Fifty-Two: Problem

Darrick stopped with a shift of his feet, looking at her, he gave a roll of his eyes then peered down to the ground bellow with a cocked brow "I'll pick you up at eight, I'll be waiting here okay?. Don't make me have to rip off the roof to get you" he spoke with a serious tone as he looked down at her, making Tess's eyes roll to the sky but could see a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, amused as she sat within his hands. He began pestering her and she gave a groan as he tried pulling her crop top down.

"Okay! I'll be out on time, no need to be so rash" she huffed to herself, frustrated she pushed his large fingers aside. He'd been a pest all day, ever since mentioning her plans with Jamie he'd been salty toward her. It had been  that morning, I'm bed still after their night together Darrick having stayed, shrunken and thankfully didn't grow at any point. She'd completely forgotten the night before to mention Jamie, but it was probably not the best time to say anything considering they'd just made love for the first time. Massaging gently at her thighs, a ache remained as a reminder of the night before. To say the least, the rumours were true about Darrick.

Her plan was to wear a dress, considering Jamie's dress code and all she could go off was "nice" but had to fight Darrick to go without even a jacket since he felt uncomfortable with her not covering up. Throwing on a long brown tank shirt and long brown checkered skirt to match paired with doc marten boots was considered "okay" to Darrick

"Your all mine remember now~ no sharing" he continued to hold her possessively, even though he was standing over Jamie's house at his feet. Human homes, which she found odd seeing, having a sector to themselves on the outer skirts of town with protective dome like shields to keep them safe that could be only accessed by the human owners themselves. This was an attempt to mix the two species, but from what she could tell, it wasn't really working with this town. The human areas needing to be gated to keep any unwanted giants out. Only able to access if a human was present and a code in which Jamie had texted her. The humans mostly lived in apartment blocks that were empty on most levels, for workers that needed somewhere to stay whilst
I'm the giant sector. Some having houses if they wanted to risk being above ground. Some, from what she could tell had decided to build under ground. Overall, the place was empty.

Darrick was only able to come in since he had Tess, and now he stood over Jamie's house since he couldn't afford a house underground.. The windows were all drawn, people hiding inside from Darrick who stuck out like a giant sore thumb. He had to keep his distance on the other side of tue giant road, a security guard not to far keeping an eye on Darrick. Looking up at him, she couldn't help the flutter in her heart as she stood on her knees, she brought her arms around his thumb. "Don't be so worried, okay? It's just Jamie! I haven't seen him in ages, we are just catching up, you'll see me in no time" this would be the first time she would be away from him, she could understand how he felt as she was already missing him before he'd even set her down.

Watching her as she hugged his large thumb, he sighed and gave a small nod "I know~ I can't help it" he brought her to his mouth, kissing lightly at the top of her head "I trust you, I just don't trust everyone else.." he whispered, bringing her down he sucked in a gentle breath through his nose, as if contemplating whether he wanted her to go in or not but without another word he smiled, which seemed somewhat forceful, then sett her down by his feet so she stepped down onto the concrete. Turning as darrick stood back to his full height, she'd forgotten how tall darrick was as a giant as she was alwas in his hands not the ground. Looking at his shoe, which was larger then herself she couldnt help step back a little at his sheer size. His white sneakers similar to the size of a bus.

"This is when you say, have fun" she teased, cupping her hands behind her back with a soft smile upon her lips. Trying to lighten the mood she playfully kicked at the toe of his shoe

"Shut up before I decide to steal you away for myself" he smirks, bending his knees to crouch closer to her, he moved his hand down and ushered her toward the house with his large fingers on her back. Hurrying forward, she nearly stumbled but turned out away from his large hand to push aside

"Okay okay I'm going" she laughed, smiling up at him and he made her heart flutter at the smile upon his face, large and sweet

"See you at eight" he spoke lowly, smiling down at her before standing to his full height again, towering over the human area. Waving up at her boyfriend, he gave a small wave in return down to her level before turning to leave. It was a strange sight to see, a giant wondering past human apartments quickly to the gate where a security guard waited for him

The quiet moments before she came to the door made her nervous, her heart was beating and she felt sick to her stomach. As the door opened to reveal Jamie's smiling face, hair pushed back off his features as if he'd combed it and a button up black shirt hung loosely on his chest, the first three buttons undone to reveal his collarbones. It was if he was waiting for darrick to leave

"Hurry up would you" Jamie chuckled, pulling the door open wider to reveal the inside of his home. The house was two stories, having a veranda and porch. Jamie looked good, dressed up in his nicest shirt and black jeans. Reaching out to her, he took her hand to guide inside, his hand was warm and soft in her small palm as he pulled her into his home. The house had a smell of food, Jamie's mum probably cooking something delicious for dinner as the aroma drifted through the house. It was eerily quiet, and dark she couldn't make out where even the furniture was in the room.

"Why's it so dark?" Tess laughed softly, following behind Jamie with a curious look on her features. This was all a bit suspicious, seeing him smile within the dimly lit room, he turned to her and gave her hand a squeeze

"No reason" Jamie hummed deeply, turning her he stopped in the middle of the room. Looking to him through the darkness she raised a brow

"Surprise!" Startled as the lights flickered on suddenly, Jamie saw the shock register on her face before she could hide it. A small smile played on his lips, along with one, two, six others. She didn't realise she was still holding Jamie's hand until he pulled away

There was a delicious moment where Tess's face washed blank with confusion, like her brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. Every muscle of her body just froze before a grin crept onto her face, it soon stretched from one side to the other showing every single tooth. Looking back at her was Cherry, Henryk, Oreo who hid in the lounge, Jules with her red flamed hair but then there was Melissa! Smiling large and didn't waste a second to run over, tears in her eyes as she wrapped Tess in a hug, Tess not wasting a second to bury her face into the comfort of her friends shoulder

Melissa was dressed in a tied skirt and blue tank shirt, paired with black platform sandals. Looking up to her friend, she pulled back with wide eyes as she brought her hands to Melissas hair, once blonde was now dyed black and curled down her back "Melissa your hair!" She gasped, pulling back to look her friend over since she looked incredibly different

"I know I know! I don't know what came over me I just wanted a change" Melissa laughed softly, bringing her hands back around Tess not wanting to leave her side "oh I've missed you so much I can't believe you live here, it's so scary" Melissa looked to Tess, eyes wide "who was that giant guy outside, is that your boyfriend you mentioned?" Melissa spoke quickly, and only did this when she was nervous. Weird

"Uh~ yeah he is"'Tess spoke shyly, looking up toward Cherry who was smiling at the two but Tess turned her eyes  around the room at the others that gathered. Oreo, stood hidden behind the couch, Jules was beside him and looked similar to a dark princess in her outfit of all black. As her eyes continued she froze as if her feet had been caught in wet cement, not believing he just travelled a thousand miles to stand in the corner like a torment. A bad memory.  She simply had no idea what was happening, couldn't process the thoughts quick enough as her heart and head had dropped into the pit of her stomach. So, at a loss for words, she was processing the enormity of why he was here! Melissa even though she tried couldn't steal her attention

Her eyes found themselves looking to Jamie who had his lips pursed, looking as about dumbfounded as to why he was here also with a mix of guilt. All that pain and tears, that they'd endured together after her breakup. Why was Chris here, her ex from the human quarters

"I thought you needed some time with your human friends~ you know since we haven't seen you in a while. I texted a group chat from back home and only Melissa and you know.. wanted to come" Jamie smiled and moved closer, Tess nodding quietly as she tore her eyes away from Chris finally

Chris towered over the group, bleach blonde head being one of the tallest humans she'd ever met and had once dated before he cheated. Why he was here she couldn't understand why and she felt like running back out of the room, swallowing tightly she tried to look away toward Melissa who pursed her lips "come on, Tess. Come look what Cherry got!" Melissa took Tess's hand, guiding her away to the kitchen to show her the food seeing as she was obviously upset with his presence also

"I just got a bit of everything, I wasn't sure what you liked" Cherry moved over to the table, Tess looking between Melissa and Cherry, they were both similar, Melissa being taller but both incredibly sweet and caring towards Tess. They were like two mother hens, Melissa acting as if Tess never had left and quickly began handing her food like she would back when she'd forget to eat, while Cherry held Tess's hand and leant into her side, obviously having missed Tess while she was away, simply sitting in bed for weeks. It warmed her heart a little, leaning back against Cherry

"I nearly had to fight my mother to let me come here, my god you know how she can be like, she was worried I'd be crushed by one
Of them giants" Melissa laughed softly, pouring a glass of water for Tess. Tess nodded a little understanding, Humans weren't use to being around giants of course Melissas mother would be scared but also she couldn't help but feel a bit offended on their part. Darrick hasn't hurt her, her boyfriend would never crush Melissa

"I can't believe your here either~ I- how did you afford a Tpod ticket" Tess watched Melissa, sitting down she couldn't help but shake this overwhelming feeling that cast over her. As mellisa smiled at Tess, she gave a playful shrug

"I had a bit of money saved" Melissa smiled sweetly pushing a plate of food toward Tess, Tess looking at the food but really wasn't in the mood to eat. Her stomach giving a groan at the thought but chose to set aside. She hadn't really been in the mood to eat much lately anyways. She was beginning to wish Darrick was here, feeling like her other half was missing. All she had of him still with her was a dull ache which made her blush at the thought of the night before, a little uncomfortable now as she sat down. When she got the chance she knew she'd have to tell the girls. Wait.. they didn't know he could shrink! The shock to hear her giant boyfriend and herself has sex would probably sound ghastly to her human friends. Biting down at the inside of her cheek, probably best to not tell them

It was as if she'd forgotten how to socialise with others of her own species, she simply smiled at the people around her as each took turns in asking her questions and telling her what everyone had been up-to. She really didn't feel like being here. Feeling awkward and out of place, she couldn't help check the time

Jamie sat mostly with Chris, considering they were friends, they would murmur to each other and Chris even spoke to Henryk, the two laughing as Henryk grappled onto the new boys attention eagerly. Cherry looking a little annoyed that Chris of all people had stolen Henryk from her. Henryk couldn't help it, hed never had so much male attention before since he'd always been surrounded by females and Oreo, who kept to himself, smiling every now and then along with the conversation as he ate a bowl of ice cream that Cherry had given him

Tess couldn't make sense of why Chris was here, why would Jamie invite him here! Why did Chris even want to come, knowing Tess was here. Was Jamie being selfish and wanted Chris, even though he knew he was her ex. Looking at Jamie now as the surprise party settled into place, Jamie seeming to be enjoying himself with Chris who was becoming more confident as the afternoon progressed.

She couldn't help but frown a little as Cherry and Melissa got to know each other on either side of Tess, talking over her as she pulled out her phone to text Darrick. Seeing if he could pick her up earlier, she felt overwhelmed, heart beating heavily in her chest and a tightness gripped her insides. She felt as if she was stuck in a small box, she knew she should be excited to be with her old friend Melissa who'd she been friends with since they were little kids. Who stuck to her side like glue, Tess feeling that Melissa was eyeing her now noticing she was on her phone texting Darrick.

Darrick didn't waste a second to reply to her.

Darrick: Do you want me to come now?

Tess: come 7:30.. I feel weird being here

Derrick: okay I'll be there. Hope your okay❤️

The sun began to set and everyone was having a great time, laughing and telling stories. The boys pulled out some beers and were sipping on them and some were getting considerably drunk at it came closer to 7. She couldn't help but stare at her phone, receiving snaps from Darrick who was hanging out with Austin at a pet store. Supposedly austin needed a cage for some reason even though he didn't own a pet.

As it came closer to the time Darrick would pick her up, she slipped out of her chair and wandered around the table. "Uh Jamie~ where's your bathroom" she spoke soft, as if to not draw attention. She didn't want to interrupt everyone's time together

Jamie turned, chuckling from whatever Chris said and pointed to the stairs, she would've rolled her eyes if they weren't looking at her "upstairs to the right you can't miss it. I'll show you if you want" Jamie moved to climb out of his seat but she gently waved the idea aside

"No no I'll manage by myself" she smiled, not wanting to talk to Jamie in that moment "thanks" she turns, avoiding eye contact with Chris as he now looked at her eagerly as if trying to grab her attention but instead walked away to hurry upstairs. Making her way around upstairs, she couldn't help but admire the human home filled with family pictures, memories of all their times as kids, it felt so. Homey. Her house felt very empty of life living mostly by herself, only Darrick keeping her company most the time. She opened each door to look in only to find herself out on the upstairs porch. Sliding the glass door behind her, she moved to sit down in the chair provided that looked out onto the human street. Taking slow breaths, she calmed her beating heart and quickly took out her phone. Darrick would be here soon and she couldn't wait to be with him, she didn't like it here, felt insecure and uncomfortable, Chris not making it any easier. Letting out a sigh she tried to keep her emotions under control, soon she's be home, soon she'd be with Darrick and all would be okay again. Giving herself time to clear her mind, she sat back and let her eyes close, allowing the cool breeze of the night wash over her

"I thought I'd find you here" her heart sank at the voice and her eyes opened to see Chris stepping out, his large body appearing on the porch and closes the door behind him "I wanted to talk" she could've thrown herself over the porch in that moment, internally groaning at the sight of the tall boy, a bad memory from her past.

"I don't.. leave me alone please" she frowned, her heart beating in her ears she turned her attention away to look to the darkening sky. He was the last person she wanted to see. Chris scoffed, moving til he was standing over her, could feel the heat of his body against her cheeks or maybe it was just the blush that crept up her neck at his close proximity. He knew how to intimidate her. Whatever it was she didn't like it.  Standing she tried to head for the door, wanting to be as far from Chris as possible. She didn't want a soppy "I miss you" not now, not ever. As she moved around him, she was stopped as she felt a large hand grab at her hip to pull her back

"Stop pretending we're just friends, we both know that isn't true" Chris stepped closer until her back pressed against the wall, forcing her back with his hand while her face turned red whilst looking up at him. He had a small smile,looking down at her she felt so incredibly small as he towered over her at 6'3. Not as tall as Darrick but still she was tiny in comparison

"I wouldn't call us friends. I don't even have feelings of any sorts for you" she shadowed her eyes by looking down at her feet, moving she tried pushing him off her but he kept a steady hold on her body. Knowing how to control her he pushed her further into the wall "Chris get off me!" She almost shrieked, looking up at him she burnt daggers into his skull. She could smell the beer on his breath mixed with his cologne

"You look me in the eyes a little too long to not have any feelings for me" Chris rested his hand by her side on the wall, keeping his arm in place to keep her from running away "I will never forget the way you looked at me" he hummed deeply, making her stomach flip and cheeks sizzle hot like a hot pan

"Don't say that Chris, we're over. A long time ago we were. I have a boyfriend now" she stammered, eyeing his outstretched arm that kept her beneath his body

"Oh I know" he sighed, leaning away from her a little. Allowing her to breathe she quickly stepped away towards the door but he grabbed her wrist "I've heard all about your giant boyfriend. You've always been a little weird but I never thought you'd go for a giant" he laughed, dragging her toward his chest and making her gasp. She didn't know how to get out of this situation, should she scream, punch him?

"What's that suppose to mean" she stopped in her tracks then realising what he'd said, her eyes narrowed, trying to burn him again with a look. He smiled, unfazed he gave a shrug of his large shoulders  as she tried working her arm out of his grasp

"Nothing~" he shakes his head, smiling large he rests his hands on her hip again, making her gasps as he pulled her into his chest in one swift motion "that's what makes you so attractive, your not like everyone else" he hummed, ignoring as she tried pulling out of his hands and instead moved closer

"Chris stop~ I've got to go. It's nearly 7:30" she whimpered, fighting against his hands that held onto her tightly until she was probably bruised

"That's okay" he whispered, feeling his fingers grip beneath her chin and lift her face, too strong for her to struggle free she watched as he leant closer and closer until his lips pressed against hers. Gentle at first, Her heart felt like ripping out of her chest, she wanted to scream and tried shoving him away but he kept a strong grasp on her face as he mushed his lips harder to hers. She could feel the tears already welling up in her eyes, desperate she didn't
Think, just reacted and  found herself lifting her knee which found itself driving into his crotch. Letting out a loud groan he stopped, breaking his lips from hers he stumbled a little back from pain 

"What the~" Finally, getting her hand between their bodies she managed to shove at his chest, not realising she'd slapped him until she felt a sting in her hand and red fingerprints on his cheek. Holding his face, he looked to her shocked and in pain as she gripped at the railing of the porch trying to stable herself and her shaky knees. Her heart was retching, she wanted to vomit and cry all at the same time. Eyes brimming with tears, she couldn't believe he'd just kissed her!! He was the one that cheated, he was the one that didn't want her. How dare he kiss her!

"What the fuck" she jumped, hearing the words she was confused for a second as she looked at Chris's who instead was staring at her wide eyed. Shaking, she turned her eyes realising the voice came from behind her, loudly, deep and familiar. Her eyes widened and her knees buckled, having to hold her weight up with the railing but instead collapsed to her knees. His eyes burnt down into her heart, could feel herself begin shaking immediately as she saw the confusion and hurt in his hazel eyes.

Okay update! I hated my writing in this chapter but I needed to update for you guys! Hope it was okay ://

Let me know what you liked cause I've got hella writers block Rn
