c h a p t e r e i g h t e e n

'what the fuck Sam I'm scared are you ok? Has he hurt you? I'm coming to look for you' Colby replied within seconds.
'I'm ok for now and he hasn't hurt me but I'm still in the van and I'm fucking terrified. But please don't come and look for me baby. I love you and I don't want you getting hurt so just please stay at home' I sniffled.
'ok. I'm calling the police now, I love you'
'I love you more, thank you'

I put my phone on low power mode and shoved it back in my pocket, crying quietly. Suddenly the van stopped to a halt, and I went flying across the van. The doors opened and I scrambled backwards, Toby unmasking himself.
"You," he pointed at me. "Are staying with me. And if you even try to escape, your precious little Colby will be.. hurt. Understood?" He grinned psychotically. I nodded and he let me climb out of the van. I made sure my jumper covered my phone in my pocket, so he wouldn't see it.
"Were you crying?" He laughed maniac-like.
"Because I'm fucking scared for Colby. You don't know what he's going through right now, he needs me," I shook my head. All I saw was grey walls. Everywhere I looked was grey walls. There was a square on one wall, and he pushed down on it, an opening appearing.
"Go through there," he growled, watching as I crawled through the small tunnel.
"There's everything you need to survive in there. You're gonna be in there a while. I'll be showing you what's going on at school. I know you've got your phone, but the police won't be able to find you, so you're pretty much screwed. I'm gonna go home, and then to school, and I'll be showing you how scared Colby is. You're welcome. See you tomorrow, Samuel," he laughed manically again. I stood up and looked around in the room as he closed the square in the wall. There was an outlet with a charger in it, a couple of cupboards full of food, a toilet, a bed. I'd find my way out of here, I was sure of it. I plugged my phone into the charger and rang Colby.
(S- Sam C- Colby)
S- hello?
C- oh my god Sam are you ok?
S- yeah, I'm fine, thank fuck. He's locked me in a room with food and stuff, great accommodation, 5 star yelp review. (I laughed, not getting one back).
C- Sam, I'm genuinely worried.
S- sorry. I'll figure out a way out though, I promise.
C- don't let him hurt you. You're strong, I know you are. I'm not gonna come and look for you, which really fucking pains me, but I called the police and they said they can't send out a search party until it's been at least 24 hours. I just want to see you again. (He started crying).
S- don't cry baby, I'll be back soon. You'll be in my arms soon, I promise. I'll figure out a way to get out of here.
C- I love you.
S- I love you more.
C- I told my dad. He said he'd come and look for you tonight. I'm praying he finds you. I can't live without you.
S- I need you to stay strong, Colby. I love you, so fucking much.
C- I love you more. My dad just said he's going to look now. Can I come with him?
S- Toby's left I think so yeah I suppose, don't get hurt though.
C- I'll try not to. Try and see if you can get out of there now. We're about to leave.
S- ok.
I climbed back through the tunnel and pushed on the square and, surprisingly, it came right out.
S- oh shit Colby it fell through I can get out. Toby's never been smart.
C- my dad said you should get out of there and if you see any roads, follow them and if not, shout at the top of your lungs.
S- ok.
I stood up as I climbed out, looking around. I saw the van that was I was driven here in. I walked towards it, seeing a large garage-like door behind it. As I approached it, Toby burst out of the van.
"As if you thought I'd let you out that easily?" He laughed.
S- shit he's here.
C- try your best to get out.
"Toby, you don't have to do this," I put a hand out, backing up towards the garage door.
"Oh, but I do," he lunged towards me, giving me a punch to the temple, knocking me clean out.


Wow a double update??
