S2 E7: Puppet Play

(A/n: Episode 6 is being a bit delayed, but don't worry! I'm half way through it, so enjoy this episode until it released!)

The scene opens at Megapolis, the Monkie Kids attend a puppet play.

MK: "I'm so excited! I haven't been to the movies in ages!"

Pigsy: "Uh, kid. This ain't a cinema."

Tang: "It's a puppet play, with puppets."

Boarus: "With actual wooden puppets, which is creepy."

MK: "Wha? Puppets? No! *pulls out a Monkey Cop poster.* I thought we were seeing Kung Fu Monkey Cop: The Movie!"

Liù: "Dude, check the back."

MK sees the back of the poster, revealing the puppet play he and the others attend to. He soon recognizes the Mayor.

MK: "Oh, Mei. Isn't that the guy who gave us that weird key?"

Mei: "You mean the magic key that can unlock anything? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is him, and I'm also pretty sure that he's still not actually the Mayor."

Mayor: "*waves to MK* Hello! *Laughs*"

Tang: "Eurgh. Well, that's not creepy at all."

Liù: "No glasses, it's all the levels of creepy."

Pigsy: "Point is, whatever we're watching, you've earned a break, kids."

Mei: "You have been training super hard. I can't even remember the last time we all just hung out together! *Sighs* I missed this."

Tang: "So, was Sandy just busy or...?"

MK: "What are you talking about? We hang out all the time!"

Liù: "Yeah, didn't we already hung out with you guys a couple days ago?"

Mei: "Nuh-uh. girlfriend! It's always Monkey King this or some scary skeleton thing that with you lately!"

MK: "Well, yeah but-"

Tang: "Just yesterday you blew off checkers night cause' you had to study. Study what, I might ask?! *throws the checkers at MK*"

Liù: "Uh, if you're so eager to play checkers with someone, why didn't you ask Boarus?"

Tang: "I would but... *sweats nervously* he's a harsh player when it comes to that game."

MK: "Alright, alright! I get it! It's just, Monkey King said,"

He thinks of their encounter with the Lady Bone Demon in Minor Scale.

Past Lady Bone Demon: "Picked the wrong successor."

Liù: "I just- we need to be ready."

Boarus: "Ready for what?"

The lights dim.

Tang: "Shh! It's starting!"

Pigsy: "Tang, would you-"

Tang shushes him before something craws past them. A hanging puppet emerges on stage from the ceiling.

Boarus: "Tang, what kind of play did you say this was?!"

Liù: "If I die here, let my corpse rot in a hole and well buried."

MK: "*laughs nervously* I doubt that would ever happen..."

The curtain opens to reveal a cloaked figure.

Cloaked Figure: "Welcome viewers to a puppet play the likes of which have never been seen! It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitability bring darkness to those they hold dear."

MK: "Mei, I just realized something."

Mei: "What?"

MK: "I, I don't have snacks!"

Pigsy: "Kid, relax, you literally just ate!"

MK: "Liù! Can you please get snacks!"

Liù: "Ugh, fine. At least I get to live from the creepy puppet play."

Liù walks out of the theater and into the lobby.

Tang: "And don't forget to get me some-"

Pigsy shushes him and smirks at his little revenge.

Cloaked Figure: "Like light, heroes bring warmth, hope, and friendship. But they also give life to the darkness."

Pigsy, Tang, MK, Boarus and Mei are now trapped into the cloaked figure's wooden puppets.

The camera cuts Liù as she stands at the snack counter in the lobby of the theater.

Liù: "Look lady, I just need  a fizz whizz, jelly babies, a large sweet popcorn, milk drops, and an extra large soda gulp. I'll give you the change for that big order."

Snack Gal scoffs, she goes to retrieve the snacks. A shadowy figure leaves the lobby, catching Liù's attention. She runs after it, into an alley.

Liù: "Hey! Stop right there you-!"

She realizes the alley is empty, then sighs in defeat.

Liù: "Ok, maybe I am a bit tense."

Liù walks back into the theater, holding a large amount of snacks.

Liù: "Ok, why did noodle dude order this amount of food?!"

She sits back down in her seat as the lights dim.

Liù: "Alright, back on time Oh! And here's that popcorn you asked for noodle dude. Uh, noodle dude? *looks around, realizing she's alone* What the... Did you get bored already or?"

The stage light catches her attention as the puppet play begins. Liù sees two silhouetted figures, one resembling the Hero and the other the Warrior.

Cloaked Figure: "The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero."

The scene cuts to outside of the theater, Liù tries to call MK on the phone.

MK (Voicemail): "You've reached ya boi! MK! Leave a message after the beep!"

Liù: "Hey, MK, where did you and the others go? I came back with the snacks and I didn't see you guys- huh?"

Liù sees a silhouetted figure run across the roof of the theater.  The scene fades to Liù as she sits on her bed, thinking of her time with MK.

Past Cloaked Figure: "The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world."

Liù looks at the door of Pigsy's Noodles, she moves to enter, but doesn't.

Past Cloaked Figure: "As the Hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero."

Liù now sits next to one of the monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain as she rambles.

Liù: "And y'know, it's just been different between me and MK. I'm not even sure if he likes having me around just because he's bored! *sighs* What am I supposed to do with these new emotions that I'm feeling?"

The monkey screams before it flees away from her.

Liù: "*groans* Why did I bother coming here if no one was going to listen to my self-rambles?!"

The scene changes to the theater as Liù sits alone and is scrolling through her phone. She stops and looks at one photo with her and MK at the arcade, winning a game. Liù smiles a bit at the memory before the cloaked figure walks up to her.

Cloaked Figure: "Ah, you again. You must be my biggest fan. You are aware the play is over, right?"

Liù: "I mean, kinda, but not really? So, um, what happened to that person? The Warrior?"

Cloaked Figure: "*laughs* What would you like to hear? The Hero suddenly remembered his beloved friend, the Warrior? That they lived happily ever after?"

Liù: "No! No, no, no, no, no. Well, yeah, maybe. Um. Okay. I don't know why I'm telling a complete stranger this but I guess I kinda feel like the Warrior, in the story. A little. Does that sound dumb?"

Cloaked Figure: "I take that as a compliment, young lady. The tell-tale sign of a good story. That you resonate with it so personally. But I think maybe you missed the point-"

Liù: "It's like I want to be with the noodle dude more, but something is just holding me back from it! *sighs* Am I making a mistake for being with him? What if he thinks that I'm not worthy of being with noodle dude and I'll get cast off in the shadows like the warrior did?"

MK?: "And, what if he did?"

MK? appears in a flash of light next to Liù where the cloaked figure was previously standing.

Liù: "Ugh. This again? Look, I know you're trying to make me feel like I'm a part of something with you. And that you're helping me into believing in myself, blah blah blah. But I'm not ready for this. I can't face the Lady Bone Demon alone. I just feel so... *MK? laughs* Ergh! If you're not gonna help, then just leave me alone!"

Liù goes to punch MK?, but her punch is caught.

Liù: "What?"

MK?: "Whoa there kid, it seems like you packed a punch better than your master could."

Liù: "Kid...? *realizes something* Wait, your not-!"

MK? laughs darkly before blue smoke appears around them and the cloaked figure's face his revealed.

Mysterious Man: "Oh, it's been a long time since I've recognized a familiar presence! So tell me, how does it feel to be so weak!"

Liù: "Ugh! What do you want with me?! What did I did to you?!"

Mysterious Man: "Oh nothing special. I've actually have been wanting to get revenge on a certain shadow monkey. But since you're her student, I might as well get this over with."

Liù: "Will you just back off?!"

Liù tries to punch the mysterious man with her free hand, but it is also caught.

Mysterious Man: "Whoa there tiny. I get your mad and all, but is this how you want to settle our fight?"

Liù: "*growls* Shut up! *shoves the mysterious man away from her* Enough of your weird revenge, where's MK and the others?!"

Mysterious Man: "Oh ho ho, so you did know that they were missing? I thought second hero sidekicks like you don't need friends. The ones in second place always get shun into the darkness, just like the warrior. The second the Hero got real power, she couldn't care less about her friends. Just like you, tiny."

Liù: "Your wrong, I'm nowhere like her!"

Mysterious Man: "Oh yeah, well let's see what they think."

He summons MK, Tang, Mei, Boarus and Pigsy as wooden puppets with glowing strings attached to his hands.

Liù: "Wha- guys?!"

Mysterious Man: "What's wrong kid? Feeling the nostalgia running through your mind? Maybe it's just me but these guys don't look too happy about being left in the shadow of the warrior from the dark."

The puppets begin to attack Liù as she tries to hold them off.

Mysterious Man: "Oh man, this feels good to take out a lot of stress onto someone else! Do you know how long it's been since I used my toys? It's been centuries!"

The puppets tackle Liù to the ground as she struggles to get free.

Mysterious Man: "Aw, what's wrong tiny? Can't fight against your friends? Looks like your weakness is showing."

Macara: "*offscreen* She's not showing weakness!"

The camera moves up to the supporting beams to reveal Macara as she holds a lantern in her hand.

Macara: "She's showing that she has a heart!"

She jumps down to strike the mysterious man, but he blocks the blow with his hand.

Mysterious Man: "Well well well, I never thought you would show up here again."

Macara: "*backs away* Cut the sweet talk Xiao, and let them go."

Xiao: "Or what? Did you think I was gonna let you and your disciple go that easily?"

A yelp was heard as the wooden puppet Mei holds Liù in a headlock and wooden puppet MK holds a knife up to her face.

Macara: "Liù!"

A string suddenly appeared in front of her as more strings surrounded the theater.

Xiao: "I'd be careful where you step Macara, if you were to touch on of those strings. *makes a choking sound* Yeah, I think you'd get the idea."

Macara: "Was that it? You trapped my students friends and now using her to get to me? What were you hoping to gain from this?!"

Xiao: "I think we both know that you stole something that he made years ago."

Macara looks at the lantern in her hand before looking back at him.

Macara: "Why do you suddenly want the lantern now? I remembered clearly that you wanted to get rid of it and now you want back?"

Liù: "Macara, just kick his-! *gets hold in tighter* Ack!"

Xiao: "I listen to my wager Macara, clocks ticking~."

She looks at the lantern before looking at Liù and then Xiao. Macara sighs before she hands the lantern over to Xiao, who grins happily.

Xiao: "Pleased to do business with you, until next time warrior!"

He disappears into blue smoke as the strings disappeared around them, freeing the others from their wooden puppet forms.

Boarus: "*groans in pain* Ugh, what happened...?"

MK: "Wait, Liù, was that?"

Liù suddenly follows Macara into the alleyway.

Liù: "What is your deal with him? Why did you do that!"

Macara: "Oh, why'd I hand the lamp over to Xiao? Well it was part of a simple trade from old friends that was long overdue."

Liù: "It didn't seem like that from what I've seen."

Macara: "Hmm, not bad observation, but you should know better from what I taught you."

Liù: "...It was you wasn't it? Monkey King was the Hero and the Warrior was you? Right?"

Macara: "Maybe you're not as dense as you were before. Something's coming. Something you're not even close to ready for. Don't worry. You at least won't have to deal with it alone like I did all those years ago."

Macara disappears. MK, Pigsy, Tang, Boarus and Mei burst out the door.

MK: "Liù, you good?! Was that Macara just now, what happened?!"

Pigsy: "Kid. Explain now."

Liù: "*sighs* Alright, but we should probably get out of here before more trouble comes our way."

The scene cuts back to the stage as Xiao appears again and holds the lantern before he catches an incoming knife.

Xiao: "You should know better than to sneak up on me like that, old friend."

The Mayor claps behind him.

Mayor: "*cackling* You never ceased to amuse me Xiao! Just like that amazing display you did just now!"

Xiao: "Heh, been workshopping it... *turns to face the Mayor* now tell me, what did she sent you for this time?"

Mayor: "Let's say the my lady wants a word with you personally, and along with that lamp you have there."
