Chapter 12

been forgetting to upload chapters here as well, sorry

Olivia's POV

Hawkfrost and Skybrine were the first one to clash into each other. Only a second after Lara joined the fight to support Hawkfrost.

I heard Supah behind me yowl in surprise as WitherMU tackled her. I turned around to help him. Together, me and Supah didn't have any problems fighting him. I noticed Ross on my side quietly approaching us. WitherMU was so busy fighting he didn't even notice him. Then Ross ran and kicked WitherMU in the shoulder. Unfortunately, in the end Ross suffered more than WitherMU who had a thick armor protecting him. Ross fell on the ground and WitherMU got just a bit knocked to the side. 

Our healer soon came and quickly dragged him from the fighting scene. WitherMU just raised his eyebrow but soon had to pay attention to me and Supah again. We were pushing him backwards with our attacks but even when we did hit him, all we did was scratch the surface of his armor. Both, Skybrine and WitherMU got pushed all the way to the edge of the forest. Everybody stood still and stared into their enemy's eyes.

"Attack them!" Hawkfrost yowled. Everybody ran towards the two villains with their weapons high in the air.

Suddenly, in one split second everybody froze. I couldn't move, my whole body was numb. Only a second later I could move again but I felt awful pain. I fell on the ground along with everybody else. Of course, Hawkfrost did tell us they weren't only fighters, they had some dark magic powers as well.  I opened my eyes to see only one of the survivors was left standing. Hawkfrost.

"By now you should've have known I know how to block your spells." Hawkfrost said coldly.

"But what good will it do you?" WitherMU smirked, he seemed to be enjoying this "Your team is down and your healer there won't be able to fix them up in time."

"She won't have to. I'll defeat you myself." Hawkfrost said again. Skybrine burst out laughing.

"You defeat us on your own? I have to see that." 

"You underestimate me." Hawkfrost whispered so quietly, I don't think anybody but me heard him. He narrowed his eyes and stood still, only looking to his left now and then.

"What's wrong cat-boy?" WitherMU teased "Afraid?"

Hawkfrost still stood still but only a few seconds after WitherMU said that he ran to his left, away from Skybrine and WitherMU. In a wide arc he turned around and raced towards Skybrine. Skybrine raised his sword ready to defend himself. But only a few feet before him, Hawkfrost leaped up high and used his head as a support for higher jump. When Hawkfrost leapt off him, Skybrine fell on the ground and saved his face by landing,elbows-first. Meanwhile, Hawkfrost was high in the air, his foot aiming for WitherMU's face. WitherMU was frozen in place and could do nothing but wait for the pain to come. Karma I guess. 

When Hawkfrost kicked WitherMU, he fell against a tree near by.  Blood poured out of his nose. He tried to block the bleeding by putting his hands on his nose. In fear he looked at Hawkfrost who wasn't done yet. The pain subsided so I stood up. Hawkfrost swung his sword and raced towards WitherMU with a battle scream.  He jumped again and sunk his sword in WitherMU's abandomen. The scream of agony that came from WitherMU told me that Hawkfrost managed to break his armor but I wasn't sure how badly Hawkfrost has hurt him yet. WitherMU now put both of his stomach where  blood shone on his black armor. His mouth and chin were also colored red. He was curled up and groaning as well screaming in pain. Hawkfrost stared at him with his pupils dilated.

"Jason!" I recognized  Skybrine's voice.  He got up and ran to WitherMU where he picked him up.  He looked at Hawkfrost angrily. For a second Hawkfrost looked afraid but then he raised his head up to look more confident. Then, Skybrine jumped into the forest where he ran off.

"Are they all okay?" Hawkfrost asked as he was leaning against a tree.

"Yes, Skybrine and WitherMU just paralyzed them with pain for a few minutes, they're all okay now." Sorrows said.

"Well, I have to say you all fought bravely." Hawkfrost looked at the rest of the group "You all deserve a nice long nap."

"Heck yeah sleep!" Lara said and walked to the fireplace.

"I guess we won't be moving tonight then?" I said. Hawkfrost shook his head.

"Everybody is tired."

"We still need a night guard though." Jerome reminded Hawkfrost.

"I volunteer." Supah raised his hand. I assumed he volunteered because tonight was going to be peaceful and he'd get sleep on any more dangerous nights. Smart thinking but I preferred sleep over safety.

"Alright,Supah, I'm guessing you won't need any help?"

"If anything's wrong I'll wake you up."
