Chapter 10

Lara's POV

"Jerome?" Hawkfrost asked from the front of the line "How are things back there?"

"Everything seems fine,tonight is a nice night."

"Well you certainly are less of a pussy than Supah." Hawkfrost said and I chuckled.

"Hey I'm right here you know!" Supah complained. We stopped.

"Opening?" I guessed. Hawkfrost nodded and looked back at the group "Who needs a break?" Sounds of agreement could be heard.

"Break it is."

Me and Hawkfrost made a small fireplace. Olivia, Sorrows and Bashey were sleeping while Jerome was scribbling something in his notebook. Hawkfrost refused to sit down and was walking around. He looked concerned. 

"There's something about this place..... I don't know,I'm afraid it might be a territory of a villain."

"A villain we don't know perhaps?" I guessed. He nodded.

"I'm leaving the part of the forest I've lived in for months. We're going into unknown." I thought for a while.

"Well Jerome here is the smartass,and you have some good soldiers."

"Ahm Hawkfrost?" We turned around. "The fire is dying." Supah said.

"Alright me and Lara are going to get some firewood. Come on Lara."

I followed Hawkfrost into the forest.

We were searching for twigs and sticks in silence. Sometimes Hawkfrost would break a branch.

"About the good soldiers part." Hawkfrost suddenly said. I looked at him.

"I'm not that sure...." He looked uncertain.

"That we're all that good?"

"No,I mean,yes. I don't know everybody as well as you do. I mean,you have already proven yourself worthy yesterday,fighting a villain on your own isn't that easy even if it's Icee. And Jerome,even if he can't really  fight that good,his brains will always be one of our major advantages. But others.....I don't even know them." Once he was finished talking he sighed.

"Well Sorrows is good with herbs,she's useful."

"That's also true but I meant Supah,Olivia and Ross...So farRoss has been rather troublesome than useful."

"Yeah,I know what you mean now."

There was more silence as we were picking up the last wood we could find. Suddenly we heard a female scream. 

"Don't touch her!" We recognized the defensive shout was Supah's. Without any hesitating,we ran back to our little camp.

We stopped at the edge of the forest,staring at what was in front of us. 

"I guess you were right...." I whispered "This is a villain's territory." 

I looked up at Hawkfrost. A small grin spread across his face.

"And I think another soldier has just proven themselves worthy to me."

There was a furious battle between Supah and KillerCanadian. KillerCanadian was bigger,stronger,far more experienced and all Supah had was a simple sword made out of wood and stone. Yet, he perfectly dodged KillerCanadian's weapon each time it swung toward him and at the same time he managed to hurt his enemy now and then. We just stared at the battle,there was nothing we could do.

After a long time,Supah managed to hit KillerCanadian badly. The villain took a step back,panting. Supah didn't waste those few seconds either. He dashed to KillerCanadian with full speed and sank his sword into his shoulder. Not even nearly enough to kill him or damage him badly,but enough for him to fall on his back,defeated. He opened his red eyes and stared in shock at Supah

"Leave." Supah said coldly. KillerCanadian nodded in fear,got up on his legs and ran off. The moment his body completely disappeared Supah collapsed on his knees,panting heavily. Everybody ran to him and showered him with praises.

"Are you hurt?" Sorrows asked. Supah looked at her and shook his head.

"Alright,I'll just get you some water. There's a brook near by." She said and left.

"You're telling me he defeated one of the deadliest villains in this forest on his own?" Hawkfrost asked impressed. Olivia nodded excitedly. Hawkfrost looked at Supah,pride shinning in his icy blue eyes. 

"Guess I shouldn't have called you a pussy after all." He said and they both laughed. Sorrows returned,giving Supah some water. Everything seemed calm once again.

"I believe the danger is over now" Jerome said loudly and everybody looked at him "Who wants to hear a story?"

I threw the last of the firewood me and Hawkfrost found on the fire which was now bigger and brighter.

"What is your story about Jerome?" Sorrows asked excited.

"Well since KillerCanadian attacked us today, I thought a little story about him would be nice." He cleared his throat and began talking.

"I knew Mitch before he was a villain." Nobody was too surprised at that fact except Hawkfrost who didn't know what internet is.

"No way!" He gasped.

"Actually, we both went into this forest together." Once again,nothing really surprising. But Hawkfrost was still amazed.

"He decided that I wasn't a good enough companion for him, so he left me."

"That's kinda douchey." Olivia mumbled.

"But what turned him into a villain?" Sorrows was curious. Jerome opened his notebook and showed the blank page with a text on it saying How KillerCanadian became a villain.

"Still working on that one." He said.

"Booooooriiiing." Hawkfrost yawned and everybody looked at him "My story is much more exciting." There was some silence. Hawkfrost cleared his throat and started his story.

"It was a cold night,I didn't see anything bad coming."

Supah face-palmed and Olivia groaned.

"Please,I know this story better than I know my own mom." Jerome complained.

"Well that's not hard considering the time you spend online." Sorrows teased.

All I could do is laugh.

It was late night. I couldn't sleep so I joined the night watch with Supah and Hawkfrost.

"So, they attacked us twice in a row." Supah said quietly,not wanting to wake others up. I narrowed my eyes confused.

"What do you mean?" Hawkfrost asked.

"Well,first Icee,then the next night KillerCanadian. According to one of Jerome's theories they were only supposed to attack on full moon."

"This actually makes a lot of sense." I turned to Hawkfrost "What do you think?"

"You're forgetting Toxic,he attacked us two nights before Icee."

"Toxic,Icee,KillerCanadian,who else is there?" I thought aloud.

"Skybrine and WitherMU." It was rare,but Hawkfrost actually sounded a bit startled.

Supah looked a bit scared "What's wrong?"

"KillerCanadian was a joke. It's Skybrine and WitherMU we should fear."

"But,I thought KillerCanadian was the strongest villain." Supah sounded confused.

"True,true. Strongest,but not the most powerful." Hawkfrost paused and sighed before continuing "Skybrine and WitherMU work as one. They both have magic,they both have strength and they're both after me."

"And they stick together no matter what." I added. Yeah they're bad guys but I mean come on. Evil skyMU,how cool is that?

Everything was quiet for a bit. "What's the plan then?"

"I don't know how much time they'll give us but we muse every single second of it. We'll be prepared. Teach everybody how to fight,collect herbs,make a battle plan... And then hope for the best."
