Fifty-Seven: Large

Chapter Fifty-Seven: Large

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder! Surely you've grown before!" Austin let out a low sigh, bringing his hand through his brown hair, she had to look down into her lap to avoid making eye contact with the two boys as they argued

"Not any larger then what I am now!" Darrick looked down his torso, frustration written on his face. No matter how much concentration he wasn't appearing to be growing any larger. He'd tried sitting and meditating with it, tried all sorts of methods he'd tried when first practicing shrinking as a kid but nothing seemed to be helping him grow. Tess could tell Darrick was feeling more and more discouraged by the minute, almost embarrassed even with his inability to grow

From within Austin's hands Tess watched as Darrick became frustrated, they'd been standing amongst the solace of the forest where an old rangers hut had been left abandoned and over come with the surrounding fauna. A billion verdant wands of pine wave in arboreal air; for this place is ancient, magical, so much so that you can feel it from core to finger tips. The forests of the giant world were something a small human couldn't entirely comprehend. She'd only seen this much wood and leaf when they'd gone camping together, when they hadn't a care in the world and sat happily together by the lake. When her and Darrick had first come together. She looked among the giant trunks from where she sat in Austin's palm, thinking back on those memories as she turned her head up. Huge trees, reaching taller then any giant she'd ever seen, who's roots hugged the earth and leaves stretched into the heavens. She could tell this was a place of ancient souls, clinging onto the memories of the past while civilisation grew, leaving the creatures who dwell with the sweet sounds of moving water and dozing birds. She wondered whether the human earth she'd left behind was anything like the forests in the giant world, she'd seen pictures from back in school when human history was well taught to humans, unlike the giants sectors where she had definitely been learning more of the history of giants.

It was for sure  that the giants had a larger respect for their world and large forests like the one they stood within, were left alone, only really taking what they needed unlike humans. Who's earth was still blackened from pollution. She felt smaller then ever amongst the forest, a mere spec of insignificance compared to the mightiness of the giants world.

"Have you seriously not tried to grow before? Like has it happened on accident or anything?" Austin looked a little annoyed and also tired, they'd been standing in the cool of the night watching Darrick pretty much standing with his eyes closed for what seemed like hours now. Austin leant on the front of his car, resting his palm along with Tess against his chest to give her a place to lean up against. She appreciated the gesture and felt a small smile creep at the corners of her mouth, the delicate but mindless action as if it had become natural for him. Whilst he felt seemingly comfortable and quit proud to be able to hold her again, a hint of a smile always on his mouth as if he had just received a trophy of the highest honour. On the other hand she felt strange being in Austin's hand again, it'd been so long since they'd properly hung out or spoken. Darrick and her argument earlier seemed to be clouding her mind, forgetting the resentment she once had for Austin.

"No~ I mean," Darrick opens his eyes, resting a hand on the back of his neck she found herself looking to Darrick then as his cheeks blossomed into a devilish red. Her brows screwed together, trying to think back to when he could have ever grown. Clearing his throat, his eyes hovered over her small body "I did start growing by accident once, but I was already shrunk to a human size" Darrick's turned his eyes down to the grass before him, Tess found herself realising what he meant by this and she knew her face reflected the same colour as Darrick's cheeks

"Well what were you doing then? Maybe we can trigger some sort of reaction" Austin seemed to perk up to this sudden allegation of Darrick's, admitting to growing once when they had been in bed together in her human home. When he had lost himself to her and ultimately let himself go, quit literally growing out of the bed and breaking her bed frame.

"Uh~ well" Darrick seemed to search for the right words "Tess was kissing my neck" he admits and Tess turned her eyes down, flinching as Austin lets out a loud laugh of amusement. Pushing off to stand away from the car, Austin brought his hand to his face to look at Tess with a teasing gaze

"You cheeky devils" Austin laughed again, looking between the two with a large grin "was that the same day you came to school with hickeys! Oh isn't that just hilarious. A human did all that damage to you" Austin mused, teasing the couple

"Austin.." Tess blushed madly at Austin's teasing

"Well go on then, kiss his neck" Austin ushered toward the two, moving already to hand Tess to Darrick who eyed her for a small second then blushed

"What! No! I'm not kissing his neck, not in front of you Atleast" Tess exclaimed with wide eyes, leaning back in Austin's palm away from Darrick. They hadn't really shown much PDA together as a couple, especially not infront of Austin who hadn't seen them together much at all really only really kissing or cuddling when either of them were at the others house and she'd locked herself away in her own house for weeks now

"I'll close my eyes! Come on, don't make us drive all the way out here just to leave without a giant Darrick"  Austin wiggled his brows at Tess, lifting his hand he tried pushing her into Darrick's hands

"What if someone sees him giant" Tess worried, the last thing they wanted at this point in time was Darrick to be seen and get in trouble from authorities

"They won't! No ones comes on this track this late at night" Austin motioned his hand toward the abandoned rangers shack, which could collapse with a too strong of a breeze

Darrick gently held Tess in his hands with Austin practically forcing him to take her and watched her closely, as if he was scanning her face for her reaction, trying to work his way into her mind and figure out her thoughts. Moving over away from Austin, Darrick ignored her words from earlier and lifted her up to his chest, cradling her as he moves to step behind a tree.

"Cool guys, just leave me here! alone!" Austin huffed, kicking at the dirt with his toe as he watched the couple disappear behind a large tree. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he peered into the darkness around him over his shoulder, feeling a little on edge being alone in the forest, he moved closer to his car where the lights remained on, illuminating the forest around them with beams of yellow

"I know your mad at me at the moment, but surely we give this a go, Austin has a point. Maybe that's what could trigger me to grow. Wouldn't that be crazy if I could grow, Tess? It'd be a first" he smiled down at his girlfriend "we've been out here for nearly an hour, if this doesn't work we can go home. I promise"

She pauses for a long moment, looking at the glint in his eyes of excitement, his large smile and pink nose and cheeks. She couldn't say no to him, how he delicately brushed his thumb over her arm and held her gaze with a softness and hope. She gave a low sigh then nodded "fine, but how is this going to work whilst I'm small. Your probably not gonna feel anything"

"Just~ give it a go? Please" he sounded as if he were begging and she felt a small twang in her heart at the softens of his features, she'd been a sucker for him since the day she set her eyes upon him, now he was milking it. Even if she was mad she couldn't help but roll her eyes


"Thanks babe" he whispers and brought her to his mouth, cupping her within his palm whilst scattering kisses all over her face and body and making her blush madly and reduce a laugh into a smile. His large lips left her a little flustered, biting at the inside of her cheek as he brought her to his neck and gently cupped her to the soft skin. She hesitated at first, seeing as he tilted his head to the side for her to get easy access to the large expanse of his neck

Austin sighed as he leant on the bonnet of the car, looking down at his phone he looked at the time. "Can you guys hurry up" he grumbled, turning to try and peer around the tree but Darrick was crouched down behind it doing who knows what. He felt odd standing in the dark, waiting for his step sister and friend to hook up and so Darrick would grow. This was getting weird. Looking about, he checked if anyone was around, peering into the soulless darkness beyond the trees for any movement  before moving away from his car. He came to stand before a thick trunk of a tree to undo his fly to take a leak, tipping his head back he looked to the sky as he did his business. The stars were bright beyond the thick carpet of foliage, the trees reaching into the heavens to filter out the speckles of stars.

He could hear the sound of wood splitting before he saw it, his eyes spinning back around he didn't know whether he'd just experienced an earth quake or what, a deafening thud of metal being crushed before a car alarm blared loudly against the silence of the forest .  Austin instinctually lifted his hands to his ears at the sudden blare of the horn. Spinning around to find the source, his mouth fell open as what was once his car now had a large fallen tree on top of it.

"My car!" Austin shouted, hurrying over he looked at his car smushed beneath the thick of a tree trunk. Wood splintered, leaves and metal, Austins mouth stayed open catching flies as he absorbed the tragedy of his car in which he was given to for his birthday by his father. Tugging on his hair, he knew his dad was going to kill him always reminding him to be careful each morning before he left for school. It was a long moment for him to register what had caused the tree to fall,  he only needed a short moment to process. Why the tree fell down wasn't some freak natural accident at all, coming to realise what had caused the damages is when he turned his eyes up

"Fuck, Austin I'm sorry I- I didn't think I'd get this big" Austin's immediate reaction was to cower back on shaky knees at the sight over him, ducking for cover on instinct at eh enormity of his friend. Darrick stood at around 26-30 Ft taller then Austin over the trees, Austin feeling minuscule upon the ground, Austin reaching to be no taller then Darrick muscular calves.

"What the~You actually did it Darrick what the fuck" Austin took a few steps backwards, eyes wandering up Darrick's body, very very large naked body. Austin had to stifle a laugh at the large erect junk on Darrick but also tried to ignore his insecurity of the size of Darrick's manhood. Darrick had always been known to have large assets but now grown was somewhat of a horrific sight of Austin especially because of Austin's size

"Yeah ~ I feel weird" Darrick pressed one hand down to his forehead  feeling light headed while the other was spread open where he'd been holding Tess.

Austin watched as Darrick looked into the palm of his hand and a look of  panic crossed his features for a second before reaching back down toward Austin, looking to grab him Austin himself panicked for a second and stepped away until he realised he was trying to give Austin Tess "is Tess okay? I can barely see her"

Austin had to step back as the giant hand came down before him, moving incredibly fast for him to register at first what he was looking at til he saw the wide eyed human in the expanse of skin, Austin's eyes wondering over the lines of his palms and texture of his fingers.  Hesitating, he felt uneasy staring before reaching out to scoop Tess into both his hands from Darrick's large one. The poor little human girl looked a little freaked out, Austin able to feel her heart beating madly in the tips of his fingers through her rib cage. Austin felt uneasy at the size of Darrick, seeing the large limbs bent over Austin, his hands could easily wrap around one of Austin's legs and pull him off the ground. Austin definitely wasn't as small as a human compared to the human when Darrick was at his normal size, but he was beginning to relatively acquire an idea of how the human felt

Austin gently brought Tess up against his chest, trying to ease her nerves while also trying to not freak himself out also. "Is she okay?" Darrick spoke, his voice loud and austin mustered a simple nod up at him. Tess seemed relatively okay, just a little shaken. Darrick looked uneasy on his feet at his new size, but nodded feeling better knowing his girlfriend was fine. Austin shield Tess from the blaring horn while Darrick looked around at his surroundings, stumbling a little he reached for a tree for support.

Austin couldn't take his eyes off of Darrick for a long moment before chuckling nervously, "jeez Darrick, put your monster cock away"

Darrick groaned, looking down seeing he was in fact naked, he shifted behind the tree he held onto to hide his naked form, his cheeks bright red he looked flustered trying to find ways to hide himself quickly with Austin looking at him made the massive giant uneasy "oh god.." Austin could tell he felt uncomfortable being so large with everything on show for his now smaller friend to see, but Austin's smile and teasing faded as his attention quickly turned away from the giant man to his car

"Your an asshole, look what you've done to my car!" Austin snapped then, suddenly angry whilst making sure to keep Tess covered so he wouldn't hurt her small ears since he couldn't contain his anger realising the damage. Moving closer to the embarrassed Darrick, he wanted to hurt Darrick, but was uneasy kicking or hitting a massive Darrick who usually wouldn't hold back retaliating back at Austin when he hit him at the same size. So Austin kept a distance, stepping back when yelling up at Darrick "your gonna have to pay for that"

"Look I'm sorry it was an accident! I'll pay for it, it's surely not that bad" Darrick frowned and moved to try and pry the large tree from off on top of the car in both his giant hands, shoving it aside off the car to inspect the damage. The car was truly destroyed, there would be no fixing it or Atleast cost Darrick an arm and leg, which he would probably struggle affording anyways being only a high school student with no job

"Darrick, I don't know if this new size has made you dumb or something but that's not just a scratch!" Austin groaned and moved toward the old rangers shack to sit down, setting Tess in his lap, who stared wide eyed at Darrick with a gaping mouth, in shock of her giant boyfriends even larger size while Austin felt close to being on the verge of tears with his head in his hand

"I'm sorry Austin" Darrick spoke a bit softer, still assessing the damage, bent down next to the car on one knee. Tess was rather quiet, still staring at Darrick but Austin didn't take notice, looking off instead into the forest wondering how the hell he was going to explain this to his father. Instead his eyes found themselves flinching at a flash, a white phone camera flashing beyond the tree line.

"Darrick!" Austin shouted

[J A M I E]

Jamie looked at Ava from where he sat on the pillow, his eyes felt heavy but he kept them open for her as she moved around her large room as she sorted posters for the drama clubs performance. She would be hanging them up on Monday and she was finalising any finishing touches that could be made.

"Baby, you can go to sleep if you'd like it's nearly 4am. I'll come to bed in a second" Ava sat down on the mattress, smiling gently down on Jamie who laid down slowly upon the pillow, hooking his hands behind his head as he lounged back. Shaking his head, he forced a tired smile onto his face up at the giantess who watched him with a gentle look upon her own face, looking almost guilty that she was keeping him awake 

"I'm fine~ I'm not even tired," he lied "I wanna stay up with you"

"Okay" she spoke the words softly, looking down at the papers in her lap then back at Jamie "I'll just do it in the morning" she placed the papers on the ground by her bed and moved to turn off the light in her room. Jamie moved to slip out of his pants, to just sleep in boxers and bare chest to chuck to the side of his body on the pillow. Laying back quickly he curled into a ball, grabbing two handfuls of the cotton fabric so she couldn't pick him up

"Jamie. You can't sleep in the bed with me, let go of the sheets" Ava crawls up the bed, pulling her body under the sheets she looked down on her boyfriend. She never let Jamie sleep in the same bed as her since she tended to move a bit in her sleep, not wanting to risk crushing her fairly new human boyfriend.

"Just one night, I hate that you make me go in your draw. It sucks down there knowing I could be up here with you" he smiles, trying to coax her to change her mind but her face read otherwise. Pouting his lip, he slowly let go of the sheets and stretched out his arms and legs into a starfish, reaching his arms over his head he gave a grunt at the pop in his back. She eyed him closely from above and he felt that little bit of insecurity as her eyes gazed over his entire body. Resting his hands over his chest, he could feel his heart beating heavily against his fingertips.

"Can I stay until I fall asleep, I usually fall asleep before you anyways so you can just move me then?" Jamie softened his features in hopes to change her mind

She hesitates, her lips folded inward as she tried to smother a broad smile to no avail. Her face relaxed, eyelids heavy with dark lashes as
She blinked at him. Then, she rested her head
back on the pillow, head slumping against the sheets as she closed her eyes.
Jamie's breath hitched in his throat
with slight worry. She was still smiling softly, but he wasn't sure. Jamie shifted a little and  picked his way up to her chin, placing a hand on her lips. He could never have imagined just how incredibly large she was -not even being in her hands everyday had prepared him for this proximity every time he laid on her, touched her or tried to kiss her.
His hand against his skin was completely
miniature -not even the size of one of her
irises, had her eyes still been opened
She murmured gently, and he stepped
back in embarrassment. Then, he looked
back up at her, rolling his neck back so that they were somewhat eye level with eachother

"Please Ava " he frets, it was unfair sometimes when she forced him to sleep in the draw.

"Fine, but only until you fall asleep" she let her eyes close but she was still smiling as the feeling of his small body leant against the side of her face

He smiled as she laid her head  back down, moving quickly, he hoisted himself a he leant forwards so that he could kiss the corner of her large rosy lips, he could envelope himself if he wanted, her mouth so cushiony and soft he could use it as a pillow. Instead he moved down and slung his body across her throat, chest down he laid across her neck beneath her chin like some sort of human choker necklace.

"That's not very comfortable, Jamie" she laughed gently but groaned a little at his choice of body part to lay on top of

"It is for me, I'll sleep anywhere" he hummed and rested his head in his arms, letting out a low sigh as his body lifted with every breath she took, able to feel his body move with just a swallow 

"Your so weird" she ran a finger over his back, coaxing him further into sleep. He Believed that girl could hold the world in her large hands, for her soul was that vast and strong, soft and sweet. He lavished the gentle touch of her finger on his back, his muscles relaxing completely

"Your the one dating a weirdo, not me" he smirked and kissed at the skin beneath his body, gently grazing his fingers over the warm of her neck as he dazed off, already tired and having biked it to hers, he would be out like a light in seconds with her rubbing his back. He could feel each time she swallowed beneath his stomach, her breath strong and pulse beating madly with his body splayed across the top of her throat.

He loved her curves of softness, she was the most astonishing girl he'd ever met... easy to talk to and fun to be around. There's beauty in being a good listener, someone who seeks to make connections and joy and see things from new perspectives. She had safe eyes, perhaps that's the best way to say it and why he'd trusted her so quickly compared to the other giants. She had a beauty that made those billboard-princesses look as paper thin as they are, she was something beautifully real. That was his girl, she had plenty of other guys before she was his. But she chose Jamie, a human. Maybe he'd found himself in the dreamy honey moon stage with their relationship when everything was sweet candy and rainbows. But he had this idea in his head he'd be with her forever, even if he were a secret to her family. People can't touch that kind of beauty, it's just there.

He was most definitely already asleep and dreaming when she moved him, not remembering as he woke in the morning. He didn't move even an inch when Ava picked him up from her neck and laid him down gently in his makeshift bedroom within her bedside draw.

Okay!!! An update sorry for it taking so long I've been incredibly busy! Sorry if this isn't as well written as other chapters

Let me know your thoughts and leave a comment I love to read your opinions and thoughts
