 

He finally headed to his own table as my house sat down at ours. This boy was going to annoy the crap out of me. 

Once I had sat down next to Ruth, I merely stated, "I hate George Weasley."
