11. Krishmini - We Are Here For Each Other (Part 2)

Chapter 7 :

In the royal court - Balaram gave the documents of all things to Krishna, which were related to the business of Dwarka. Krishna read them and said "It is a good thing that business is increasing in Dwarka". "Yes Kanha, but our responsibilities are also increasing, you know that Satyaki and Uddhav often go to the city for the management of the residents, they tell us after hearing the problems of the people there and now business is increasing and businessmen too and also the work of Kritavarma, Satyaki and Uddhava, we do not let the father work because he have already suffered a lot in his life " said Balaram. "Calm down Dau, let me think," said Krishna, looking at Balaram. "Work is increasing day by day in Dwarka, how will we handle all this? Balaram said with stressed look. After thinking for a long time, Krishna said "Yes Dau you are right, it is a matter of concern". Krishna further said "Why don't we include another council member who can help us". "But who would that be?" Balaram asked in amazement.
Balaram said, "You know that since father has stopped coming to court, Devaki Mata is also not interested in the council anymore, father now take care of everything from home, he comes only occasionally and Revathi, she has no experience at all, now our hope is only from Rukmini, Kanha But we do not know whether Rukmini will agree or not". "Okay Dau, I'll talk to Rukmini, she'll definitely help us," Krishna said.
"Kanha in such a situation, she can help us, one more member is needed to handle the subjects of Dwarka and anyway Rukmini is fully aware of the rules of the state, she also knows all the work related to the state and she has spent her childhood in the royal court. You talk to her soon" said Balaram. Krishna nodded.

Chapter 8 :

In the evening when Krishna and Balaram returned to the palace with Uddhav, Satyaki and Kritavarma. They were all a little worried. Everyone looked at them and wondered what had happened. Vasudev asked "What happened putron, you all look very upset". "Nothing, father, business in Dwarka is increasing day by day," said Balaram. "So it's a good thing" said Rohini. "But Jyashth Mata we need another council member" Krishna said in concern looking at Rohini. "And we all want Rukmini Bhabhi to help us in this work," said Satyaki, looking at Rukmini. Rukmini was surprised. Before Rukmini would say something, Devaki said "Rukmini will definitely help you all, I know she will never refuse". Everyone started looking towards Rukmini. Rukmini said "But why only me?". On this Balaram said "Because you have complete knowledge of the rules of the state and its operation, Rukmini". "Putri, you can do this work well, I have full faith in you" Vasudev said to Rukmini. Rohini said "Yes Rukmini, Arya is absolutely right". "Rukmini Putri, say yes, do you know? I had also done this work," said Devaki. Rukmini had to obey on everyone's behest. As soon as Rukmini said "Okay I am ready to help you all". Everyone became very happy. But Rukmini had many questions in her mind. She was looking at Krishna. Krishna was also understanding her mind. Then everyone happily had dinner. And everyone went to their chambers.

Chapter 9 :

Rukmini was in a lot of tension, she was worried whether she would be able to handle such a big responsibility or not. She was standing quietly on the balcony in her chamber. Krishna was understanding everything. He went to Rukmini and hugged her from behind and said softly "Rukmini, what happened?". Rukmini didn't say anything. Krishna said again "Rukmini, you are upset that how will you do all this". "When you know Arya, than why are you asking?" said Rukmini. "Don't worry Rukmini, I am with you," said Krishna lovingly. "Arya, this responsibility is very big, I know that I have full experience of the royal court but I am feeling very scared" said Rukmini going forward 2 steps.
"You have all the experience, Rukmini, and then I am also with you, then what is there to worry about?" Krishna said. "Arya, what if I ever made a mistake?" said Rukmini.
Rukmini started crying, Krishna immediately pacified Rukmini.
Krishna wiped Rukmini's tears and said, "Nothing will happen Rukmini, look, human beings do make mistakes and you don't worry at all, I am always with you, whenever any situation comes, we will face it together". Rukmini emotionally nodded
"Rukmini, everything will be fine, I have full faith in you," said Krishna. "Really" Rukmini asked. Krishna shook his head happily. Rukmini hugged Krishna tightly. "So from tomorrow, not only in the palace but we will also be together in the royal court" Krishna put his hand on Rukmini's cheek and said. "Yes" Rukmini said with a smile. Then Krishna teased Rukmini and said, "Well, from tomorrow there will be a lot of fun in the royal court".
"But you have to work there, not a joke, Arya," said Rukmini, laughing. "Yes, I know, but where there is my Rukmini, there is no fun, it cannot happen," said Krishna. Rukmini smilingly said "You too, Arya".

Chapter 10 :

Next day - Rukmini took everyone's blessings before going to the royal court. Rukmini was very scared because today was her first day. Everyone encouraged her. Devaki said "Putri, whatever you do, all will be well". Rukmini hugged Devaki. Then Krishna said "Let's go". Rukmini happily nodded. Then Rukmini went to the court with everyone. Uddhav and Satyaki were explaining all the work to Rukmini. Krishna and Balaram were smiling seeing all this.
Krishna named Rukmini as Dwarkeshwari and said "Like everyone calls me Dwarkadhish, from today onwards the residents of Dwarka will call Rukmini as Dwarkeshwari". Rukmani was feeling very good. Krishna went to Rukmini and smiled and said, "Look, I had said that everything will be fine". "You were right Arya" Rukmini said softly smiling. "Now we will do everything together," said Krishna with a wink. Rukmini happily nodded. Rukmini understood everything very well and she also understood all types of documents. Uddhav, Satyaki and Kritavarma said to Rukmini "Bhabhi, tell us whatever help you need". Rukmini shook her head happily. Balaram was also happy because he knew that every action of Krishna is right.

Chapter 11 :

Rukmini was very happy when Rukmini Krishna came back to the palace in the evening. Devaki and Rohini were overjoyed to see Rukmini and asked about her first day. "It was a great day, Mata," replied Rukmini happily. After that Rukmini went to the kitchen to help Revathi for dinner. "Rukmini, you are not getting tired even after staying in the royal court all day," Revati said to Rukmini. "No didi, how can it be exhausting to work for your family," said Rukmini.
"Rukmini, I can really understand why Krishna Bhaiya loves you so much" said Revathi, looking at Rukmini. Rukmini blushed. Then Rukmini arranged food for everyone. Seeing the food, Krishna said, "Rukmini, have you not made anything sweet?". "Arya, you don't remember, you ate laddoos for breakfast in the morning.
said Rukmini, staring at Krishna. "Yeah remember," said Krishna with a cute face. Then after the meal, Rukmini brought kheer for everyone. "But you said you didn't make anything sweet, Rukmini?" Krishna asked in amazement. "Arya, I know where you will sleep without eating sweets," said Rukmini. "You are absolutely right, Rukmini," said Balaram with a loud laugh. After eating kheer, Krishna said "Rukmini". "Yes" Rukmini replied. "One more bowl of kheer please" Krishna said pleadingly. Everyone started laughing but Rukmini gave another bowl of kheer to Krishna.

Chapter 12 :

Devaki did not let Rukmini do any other work after dinner and said "Putri, you go and rest, you must be very tired today". "But Mata, there is still work left and then I have to give milk to Arya" said Rukmini. Devaki placed her hand on Rukmini's cheek and said "Putri, you take milk for Krishna and do rest, all these things will be done by the maidservants, don't worry". Rukmini nodded with a smile and she went away with the glass of milk for Krishna.
Rukmini came to her chamber and gave a glass of milk to Krishna. Krishna smilingly grabbed the glass from Rukmini's hand. Then Rukmini went to change her saree. She also took off all her jewelry. And came and lay down on the bed with her eyes closed. "Rukmini, have you slept?" said Krishna. Rukmini sat up and said in a sleeping voice, "What happened Arya, you want something". "No, I was just asking" Krishna said with a teasing smile. Rukmini stared at Krishna. "You go to sleep, it's okay" Krishna said innocently.
Rukmini lay down on the bed, Krishna also lay down with her. "Arya, today was a really good day," said Rukmini in a tired voice. "Yes and the days ahead will be even better" said Krishna hugging Rukmini. Then both of them slept peacefully in each other's arms.
