4. Krishmini - My Krishna Will Definitely Come (Part -3)

Chapter 8 :

Rukmini came towards the temple of Mata Parvati. As soon as she stepped into the temple. She started looking for Krishna. But when Krishna could not be found, Rukmini started praying to Mata Parvati. Rukmini cried and said that "Mata Parvati please reunite me with my Krishna, I will not be able to live without him". When Rukmini's prayer was completed, Krishna came to the temple. Krishna and Rukmani saw each other for the first time. Krishna smiled looking at Rukmini and Rukmini blushed. Krishna wiped Rukmini's tears and said "Nah.. the tears in your eyes don't look good". Rukmini smiled. In the meantime, King Bhishmaka and his wife Shuddhamati came there. Rukmini looked at her parents nervously. Krishna said "Calm down Rukmini, I will take care of everything". King Bhishmaka folded his palms and said "Vasudev Krishna, I apologize to you for the behavior of my son Rukmi". he adds "I always wanted to get Rukmini married to you but Rukmi did not let me do so, I am very happy for my daughter Rukmini that she chose you, please take care of my daughter Rukmini always". To this Krishna said, "King Bhishmaka, now your daughter is my wife and also the queen of Dwarka, I promise you that I will always take care of Rukmini, never leave her alone under any circumstances". King Bhishmaka went towards Rukmini. Seeing him, Rukmini said "Forgive me father, I didn't want to do this but Bhaiya Rukmi forced me, so I had to do it." "You did absolutely right daughter, I am very happy for you Rukmini, I can not see you sad at all, when you were so upset for 2 days because of Rukmi, you cried so much, those moments were very difficult for me, you always stay happy, That's all I want." King Bhishmaka said, placing his hand on Rukmini's head. On this Shuddhamati said "Yes daughter, your father is absolutely right, both of us, I and your father are very happy for you". Then Shuddhamati hugged Rukmini. Rukmini shared an emotional moment with her parents. Then Krishna said to Rukmini's parents "Maharaj Bhishmaka, Maharani Shuddhamati, please give your blessings, because now we cannot stay here for long, Arjun is fighting alone with your army there". Both parents happily nodded. Rukmini and Krishna touched the feet of Queen Shuddhamati and King Bhishmaka. Shuddhamati gave some ornaments to Rukmini and Krishna said "Daughter this is from me and your father, be happy always". Rukmini hugged her mother Shuddhamati. "Let's go" then Krishna said, placing his hand on Rukmini's shoulder. Rukmini nodded. Rukmini said to her Parents "Father, Mother, it's time to leave, please both of you always take care of yourself". Then Krishna and Rukmini left from temple. Krishna made Rukmini sit on the chariot. Rukmini became emotional looking at her parents. Then Krishna put his hand on his shoulder. Rukmini wiped off her remaining tears and looked at Krishna smiling. "This is the best moment of my life Arya, thank you for accepting me as your wife" Rukmini said to Krishna. Krishna said "Rukmini this is the best moment of my life too, you don't know but I have heard about you as much as you have heard about me". Rukmini blushed. "Arya, we will soon have to save
Arjun Bhaiya, he is fighting there alone and that too for us". Rukmini said. Krishna said "Don't worry Rukmini, he is a wonderful archer, nothing will happen to him".

Chapter 9 :

Here Arjun was fighting when Balaram came. Arjun looked at Balaram and said "Pranipat Jyesht". Balaram said "God bless you". Seeing Arjun disguised as a woman, Balaram understood that all this was done by Krishna. Arjun and Balaram defeated the army but Rukmi went after Krishna's chariot. Arjun said "Jyesht, Rukmi went to Madhav, what will happen now". "Don't worry Arjun, Kanha will take care of everything," replied Balaram.
Rukmi saying "Krishna.. Krishna" out loud, hurriedly followed Krishna's chariot. Rukmini became even more worried. "Everything will be fine Rukmini" said Krishna to Rukmini. Rukmini nodded. Krishna said to Rukmi, "come Bhaiya Rukmi and accept your Brother-in-law's Pranipat, for the second time". Rukmi became even more angry and said, "There is no shame in taking away the property of others". Krishna got angry on this because Rukmi called Rukmini a property. And Krishna turned his chariot towards Rukmi. "Lakshmi donates property; Lakshmi herself is not a property," said Krishna to Rukmi. Rukmi said, "I have not come here to seek knowledge from you, I have come to take my sister." Then he said to Rukmini "Rukmini get off this Krishna's chariot and come back with me to Vaidrabh". "No Bhaiya, now all the roads of my life lead to Dwarka, you go back Bhaiya," said Rukmini. Krishna said "Why do you wish to be defeated Rukmi, let me and Rukmini go". "I am asking you Rukmini for the last time, are you coming back to me or should I take your dead body with me" Rukmi said angrily. "Bhaiya, forgive me, but I can't come with you," said Rukmini. Rukmi started humiliating Rukmini. "Rukmi, you will definitely get punished for insulting Rukmini" Krishna said to Rukmi. Krishna called his Sudarshan Chakra and sent Sudarshan towards Rukmi. Rukmi fell down from her chariot. As Sudarshan came to Rukmi's neck Rukmini cried and requested Krishna "Arya don't take my brother's life, please Arya I beg you, please spare his life". Krishna looked at Rukmini and said, "I am leaving him only on your request, but he will surely be punished". Krishna cut off the hair of Rukmi's head with the Sudarshan Chakra. Then Krishna left from there with his Rukmini.

Chapter 10 :

Krishna stopped his chariot because he saw Arjun and Balaram coming towards him. Both Krishna and Rukmini got down from the chariot. Arjun and Balaram came. Krishna said to Balaram "Pranipat dau." Then Krishna looked at Rukmini and said to Rukmini "Rukmini, this is my elder brother Balaram". Rukmini touched Balaram's feet. "God bless you" Balaram said with a smile. Then Krishna's eyes went to Arjun because Arjun was still wearing the clothes of a woman. "Parth" said Krishna. "Yes Madhav" replied Arjun. "Parth, now you don't need to wear this disguise," said Krishna with a mischievous smile. Putting his hand on his head, Arjun said, "I didn't even notice my clothes". Everyone started laughing.
Then Krishna asked Balaram "But Dau, how do you know that I and Arjun have come here, I had not even told anything to anyone?". Balaram said "Kanha, Subhadra told me that you have gone somewhere with Arjun, then I went to Daruk and told me that you have come towards Vidarbha. Now let's go to Dwarka, everyone is waiting for us" Balrama said. Said. "Dau, you have told everyone" Krishna asked in amazement. "Kanha, everyone at home was asking me about you, so I was forced to tell," replied Balaram. "Okay okay dau" said Krishna with a cute face. Then everyone left for Dwarka.

- The End -
