Chasing Stars (1)

Chapter 1

"I would like to try this jasmine tea please."

The waitress quickly wrote my order on her pad as she left with our orders.

4th of April Imperial Year XX7, a very nice summer day to drink tea while chitchatting with your friends.

I woke up two years back in time. the year where I was still an unmarried woman who had just recently 'took a liking to my cheap 'husband,' Ron Lay.

I was surprised at first and couldn't believe what was happening. After a few days of adjusting, I again go used to this turn-back time thing and lived my life as it is once again.

"You've never invited me out before, Cecil. This is new."

The lady in front of me with a yellow Floral dress said as she called my attention.

"Is it bad to spend time with your one and only friend, Via?"

"It is bad if you're the one who's inviting me. Aiish, are you sick? Should I bring medicine the next time you invite me out?"

I chuckled remarking on her joke.

"I'm not sick, Via. I've been feeling bored lately and just wanted to hang out with you."

Via smiled as sweetly as ever.

"Have you perhaps eaten too many sweets again? Did the sugar you ate affect you as a whole?"

"I'm telling you I'm fine. If you still believe that I'm sick then I'll be going on without you then."

I stood up from my seat but Via stopped me by pulling my hand.

"Stop, stop, stop. I was joking! See? Hehe~"

I smiled faintly at her as I sat back in my seat.

Avianna Montarael, also a daughter of a Marquis is my only friend since my early childhood years. She happened to be the bride's maid at my wedding but died from food poisoning not long after that.

I was devastated that I couldn't eat that time, so when I knew that I had returned back to the past, I immediately sent a letter to her estate and asked her to meet up with me.

When I first saw her again, I could nearly cry. Oh, my lovable friend, I will protect and help you avoid death!

"What do you have in mind?

(ATL: What's up?)

"Oh, nothing. As I've said earlier, I was just bored and figured that I wanted to see you."

50% truce. It is true that I did call for her to meet up with me because I wanted to see her, but there is another purpose on why I called for her.

Another thing about her, Via tends to know almost every rumor, topic, or trend in the capital. She is a woman who joined almost all the gatherings held by the noblest ladies in the Empire.

So why did I call Via for? Simple. I need to know what kind of day it is today, or what kind of future events will be held.

I woke up on a random and normal day, where there are no special events or 'scenarios' nearby, so I need to know when am I with the help of Via.

"Ehem. So do you have any news for me today?"

"News? Ah-! There is one that I've heard when I attended Lady Alice's party."

"So what is it? Would you mind sharing with me?"

I remember this event. It's when Via called me for tea at her place a day after her visit to Lady Alice's party.

Things are going great, though I need to learn more.

"Well, the reason Lady Alice held a sudden party like that was that she was getting married! And my, do you know who she will get married to?"

Yes, I remember this as well.

"It's Count Roan, isn't it?"

Via stopped for a second and looked at me.

"You're correct. How did you know?"

"I've heard some ladies talking about it when we were walking on the streets earlier."

Lies. It's because I came from the future and know some of the events that happened at this point in time.

"I never knew you were that attentive, Cecil. And ooh-! She also invited me to her wedding three months from now. And asked me to give this invitation to you."

She took out a white envelope decorated with a red ribbon on it and hand it to me.

"Let's attend the lady's wedding ceremony together, shall we?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm so happy for Lady Alice! I hope she'd get a wonderful married life with Count Roan!"

No, she won't. And it's not because I'm wishing that she won't, but she really won't get a wonderful marriage life.

Not until the Count who will be her husband dies in a carriage accident, leaving her and her unborn child alone.

"By the way Cecil, how are things going on between you and Count Lay?"

I flinched upon hearing his name. Lay. The surname that I once had that I never knew could be so disgusting. He could've passed that darn surname to my sister. They would have been a wonderful couple.

But upon hearing Via's question, this must be the time where I was still had my time having a crush on Ron.

I gave an awkward smile trying not to cringe.

"O-oh well, I don't really have a liking towards him anymore."

"Huh? That fast? But just a week ago you were blushing so bad when I mentioned his name at a ladies gathering, didn't you."

"Well correction, I did like him. But not now. This is a secret but, I actually fall in love easily, Via."

"So you mean you fell out of love for the count that fast? Sheesh, I wonder what type of man will you fall in love with soon, my friend?"

I laughed at that thought. Love. Now that I've experienced that and am currently undergoing what you call a 'heartbreak', I don't have time to feel something that burdened me once.

And because of love, I ended up wasting myself.

What's all in my head right now is how I plan my sweet revenge towards Rachelle, that b*tch. And maybe my cheap husband too.

"As for now, I really don't have any interest in no one."

"If ever you do, make sure to inform me who the lucky man is first."

"Yeah, I will."

"How about you, Via? Have you ever had an interest on someone? I'm sure you come across many fine men during the gatherings you attend."

"Sheesh, I wish it could be that easy to find someone. I also want someone to let me experience love itself!"

I smiled at her faintly and shortly our order arrived.

"Don't worry. You'll experience love at the right time with the right guy, I am sure of it."


I put out my notebook and a pen and started writing the events that I experienced in the past and what I'm going to avoid. And also carry out my revenge.

This summer is the perfect time to plan my revenge since I heard from earlier that Rachelle went to visit another nation and would be gone for the whole week.

In that way, I can think freely now that *one rat is gone for the day.

(📝: An idiom)

Let's see, Via never mentioned that many important events that would help me that much. So it's only up to me to remember what will happen if there is something that's going to happen.

I first looked at the imperial calendar that was hung beside my bed.

I looked at today's date and pointed my finger at it, trying to remember what will happen.

But then the light hit me. There was an important event that I and everyone in the empire should remember.

And that day is the day where my whole love life with Ron started.

It's the day where the Crown Prince celebrates his 24th birthday.
