S2 E4: Sweet 'n' Sour

The scene opens to MK is as he's delivering noodles when suddenly someone blows by him. In no time, he finds himself surrounded by a gang of Speedy Panda drivers.

MK: "Oh, boy."

The drivers attack him then attack him, who starts yelping in pain. The scene then cuts to Pigsy, Boarus, Tang, Liù and MK sit at Pigsy's Noodles, Liù nurses MK's face with an ice-pack.

MK: "Oh, I had it up to here with those Speedy Panda delivery brickheads! They've been sabotaging me all week!"

Liù: "And I swear, every time I get into fights those panda drivers, they somehow get the jump on me first!"

Pigsy: "Those punks with their flash frozen microwave junk! Convenience can never replace a traditional home-cooked family recipe."

MK: "Yeah, but they do, do it quicker"

Pigsy and Boarus glare at him, who recoils back in a panic.

MK: "*nervously* All I'm saying is maybe you both could afford to pick up the pace."

Pigsy: "Pick up the pace? You're the one delivery driver! You pick up the pace! Every noodle from Pigsy's Noodle Shop is handcrafted from scratch with love, care. It's what our customers have come to expect."

Boarus: "It also takes hard work to make the perfect noodles in history, it's what the people love."

Tang: "Don't worry about me, guys. I'm a loyal customer."

Pigsy/Boarus: "More like a loyal freeloader."

Tang gasps in offense from what they said.

Liù: "How about this guys. If something doesn't change, we're gonna actually lose our jobs!"

Pigsy: "Ah, you three don't get it. I poured my heart into this place. From the pots, to the utensils, even my grandmother's antique windows."

A brick with a note is tossed at the window, shattering it. They all gather around to read it.

Boarus: "What's that? A note?"

Tang: "Hmm. 'Attention: Pigsy's Noodles. Prepare for your worst nightmare! We challenge you to Food Wars to determine which restaurant truly reigns supreme. Signed, Speedy Panda.'"

MK: "So, someone gonna tell me what the donk 'Food Wars' is?"

Pigsy: "Food Wars. The ultimate arena for chefs to duke it out, where the victors are hailed supreme above all others. Speedy Panda, I accept your challenge!"

Liù: "This is gonna end badly, isn't it?"

Boarus: "I don't know, kid. But they will pay for hurting you guys, so let's go along with it."

The scene cuts to an open stage as the crowds have gathered for the event.

Announcer: "Welcome one and all to Food Wars! Today, two teams will compete in three rounds of food combat in order to be crowned Supreme Restaurant Champion. Introducing first for Pigsy's Noodle Shop: Pigsy and Boarus with their assistants, MK and Liù! And their opponents: Speedy Panda Convenience Mart! And its owners: these guys!"

Jin: "Remember us, Monkey and Shadow Kids? We're your worst enemies, Jin!"

Yin: "And Yin! The Gold and Silver Demons!"

Liù: "*groans* Oh no, not them again."

MK: "I'm sorry, who-?"

Pigsy: "I don't even know you guys!"

Boarus: "And besides, what do ya' got against our restaurant?!

Yin: "So here's the plan, right? We're figure if we put your noodle shop out of business, then Noodle Boy and the Sneaky Hider is out of a job."

Jin: "And if they's out of a job, they'll starve, which will make them weak and then-"

Jin/Yin: "We'll finally be able to destroy them!"

They both laugh as Pigsy and Boarus glare at them.

Liù: "That has got to be the dumbest plan I ever heard."

MK: "But didn't you hear, they're going to force Pigsy and Boarus to shut down the shop! And if the shop gets shut down-!"

Liù: "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa noodle dude! We'll help, just don't ramble like that again!"

MK: "*hugs Liù* Thank you!"

The scene then cuts to round one.

Announcer: "It is now time for Round 1! The competitors will have to gather all the ingredients they need and race from the Food Wars Ultimate Pantry to their respective kitchens at the center of the courtyard. In three, two, one!"

The horn sounds and Boarus speedily grabs all the ingredients and tosses them at Liù.

Boarus: "Kid, catch!"

Liù: "I got them boss!"

Jin: "*laughs but then abruptly stops* Uh, Yin, I'm gonna be honest with you, I have no idea what any of this stuff is."

Yin: "Oh, don't worry about that."

He pulls out a box of microwaved dim sum from his pants.

Jin: "*chuckles* You sly dog."

He tosses it behind him to the driver as Speedy Panda takes off with Liù behind. They clash, resulting in Liù at the front. She looks behind her and sees all the driver trying to ram her, but they end up bumping each other as Liù dodges all of them. She makes it to the station and gives the defeated divers a smirk.

Liù: "Take note of this boys, never mess with a lady who's on the job!"

Pigsy: "Alright!"

MK: "Whooo hooo!"

Boarus: "That's my kid!

Announcer: "Round 1 goes to Pigsy's Noodles!"

The scene cuts to the second round as Pigsy, Boarus, MK and Liù start making the dish. Meanwhile, JIn and Yin put their censored food in the microwave.

Announcer: "In Round 2, competitors will put their culinary prowess to the test in a cook-off with the winner being chosen by a panel of curiously selected judges."

As the group is cooking, they didn't notice that the two demons took a random bottle from the counter.

MK: "We gotta move!"

Pigsy: "I told you, MK. Good food takes time. *sips it* Just need to add one more ingredient-"

They watch as Jin and Yin purposely knocked a bottle into their pot.

Jin: "Oops."

Yin: "Clumsy us."

They slide away, laughing mockingly at them.

Liù: "Why those little-!"

Boarus: "Actually kid, that was... that was actually what was missing!"

They finish setting up before Pigsy hands the trays to MK and Liù.

Pigsy: "You two, go!"

The gong strikes, indicating that the time is over.

Announcer: "And that's the timer! Both competitors must now present their culinary creations to our panel of judges. Introducing our first judge: Princess Iron Fan!"

PIF appears from a tornado of wind dramatically.

MK: "Ah, you've come to tussle with the champ?"

Princess Iron Fan: "Oh, please. Like I have energy to waste on you, Noodle Boy. I'm here to settle a debt and that's all. *mumbles under her breath* Knew I shouldn't have made that blood-oath."

Announcer: "Judge Number 2 is none other than the Monkey King!"

Monkey King suddenly appears in the middle seat.

MK: "Monkey King!"

But when the camera moves to the side, it reveals to be just a cardboard cutout of Monkey King.

Sun Wukong cardboard cutout: "I, Monkey King, fully endorse this product or sports event."

Liù: "*mumbles under her breath* Of course he wouldn't literally be here."

Announcer: "And Judge Number 3, and apparently a fan favorite: this guy!"

The spotlight reveals Tang, in a less dramatic way.

Tang: "Thanks for having me! Great to be here!"

MK: "You're the man, Tang! The Tang, man!"

Pigsy beside him has started to tremble.

Boarus: "Uh, Pigsy, why are you shaking like a leaf?"

Tang sits down dramatically stares at Pigsy.

Liù: "Oh, you're probably worried he's gonna vote against you as some form of revenge because you always treat him like garbage all the time. *smugs at Pigsy* Right, is that it?"

Pigsy: "*shoves Liù away* Would you shush?!"

Announcer: "First up, is Speedy Panda with what looks like an assortment of mushy dim sum filled with..."

They revealed the dish to be gross dim sums and some wet spring rolls.

Jin: "Mystery Meat."

Yin: "With a side of deep-fried spring rolls topped with whatever sauce was in this packet. It's edible... enough."

Princess Iron Fan: "I'll take your word for it."

She moves her chopsticks to reveal a skull shape under one of the dim sums. Tang takes a bite before he immediately pukes the dim sum out.

Sun Wukong Cardboard Cutout: "Thank you for your interest in the Monkey King and the Monkey King branded items."

Announcer: "The judges aren't giving anything away. Now onto Pigsy's Noodles with what looks like..."

Pigsy removes the lid to reveal a delicious noodle soup.

Pigsy: "Family recipe: Xinjiang pulled noodle soup! Qing man yong."

Tang: "*takes a strand of noodle* Hmm..."

Princess Iron Fan has tried a piece of a noodle and is amazed.

Princess Iron Fan: "Hmm. There's no way I'm voting for your restaurant. My vote's for Speedy Panda."

This makes the others cry out in disbelief as the demons cheer.

Tang: "Well, well, well. I've been waiting a long time to say this to you, Pigsy. My vote goes to... Pigsy's Noodles! Of course it does! His food is a work of genius!"

Boarus: "Alright!"

Jin: "*simultaneously* Outrageous libel!"

Yin: "*simultaneously* You're kidding me!"

Announcer: "That's one vote for Speedy Panda and one vote for Pigsy's! It all comes down to judge number 3!"

Sun Wukong cardboard cutout: "I, Monkey King, fully endorse this product-"

It glitches before its top half falls headfirst into Pigsy's bowl.

Jin: "Uh..."

Yin: "Wait, what?"

Liù: "*points it out* He endorsed Pigsy's. He endorsed it! *smirks*"

Announcer: "Winner of round 2: Pigsy's Noodles!"

Yin: "*simultaneously* That can't be legal!"

Jin: "*simultaneously* What just happened?!"

Jin: "Alright, you two. What say we up the ante a bit? Let's make this final contest sudden death!"

Boarus: "Wait, sudden death?"

Yin: "Yeah, loser has to close their restaurant forever!"

Pigsy: "Don't gotta ask us twice. We'll mop the floor with you dorks!"

MK: "Uh, Pigsy, we-"

The announcer cuts him off as the final round starts.

Announcer: "And the final competition: Mascot combat!"

Pigsy: "Huh?"

MK/Liù: "Uh, say what now?"

Boarus: "Wait, you don't mean-?"

Jin and Yin grin as their reveal their mascot that's a giant Panda Mech.

Boarus: "Uhhhhhhh..."

MK: "Yeah, cool. Nice death machine! That ain't got nothing on our..."

The camera shifts to Pigsy's Food Truck before it breaks down and falls apart.

MK: "Okay, so, we might have a little problem."

Liù: "*sarcastically* Oh, no way, really?"

Pigsy: "I can't believe it. I dedicated my life to that shop but now I'm gonna lose it to a couple of Demons because I was too arrogant to stand down. You were right, MK. No one cares about tradition or centuries-old recipes. They're being forgotten and replaced by instant microwavable junk. *tears fall as he breaks down*"

MK: "No way! I may not understand your irrational love for noodles, or working hard, or being angry all the time, but you are always there when I need you. And when Boarus and Liù join businesses with us, things have been a lot helpful! So it's time for me to return the favor, because Pigsy's Noodles are noodles worth fighting for! Here... comes..."

MK/Liù/Pigsy/Boarus: "Monkie Shadow Boar Pig!"

They use the staff to transform it into the Noodle Tank.

Jin: "You seen the look on their faces when we unveiled our Panda Bot?"

Yin: "Yeah, I think we got this one in the-"

They up at the group in shock to see the giant Pig Noodle Tank as the group stared down at them.

MK: "Us little guys are fighting back!"

Liù: "Yeah! Your tyrannical reign over the food sector in this city is over!"

Tang: "No amount of convenience will ever win the hearts of us, food lovers!"

Pigsy: "Tang!"

Boarus: "Your helping us?!"

Tang: "I was never gonna vote against you, old friends!"

Yin: "Oh, yeah?!"

Jin: "Bring it on, little piggy!"

Pigsy: "Alright then, guys, what do you say you and me show these two what being a real chef is all about?!"

Liù: "*laughs darkly* I've been waiting for this day for so long to beat up those two idiots!"

Jin: "Well, go on then, lads! Get 'em!"

The two rivals proceed to battle each other.

Princess Iron Fan: "I knew I shouldn't have come back this season."

Demon Accountant: "*appears out of nowhere* Hang on! We ain't got the budget for this!"

She gets in between and holds her arms out, stopping everyone before they could fight.

Yin: "Oi, what's all this, then?"

Demon Accountant: "Well, you spent all of your profits on that Panda Mech. We ain't got enough money to pay our drivers! Speedy Panda is bankrupt."

Jin: "What?! Give me that! *grabs the clipboard*"

Yin: "Oh, yeah. Must have been the hydraulics, yeah? I told you that."

Speedy Panda Driver: "*glaring at the two* We're not getting paid?"

Jin: "Okay, yeah, so traditionally, people expect money when they do work."

Yin: "But it's like the Pig Man said, no one cares about traditions anymore, right?"

The Speedy Panda drivers surround the two demons before they start attacking them. Pigsy covers MK's eyes as the Speedy Panda drivers attack Jin and Yin while Liù grins in satisfaction. The scene fades back at Pigsy's Noodles as MK serves Pigsy and Liù the bowls full of noodles.

MK: "Order up! I don't know if I got the broth right."

Pigsy: "It's all right, kid. You got plenty of time to learn. Hey, guys, thanks for having my back, back there."

MK: "You know it."

Boarus: "Not a problem"

Tang: "Always!"

Liù: "*sips on the noodles* Hmm, you know noodle dude. This might be the best dish yet I've ever tasted."

MK: "*blushes lightly* Really?!"

Liù: "Yeah, but don't let this get over your head."

Sun Wukong cardboard cutout: "Believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference."

MK: "*points at the cardboard cutout* He-he kind of said the thing! He says that to me. He says that to me a lot."

Liù: "*deadpan* That's not even remotely true, dude."

They break out in laughter. Pigsy then looks up at the pin-board, focusing in on a medal and a picture of him, Boarus, Liù and MK.
