
[REVISED AS OF June 12, 2024]

My husband who was a Count of low status was a man that even the empire couldn't believe would be wed to me, Cecilia Anna Andreas, a daughter of an esteemed Marquis who was apart of the Royal Council.

Aaron Lay is as a man gifted with hazelnut hair and golden eyes. The count may be a noble of low status, but he was a man who was elegant and pure than most men.

I was happy when I got married to him, and that our marriage was filled with love.

A perfect husband, a happy marriage, a decent life. However my perfect fairy tale life was shattered into dust by the "evil villain" who ruins the bright and happy life of the main character, me.

That villain would be none other than my own adopted sister, Rachelle.

'Greetings, new sister! I am Rachelle Andreas, and from now on we are going to be family!'

Beautiful, blonde, and dumb. That's the kind of girl Rachelle was. My father adopted her at a young age under 'circumstances' that for some reason he could not disclose to even me, his daughter of flesh and blood.

'Nice to meet you, everyone! I'm Rachelle and I'm delighted to see that you've accepted me!'

She may be a commoner's daughter, but no one can deny how angelic she looks. A lot of men with status are captivated by Rachelle's bright and lovely personality, making her receive a lot of marriage proposals from men around the empire.

'Do you like roses as well, sir? What a surprise! I too like roses!'

I've never liked Rachelle, though I never hated her. I was the only person that can see through her pathetic angelic act, and see who she really is as a person.

'...Don't touch what is not yours, sister. They belong to me, all of it.'

I was nice enough to treat her like family even though she is someone I could not come to like. But what else can I do but accept the fact that my father adopted this come of girl in the estate?

'Congratulations Count Robbin and sister! I wish you a happy married life!'

I can't understand why,

'I'm really jealous of sister. She got married to a brilliant man. I wonder, when can I get a love life of my own?'

Oh why,

'Who do you love more? Sister, or me~?'

'Of course, it is you who I love the most, Rachelle...'

'You naughty boy. Then I wish for a kiss, from the man I also love most'

'... I love you, Rachelle. You are the most precious person in my life'

'And I love you too.'


20th of September, in the midst of fall I witnessed my husband's affair with my sister, on the day of our first anniversary as a married couple.

A married couple.

Hah. I can't believe I wasted my love and affection, and even my pride for a jerk like him.

Not only that, but it was then when I realized that all the people working in this manor are all trying to kill me slowly, by putting poison to my drink.

I'm a bit skeptical with the tea that I consumed after getting poisoned from a young age, but how dumb was I to put my guard down and forget it ever happened. But it happened again and again and again until I noticed that, there is nothing in this household that I can do freely anymore.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Watching me make mistakes and mock me secretly.

And the reason for all of this was all thanks to my adopted sister and so called husband. They planned all of this to get rid of me!

Do these people like Rachelle a lot to approve of her being their countess?

That night, I secretly fled the estate and went to a winery. Secretly, I drank to my heart's content and got drunk without my husband knowing.

But knowing him, he must have been having fun in my sister's arms.

I looked at the table near the counter where I was sitting and noticed how many bottles of liquor have I been drinking. I was about to drink another one when a hand with many rings on grabbed the bottle before I can even consume it.

"It seems like you've had too many, my lady. I suggest that you stop now."

"I suggest that you leave me be...! Let me *hic* have my alone time~!"

I was too drunk to talk properly to this man before me. Before he could say anything, I took the wine bottle from his hands and drank from it.

I noticed the man sit on the chair beside me as he faced my direction. "Are you experiencing any troubles now, my lady?"

I nodded, my eyes were halfway closing. "My cheap a** husband was having an affair with my two faced b*tch step sister. And you won't believe that he actually did it on our anniversary! Our one-year anniversary~!"

I couldn't control it anymore and bawled my eyes out. The man gently patted my back as he listened to my woes quietly.

"I can't believe that I wasted my precious time *hic* my time— on a man like him! Is this the reason why he doesn't want t-to sleep with me?! Well, I'm thankful for that! *hic* I've never actually slept with someone as dirty as *hic* him!"

"I pity you my lady. But what do you want to do now? Are you mad at your husband for cheating on you?"

"I'm not just mad, I'm so frustrated that I would burn him alive and his mistress and his cheap looking manor to ashes!"

"So what do you want to do now?"

"Me? What *hic* to do now? *hic* maybe beg God to turn back the time I had 2 years ago! And I *hic* would surely get revenge on that *hic* b*tch sister of mine for messing with moi!"

I heard the man chuckle as he pulled something out of his pocket. And showed me a golden pocket watch that seemed antique.

"A pocket watch? *hic* no one owns a pocket watch these days"

"That's why I'm giving this to you, my lady."

"*hic* me? Why?"

He took my hand and placed the pocket watch on it.

"I believe that this pocket brings good luck. So I'm giving it to you to wish you the luck you never had before."

I clamped the watch that was on my hand and looked up to him, seeing a white-golden-haired man with gray eyes.

"T-thank you but *hic* I don't believe in luck. B-but you were nice to me so I'll keep it. Thank *hic* you."

The pretty man smiled at me as he touched my forehead with his index finger.

"Your welcome my lady. Now if you may, please go to sleep."

"To what—"

He suddenly flicked my forehead making me feel like I'm falling, making my eyesight blurred then everything turned dark.
