You wont like it 👀 (fem)

You know what, I'm really updating like I did while I was in school.

This book doesn't really seem paused does it 🧍‍♀️

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Laughter suddenly rang in the room.

Sanemi's purple-grey eyes looked at the doorway, a look of hate and disgust in his eyes.

What is that filthy bitch doing? Why am I here in her care?!

He asked himself in his mind. Sanemi couldn't ask them openly because he couldn't talk.

His lips couldn't move, open on their own, release any sound. The only thing he can move is his eyes, he can blink. He can also hear, and feel.

He can taste, he was force-fed by the Aoi girl he had no clue about. All he knew was the bratty girl wasn't gentle at all when feeding and told him he was lucky to be eating at all.

Shinobu made slow steps towards the immobile Sanemi, the disgust and hate in her purple eyes was obvious to anyone who could see.

She grabbed a wooden chair and dragged it next to his bed, the wood screeching against the wooden planked floor. Shinobu sat in the chair, tutting as she leaned forwards with a smile.

"Look at the mighty wind hashira, all sad in his bed." The wind hashira sat in silence, though the look in his eyes spoke for him enough. Words weren't necessary to tell how angry and hateful he felt towards the butterfly woman.

"Oh? Nothing to say?" Shinobu tilted her head, another laugh behind her pink lips.

"You sure had a lot to say yesterday though, I wonder what couldve possibly changed?" Her tone was falsely sweet, confusion mixed in with the sweetness and just as fake.

.  .  .

"Brother?" Y/n said as she peeked her head into her brothers room.

Sanemi turned around with a tired sigh, "What do you need?" He took off his haori and tossed it onto his desk chair.

He tried around and leaned his lower back to the desk, crossing his arms and giving his full attention to the girl.

"Well, me and Shinobu have something to tell you.." Y/n revealed that her hand was holding Shinobu's in a decent grip, though at the moment Sanemi thought it nothing more then good friends holding eachothers hands.

He knew Shinobu and his younger sister were always together, all sweet smiles and rosy cheeks, admiring warm looks. Good friends.

"Ok, what's up?" Sanemi gave Shinobu a nod of acknowledgment, her returning the gesture and shutting her purple eyes.

"Uh.." Y/n glanced her E/C eyes away from her older brother, her free hand reaching to the back of her neck and rubbing slowly. Sanemi shook his head and sighed.

"Don't be nervous, just say whatever you have to say." Apon hearing the words Y/n looked to her side at her lover, who looked back at her with warm and encouraging eyes and a smile with matching energy.

"Go ahead dear, he said don't be nervous." Shinobu looked at Y/n and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, Sanemi standing infront of you both waiting patiently.

"Ok! I've got this!" Y/n muttered to herself, before looking up at her brother woth furrowed eyebrows and a bright smile.

Sanemi smiled and nodded, "Just shoot." Y/n nodded, and released a breath.

At that moment Y/n confessed to her big brother with a big smile and bright eyes, her hand holding Shinobu's.

"Big brother, I like girls...and me and Shinobu have been together in a relationship.."

Y/n looked to the side at Shinobu who looked back at her, both wearing genuinely happy smiles.

"Do you accept me?-"

Y/n drifted her eyes back at her brother, her breath leaving her lungs immediately.

Sanemi glared at his little sister, at his sides his fists clenched and veins popping at places on his body, his arms, neck, forehead and hands. A shadow casted across his face giving him a frieghtening look.

"No, Y/n. I do not accept you being a freak!" Sanemi yelled, swinging his arm horizontally. His eyes were twitching and his arms returned to his sides, his hands once again tightening into fists.

"Don't be stupid like Genya, be smart! Don't be- a- whatever you call this!" Sanemi waved a hand, motioning to the joining of Y/n and Shinobu's hands.

"Don't say that! Please, Sanemi, just try to understand-" Sanemi took a large step forwards, getting in his younger sister face.

"Shut your damn mouth and listen to me! If you want to make it in this world you will be strong and marry a man, not her!" He spat, pointing a finger at Shinobu harshly.

Shinobu's lips turned to a sneer and she pulled Y/n away, moving her more behind her back.

"Shinazugawa you are going to far! Calm down and try to be rational will you?!" Shinobu had vein on her forehead and neck, her purple eyes looking into Sanemi's.

"This is your fault isn't it! You turned my little sister into freakish-scum?!" Shinobu scoffed, "Zip your mouth Shinazugawa, pay attention to who you're spouting your insults to!" Sanemi scoffed himself.

"Like I give a damn! Your small weak ass can't do shit! You aren't known as the weakest hashira for no reason!" Sanemi looked behind Shinobu hearing sniffling sounds coming from his sister. He scoffed and laughed, causing her to cry more.

"Why are you crying, shouldn't you be happy? You're a freak, and you're happy as one aren't you-"

Shinobu swung her hand in a quick motion, the back of her hand came in contact with Sanemi's cheek. His head went to the side with the impact and he felt his skin warming up where she slapped.

"We're done here. Let's go, Y/n." Now allowing anymore to be said, Shinobu grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her along to the exit of Sanemi's home.

She slid the door open, looking over her shoulder at the twitching Sanemi.

"You're gonna regret this, Shinazugawa. You won't like where you end up."

And with that, Shinobu gently pulled Y/n out of the door, her cries were silent yet noticeable by the shake of her shoulders. The doors shut, leaving a yelling and cursing Sanemi inside destroying his own furniture.

"Haha! Now look at you! I told you didn't I?" Shinobu giggled into the side of her hand.

Sanemi's eyes buldged and his brows twitching in attempt at furrowing them with his anger.

"The poison will fade away in about...a few weeks. About five." Shinobu held up five fingers, the usual pure and calm smile on her face was tainted with mock.

Sanemi sat silently, unable to yell and curse out the woman sitting by him.

"I told you Shinazugawa," Shinobu placed her elbow on his bed, resting her head in her hand.

"You wouldn't like where you end up." Shinobu's purple eyes looking into Sanemi's, his right eye twitching more then the left, his hatred burned into her but she honestly didn't care.

"And look at where you ended up. Sitting in a hospital bed, temporarily paralyzed by my homemade poison."

.  .  .

Mwuahahah it's not really angsty in my view but idk

Also I have Tik Tok too;


If you wanna stop by go ahead, but I've really only posted is a few drawings and a few convos with ai's 🤷‍♀️
