c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

"T-Then what're you doing?" Colby bit his lip a bit harder, his hands flat against the wall.
"I think you already know," I grinned devilishly, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head on the wall. I smashed my lips against his, him moaning into the kiss.
"Needy today baby," I laughed softly, kissing him again. I licked his lip asking for entrance. He gave it to me in an instant, both of us devouring eachother. Our tongues wrestled restlessly, both of us undeniably horny.
"Please," Colby whined, attempting to grind against me.
"Please what, baby?" I pushed his hips back to the wall with one hand, the other still on his hands.
"Fuck me," he whined, trying to get his hands free.
"Are you sure?" I said huskily, licking the edge of his ear slightly.
"F-Fuck, yes," he groaned as I released his hands and hips, him grinding against me, looking for any friction.
"Only naughty boys curse, are you a naughty boy, Colby?" I pressed his waist back against the wall.
"N-No," he gulped.
"Good," I released him and kissed him, pulling him over to my bed without breaking the connection our lips shared. I crashed down onto the bed and he crashed down after me, his lips colliding with mine again.
"Are you sure about this, Cole?" I said huskily, biting his earlobe.
"Yes, I'm sure," he whimpered, grinding desperately against me. I slid my hand downwards and grabbed his pack, him moaning loudly. He grinded against my hand, biting his lip, holding in a moan as he did so. I pulled my hand away and he let out a whine. I put a finger on his lip to quiet him and pulled his hoodie over his head, seeing the bare chest underneath. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it off in a matter of seconds, his hands reaching downwards for my joggers. I grabbed his hand and took them to his own joggers, pulling them down. What I saw underneath made me lose my breath for a second. He was wearing a red lace thong, the only thing holding his erection down.
"Hurry up," he whined, grabbing my joggers. I pulled them down quickly, the sight of him in panties making me even more hard than I already was.
"You're on the bottom," I breathed into his ear as I moved, him laying down beneath me. I reached for the string of his thong, finding my way to the top of it. I pulled it down and off his body, throwing it onto the bedroom floor. I reached over to my bedside table and opened the drawer, grabbing the bottle of lube that sat inside of it. I ripped off the sealed plastic with my teeth, flicking open the bottle. I coated my fingers with the cold, jelly-like substance and Colby gave me a small nod. I put the bottle down and put one finger at the rim of his hole. He gasped and laughed softly.
"It's cold."
I pushed the finger into him, causing a hiss to release him.
"A-Another," he gasped. I did as he asked, sliding another one in. He gasped and clenched around my fingers, relaxing quickly after. He nodded and I slid the last one in, causing a loud moan to escape his lips. I pulled my fingers out and pulled my boxers off, throwing them on the floor along with his panties and all of our clothes. I lined up with his entrance, Colby biting his lip gently.
"You sure?" I asked, his legs around my waist.
"Yes, I'm sure, now fuck me," he whined, putting his hands on my neck. I pushed into him, a loud moan of what seemed like pain, then pleasure. He nodded vigorously and I started moving, him moaning loudly.
"Oh my god I love you, please fuck me harder," he moaned, his hands around my neck. I moved my hips quicker, biting my lip. He moaned loudly in ecstasy as I pounded into him.
"Did I hit it baby?" I chuckled, going in the same place repeatedly.
"Oh my god, Sam!" He screamed, and I took that answer as a yes. I grinned as I continued to hit his prostate, him screaming in pleasure. Then, at quite possible the worst time, my bedroom door opened. And my dad walked in. He quickly walked back out, his eyes wide.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod," I looked at Colby with shocked eyes, him reflecting the same back. I pulled out, still hard, and so was he. I grabbed my dressing gown from my bedroom door and put it on, stepping outside of my bedroom.
"Dad?" I yelled, getting no response.
"I never want to see that again," he said quietly from the end of the corridor.
"Don't look then," I laughed and winked, him not finding it amusing.
"It's not funny. At all, Samuel. I don't want to hear, or see that stuff in my house ever again," he growled.
"It'd be different to you if it was a girl, wouldn't it. You just don't like the fact that I'm very fucking gay. I like dick. I like giving dick to guys. Is that alright dad? That I'm being myself? I am fucking GAY! I don't care if you don't like it, I am. Now I'm gonna go back in there, and I am going to fuck his brains out. And if you don't like it, get a pair of earplugs," I laughed, walking back to the bedroom.


Ok smut with a TWIST. I started watching glee today, and KURT IS SUCH A MOOD OMGGGGG.
