Chaewon - Date..?

written 2019/09/19
Revisited 2023/01/21
maybe inspired by airplane ..?
words : 2600 i think
(cringy, originally almost 4 years ago so yk)


You know it's sunny outside

Is this the hot air balloon thing again?

no no, this time I'm asking you to go on a date
And going on a hot air balloon ride with you,,.

She's been asking you for a long time and you deny every time. You're not exactly an outside person but you felt bad since she's always been so fine with you rejecting her offers.

Ok fine, I'll pick you up in a bit.


Wait what acc?

Also, already outside

Y/N pov:
I opened my door, Chae appeared in my door frame on her phone.

"Annyeong c:" Chae looked up from her phone and cutely greeted me as I did the same.

"Were you standing there the whole time."

"Yup!" She confirmed as she skipped to the couch and sat down like a kid, raising both of her arms in the air and smiled at me. Gosh she makes me so happy.

"Uh, let me go wash up and dress. I just woke up."

"Ok!" She made an ok sign, getting her approval, I went up to my room to change thinking about Chae and completly forgot about the mess in my room.

"Haha, just got to find the one that smells the least."

3rd pov:

"I'm done, get up!" Y/n uttered, Chaewon turned off her phone and popped into the older's arms.

"Woah, you have to calm down." Now woken, I saw how pretty she looked. The contrast from her hair and dress was everything for me.

"Haha okei okeii." She inhaled and beaming an innocent smile with her snarky eyes.

Y/n was on his way to a hot air balloon plain with Chaewon, since the latter had been wanting to go on one ever since they started dating. She had researched the best spots for hot air ballons and they quickly went on their way. Y/n finally accepted her request after delaying it since heights scared him, he wasn't visibly excited, very nervous actually. He struggled to get ahold of the steering wheel.

"Y/nnie, I'm so excited! I'm so happy that you finally went with me." She spaces out for a moment, looking down at her phone, she thought than pouted at me.

"Why did it take so long to come with me?" Chaewon inquired looking over at the older focusing their eyes on the road

"Haha yea, I was just busy you know..." Y/n scratched his head as Chaewon eyed him. She gazed at the older and caught a side glance. He tried to hold back his laughter and focused hard on the road to stifle a laugh. He still let out a smile, Chaewon noticed this, grinning to herself.

Shortly after arriving, they got off the car and quickly payed for the rides.

"ahh, today feels so nice. Don't you think Y/n" She extended her arms up and closed her glistening eyes, the sunrays hit her face highlighting her beauty. As she opened her eyes, they looked at Y/n, with sparkles cutting through the air. The sun was noticeably hot, but the mountain winds perfectly balanced it. The plains on which they stood on waving from the winds.

"Y-yeah" Y/n made a weak thumbs up, his words trembled. Chaewon didn't notice as she was too excited and ran to the balloon they were eventually going to ride.

The pair didn't need a guide as Chaewon was already pretty experienced meaning both could ride alone in the air. Y/n was noticeably behind Chae, as she walked close to the balloon, she saw Y/n walking in circles on the field. The younger bolted to Y/n, grabbed his arm by force and made him run with her. Chaewon abruptly pushed him into the hot air balloon causing him to catch himself with the basket handle. Chaewon immediately starts it up, the balloon eventually lifts of the ground. As the hot air ballon slowly ascended more, the tighter Y/n held on.

"W-Wait where's the instructor? This doesn't seem right.."

"We'll guess what, Y/nnie? I AM." Chairwoman exclaimed pointing at herself feeling proud.

"Anywho,, isn't this great Y/n? Both of us alone together in the sky." Chae looked around the plains crossing to the mountains while Y/n was fidgeting but still trying his best to hold on to the basket. She realised Y/n was awfully quiet today. Usually He was pretty loud around her. Worried, Chaewon turned to look as she saw Y/n trembling and holding on like he was going to die or something.

"Y/nnn? Are you okay?"


"You don't like going on hot air ballons?"

"Not that-"

"Do you not like going on rides with me..?"
She exhaled, she nodded and looked at the floor.

"I can't lie, I'm afraid of heights-" His breathe hitched from the balloon moving slightly. He scrambled to hold on to the floating balloon.

Chaewon immediately looked up, she laughed.

"Ya, is that why you didn't want to go with me?"

"Yea- AHH!" Y/n screamed. Chaewon smiled leaning into the other. She put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. She looked at the older, still smiling brightly. She pulled him in tighter, her scent could be clearly smelt from the older. The older stopped shaking and exhaled heavily. Chae was about pull away but Y/n groaned in discontent and pulled her back.

After a while, Y/n finally calmed down. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chaewon started turning the balloon around.

"I guess I didn't want you to be sad." She walked back to him as she finished turning it around.

"You know you can tell me. I'm always here for you." She hugged him tight.

"Let's go home and eat." Chae released the hugged and smiled.

"Yea, let's do that."


After realising they were there for the whole day, they finally went to eat dinner. Y/n was starving, he only ate snacks with chae in compensation for lunch. As for Chaewon, it was pretty normal for her to eat a bit every few hours. Since this was Chae's day off, Y/n decided to bring her to Gangnam for a nice dinner. While arriving, Y/n noticed the younger had already slept. But knowing Chae, she probably would sleep until the next sunrise. So instead he drove to her dorm. For the whole ride, Y/n kept looking at her sleeping face. Everytime Y/n stopped for a red light, he would stare at the cute girl and wonder how he got the chance to date someone like her.

"Wow.." He murmured. Y/n removed the few strands of hair blocking the younger face's and moved them behind her ear. Y/n exited the car, he knocked on the door of Iz*One's dorm.

"Oh hey Y/n oppa, Where's Chaewon?" The door opened, Minju popped out smiling.

"She's in the car, sleeping. I don't have a key for the dorm so I needed a way to enter."

"Do you need help?" She put her arms behind her back and looked around.

"It's fine, I'm just dropping her off."

"Okeyy, well hurry. I think it's about to rain." Y/n walked over to the younger's door and opened it. Chaewon, still sleeping, slowly fell from the car seat into Y/n's arms. He carried her over to the door, it started to rain. The cold breeze entered the house and quickly dissipated through the air after Minju closed the door. Despite all of this, Chae still slept soundly.

"Did you eat yet?" Minju asked, running her arms as she got chills.

"We were about to, until someone started sleeping and you know how she is." They both looked over to Chaewon and giggled. Y/n carried Chaewon to her room as Minju lead them. Y/n carefully dropped the girl on her bed. He removed his jacket and hanged it. He washed his face in Chae's bathroom and got a damp, warm towel to wash the younger's face. After showering, he got his oversized clothes that Chaewon had stolen from him. They were soft and light, perfect for sleeping.

He found his way under the blanket and covered Chaewon in case she got cold. Y/n held Chaewon closely and hugged her tight. Y/n brang Chaewon's head close to him, kissing her forehead. The rain poured, suddenly he felt warm. Y/n closed his eyes and shortly after, he slept.


Chae woke up confused, she didn't know how she ended up here. Next to her was Y/n still sleeping. Her mouth formed an "o" as she lied back down. Chae hugged Y/n for a minute but gave up after feeling uncomfortable from Y/n facing the other side. She pulled out her phone and saw a bunch of messages from her members, they were mostly just winky face emojis and a simple congratulation message. shortly after Y/n woke up. He yawned stretching his arm, he then groaned. He looked to his left to see Chaewon just blankly staring at him.


"Hey, you awake already?" Chaewon nodded, phone still in hand. She placed her phone on her nightstand and jumped on Y/n's chest. Chaewon hugged the older. She smiled rubbing her cheeks on the older.

"Chae, are you hungry?"

"No, but I want to go to a café." Y/n supported her up. Chaewon got off him and stood on the floor. She realized she didn't wash her face from yesterday, horrified, she ran to her bathroom and once again she got confused. Y/n was laughing while just happily staring at the girl.

"Oh yeah, I washed your face yesterday." Y/n added as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks!" She screamed. "I'm going to take a shower now!"

Y/N walked over to the jacket he had folded previously.

This would look terrible with my clothes right now. Chae probably has one of my sweaters somewhere. Y/n looked through Chaewon's closet, he spots a lot of his clothes neatly put in a section.

Oh, that's where they went. I just thought that my washing machine was hungry. He frowned just as Chaewon got out of her bathroom.

"Why do you have so many of my clothes."

"I feel comfortable in them and sometimes I miss your scent." She looked up to Y/n's face and made the iconic innocent smile as she did aegyo. She went back to dry her hair and sang dlwlrma by IU since she was in her playful mood. Y/n went back too finding his clothes, he saw the light blue gray colored sweaters he loved, so much that he bought another one when the first one magically disappeared.

"Chae, do you know how stressed out I was when I couldn't find these." He held up the sweaters in both hands being slightly angry as subtle fists formed. "Aww, I'm sorry, okay? I'll pay for today?" The younger speedily waltzed to Y/n and took the sweater out of his hands.

"We should both wear them like couples!" She exclaimed, showing off the gray sweater putting it right next to her face. Y/n couldn't keep his frown if Chaewon was such in a good mood. He sighed and pulled the latter to his chest as they rested like that.


You could smell the warm scent of all sorts of fresh pastries and coffee across the room. The shop aimed to have a minimal and simplistic design with muted colors. Not only was the atmosphere really pleasant, the calm, peaceful and relaxing music enhanced it as a whole. An ideal cafe for people to relax and enjoy where they were now. Chaewon came in first while Y/n held the door open catching a whiff of the redolent smell they were used to.

Chaewon looked around to find a spot for you two while Y/n went ahead and ordered.

"That's all, thank you."

"Alright, that will be 27 500 won."

"Here you go" As the older was about to draw out his credit card, Chaewon bumped into him. He flew to the Christmas tree next to the counter. Y/n screeched and pressed on the wall to propel himself away from the colourful sapling while the younger laughed at him. She slammed her money on the counter with a grand, smug smile. The cashier took the money and withdrew money from the counter.

"H-here's your ch-change, ma'am" The cashier quivered, dropping the money into Chaewon's hand.

"Hehe tank yu^^" Chaewon pulled Y/n's wrist with her. The internally screaming Y/n jumped.

Why is she like this???  He thought.

"Ow" He rubbed his arm. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

Chaewon ran his arm up and down, causing Y/n to squirm in pain.

"There, all good!" The girl with the white beret sat while the boy stared in a strange pain. It felt nice, but it hurt. He sat down whipping out his phone with their couple cases to pass the time and distract him from the discomfort.

A woman with a tray sauntered to their table to which Chaewon stared at.


As Y/n eyed the pastries, someone else was staring at him, furious. The worker placed down the food in Y/n's delight, but the vibe was off. He took a glance at Chaewon and her furrowed brows.

"Come on, this isn't the time to be mad." Y/n briefed, stuffing his mouth with donuts. The younger sighed at his stupidity.

"Here, I'll feed you." Y/n's playful voice exited his mouth. Chaewon groaned, she took the donut from his hand and bit off the cream. She squealed, in turn of her emotions, she smiled with her eyes closed.

"So.. You're happy now?"

"Mhm! It's so good!" Chaewon bit the sugar-coated donut, and remembered how sweet and delicious it was. She eyed the donut with happiness in her eyes snubbing the boy in front.

"Ignoring me wow okay." Y/n snarked. Chaewon glared at the older, sucking her tooth.

"If you keep frowning, you'll get wrinkles." He pointed between her eyes. She took a deep breathe. Chaewon made an attempt at calming herself and relax, but ended up frustrated as she heard Y/n cramming down bread. In a moment of annoyance, she thought of a better way to calm down.


Y/n's head hit the back of the cream-coloured wall behind him. He bottled up his scream as he expired. People ignored the sudden punch since they got used to them brawling like children, but the stranger thing is that the manager never kicked them out once.

"That really hurt."

"Ooh good, just what you deserved. If that didn't I would've punched you again." She smiled with her snarky eyes.

"How do you really feel about me?" The sudden question surprised the young lady. "I really can't believe after all of the things I've done, you still love me or do you?"

Chaewon sighed, she never doubted her choices and she never question if dating Y/n was a good or bad thing. She only dreamed about the future with him and she was content with her fantasies.

"I don't want to hurt you or burden you.."

"I've made bad choices in life." Chaewon paused. Y/n looked down. "But every decision I've made with you felt great. I love you and how you treat me like an actual person and I feel comfortable around you. Not like other people who only wanted me because I was me. I would even say dating you was the best choice, no regrets." Y/n felt so happy, grinning like an idiot until tears fell.

"Aww you baby." She got closer and hugged them.
