I hate George Weasley

The Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, November 13th 1993, 2:29 p.m.

It was finally time. Time for the first quidditch match of the season. I tried out for the Ravenclaw team as a beater two years prior. Our first game would be against Gryffindor.

We all walked onto the field, Gryffindor entering from the other side as well.

Once we were settled in the air, Madam Hooch blew her whistle and announced that she "Wanted a nice, clean game."

That wasn't going to happen, George and I were after each other. I eyed George from the opposite side of the field. I noticed a bludger flying towards me at a fast speed. I lifted my bat and hit it with full force, successfully sending it George's way.

He panicked and hit it towards Angelina, the Gryffindor chaser.

She shot him a dirty look before continuing her chase for the quaffle.

45 minutes later

Harry grabbed the snitch and lee loudly announced that Gryffindor had won. Our team was making our way to the locker room when you heard stomping behind me. I spun around. "Well done, Weasley. But I'd suggest paying more attention to the bludger next time." I said with a snarky tone.

"Could say the same to you Y/L/N." George smirked and walked away.

I had a hard time focusing while he talked. I was more paying attention to the way his jaw moved when he moved his mouth, the way his lips curled when he smirked, and how his hands tightly gripped his bat. Not again! I HATE GEORGE WEASLEY!

Ravenclaw Tower, December 14th 1993, 1:34 p.m.

Today was the winter visit to Hogsmeade. I had been several times before, so I decided to skip out just this once. I bundled up in my warm clothes and decided on walking around the courtyard.

As I exited the building, I saw two gingers that I happened to know. George was assisting Fred in building a snowman. Like the 8 year old's they are. I slowly made my way to where they were standing, "Awwww, are you guys missing your parents?"

"Funny." George shortly responded.

"This is a real work of art you two."


They seemed to be very focused, I began to continue my walk instead of bothering them.

"Where are you going, Y/N/N?"

I spun back around, "You want me to stay?"

George grinned widely and nodded.

"Only if you help us." Fred added.

"Fair enough." I responded. I began piling snow onto the mound that they had already formed. I glanced up at George, he was engrossed in his growing snowball. Someone's focused. I pivoted my attention back to my work, carefully shaping our snowman. I could still see George in my peripheral vision. I though I saw him stare at me for an extended period of time. No. That couldn't be it. I bet that he was zoned out. Anyways, back to the snowman.

The Great Hall, April 3rd 1994, 7:21 p.m.

"Go, go, go!" Fred screamed. George had somehow roped me into helping them prank Filch. I sprinted down the corridor, periodically looking behind me as I ran.

I felt someone grab my waist and pull me out of the open. Before I was aware of my surroundings, I was in a closed broom closet that was dimly lit. It was easy to tell that it wasn't made to fit two people, or even one.

George and I were shoved up against each other. He clasped his hand over my mouth to stop my light snickering.

I could barely see anything, but I could make out George's figure in the light that was peeking through the door's cut out. He peered through the crack to watch for potential professors.

"Not clear yet." he whispered, out of breath.

He turned back to face me, slowly pulling his hand from my mouth.

"Well this is awfully cozy." he murmured.

I simply nodded, entranced by the person right in front of me. I had somehow never realized it before...George Weasley was devilishly handsome. Crap.

I noticed him look me up and down, smirking as he turned his head back to the door.

I felt as though the already small closet was shrinking, forcing us to touch. George's body moved closer to mine. His strong arms grasped my waist, pulling me right against him. Somehow, I didn't mind at all.

My surroundings began to melt around me, all I could focus on was him.

His face faded in and out of focus as it moved closer to mine. His golden eyes twinkling in the beams of light that were shining through the cracks of the cupboard door.

The small cracks of light instantaneously disappeared, I was now blinded.

"20 points from each of your houses, get to dinner immediately." Snape growled in his usual monotone voice, then walking off, muttering to himself.

"In your dreams, Weasley." I slyly whispered.

"Yes, you are in my dreams."

"You want to hug me, you want to kiss me, you want to love me!" I jokingly sang as we walked into the Great Hall.

The Great Hall, September 1st 1994, 6:31 p.m.

"Before we begin the feast, I have a very special announcement." Dumbledore bellowed. "This year, we will be joined by two other wizarding schools. Hogwarts will be hosting the 'Triwizard Tournament' this very year"

After he thoroughly explained what exactly that was, the door burst open, 100 girls in blue, flowy outfits gracefully entering through it.

They spun around and sighed, sending butterflies from their fingertips. Not to mention they were entrancing every male in the room. Their show was soon interrupted by more students entering.

About 100 more students entered, all males. They wore assertive expressions on their faces and banged their staffs into the ground, most likely leaving a mark. They grunted and let out breaths of fire.

Dumbledore announced the schools as, "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang."

Our schools watched as Barty Crouch Sr stepped up to the podium to make some announcement as well. "The Triwizard tournament will only be accepting students that are 17 and above." He received an immense amount of backlash, including George and Fred. Well... specifically George and Fred.

"That's rubbish!" "We turn 17 in April!" They both screamed in protest. Idiots.

The Great Hall, November 18th 1994, 5:14 p.m.

I sat down on the bleachers that Flitwick had set up for us. He had separated us into boys and girls. This would probably be awkward. "As some of you may know, we are not only hosting the 'Triwizard Tournament' but also the Yule Ball. It is my responsibility to make sure that you all do not embarrass the name of Rowena Ravenclaw. So, I will be properly teaching you all how to dance."

The entire boys side of the room groaned in protest. Most of the girls squealed with excitement.

"This outta be fun." I sarcastically stated, leaning over to Ruth.


"May I have a volunteer... Miss Adams." Flitwick announced.

We all watched as a girl from our side slowly rose from her seat and made her way to the center of the hall. Several whistles were blown from the opposite seats.

After 10 minutes of agonizing second hand embarrassment, Flitwick called the rest of us to the floor. No one moved.

Five painful minutes later, two students walked towards each other, immediately receiving praise from Flitwick. This was going to be a long hour.

Hogwarts Library, December 2nd 1994, 2:56 p.m.

"Hey Y/L/N!" George yelled from down the aisle.

I spun round and waited for him to catch up. "What do you want."

"Well someone's got their panties in a twist."

I walked towards him, mere inches between us. "Don't for one minute think you had any effect on my panties."

"Well then what did I have an effect on?"

"Other than my upchuck reflex... nothing." I began to walk away.

George caught up with me again, now walking beside me. "Wanna do me a favor?"

"Not really."

"Fair... but just hear me out."


"So... Fred has a date to the Yule Ball already and I have no idea who to ask so do you wanna go with me as friends?"

He sure made those last words quite obvious.

"I guess."


I shrugged, "Yep."

"Thank you, so much-"

"But if you think I'm kissing you at midnight, you're wrong." I turned to face him.

He let out a long laugh. "Yeah, that won't be an issue."


We shook hands and went our separate ways.

Ravenclaw Tower Dormitories, December 3rd 1994, 9:49 p.m.

"Y/N! He asked me! He actually asked me!" Ruth exclaimed.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Mathew Yates! The Hufflepuff I've been telling you about!"

"That's great, Ruth!"

"So... did anyone ask you?"

"Yes actually."

"Who!?" she was jumping off the bed at this point.

"George Weasley."

"Don't you hate him?"

"Absolutely, I'm doing him a favor. But besides, I don't know who else to go with."

"Such a good Samaritan." Ruth sarcastically stated.

"Don't get too excited, I'm not kissing him at midnight."

"He might kiss you."

I whipped my head towards her. "Shut up."

"I'm serious."

"No, stop, no."

Potions Classroom, December 6th 1994, 1:09 p.m.

Class began with a bang. Snape strutted up the aisles, closing every window. He began lecturing on Golpalott's third law.

 Instead of listening, I found myself focusing on the corner of the classroom. 

George was leaning his left cheek on his fist, drawing in his textbook. He glanced up at the board every once in a while, but mostly kept his attention on the "work" in front of him. 

I held my head on both of my hands, forming a "V" with my palms around my chin. 

I gazed at the handsome man that was seated several seats from me.

I concentrated on the way his jaw curved or how it clenched when he bit his quill. How his neck moved when he swallowed. The texture of his hair. How much his chest rose when he took a breath. How stiffly he held his quill, causing his veins to pop. The unidentified pattern in which he blinked. 

He was consuming my mind, one subtle, unconscious move at a time. 

"Miss Y/L/N!" Snape growled. 

I shot my attention to the front of the room, "Yes? ...Sir?" I quickly asked. 

"For what type of poison does the law apply to?"


"No. The law states that the antidote for a coalesced or blended poison could not simply be engendered by finding the antidotes to each separate poison in the said poison whole and mixing them together... I suggest that next time you pay attention as opposed to watching 'Mr. Weasley'"

I felt my cheeks flush quicker than my eyes widened. 

George quickly glanced at Snape, then at me. Great. 

"Moving on..." Snape deeply announced. 

One hour later

As soon as the bell rang, I jumped up and practically ran to my next class. I rushed down the corridor to Charms. 

I turned the corner to McGonagall's room and was stopped... by Fred. 

He leaned against the wall, looking at me dead in the eye. 

"What do you want." I flatly asked.

"So you have a thing for George, huh?" he questioned, crossing his arms.

"What? I do not!"

"Yes you do."

"You know, I'm starting to hate you more than him." 

"Cause you don't hate him at all... you love him."

"Yep, you're officially my least favorite." I promptly walked right around him and into the classroom. 
