Testing out 🤠-✨ (Oc request) 1

This was requested by @KnyJimmy

Sry it took a bit but I got things mixed up with this request then I had to re think what I was doing and yeah- sorry but ya go 🚶‍♀️

Will be 2 prts BTW oops- 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️


Shinobu Kocho.

A once elegant demon slayer, amongst the strongest.

She was a talented hashira, yet not the strongest. Due to that she was taken down very easily by Doma, uppermoon 2.

Doma decided to turn her into a demon, afterwards he brought her to Muzan who sadly survived the war and needed more uppermoons, since all but Doma and Kokushibo had been killed.

Muzan decided to make Shinobu uppermoon 6, the weakest yet stronger then the lower and average demons.

Shinobu had no memories of anything before becoming a demon (but her hatred for Doma still remains lol).

Including her lover, Takumi Tsugikuni, who like her was taken down and turned into a demon. He also forgot everything, including her.

A week after the war....

"Shinobu-chan~ Hello~" Doma said dreamily, dragging out the 'o'. Veins popped out on Shinobu's neck, pure irritation suddenly appeared along with Doma's presence. Doma put a hand on her shoulder, her head snapping to look at the rainbow-eyed demon.

"Get your filthy hands of her, you rainbow-eyed scum." Shinobu maintained her calm smile, the same one she used always as a human, and turned to the voice with appreciation.

"Thank you, Iguro-san-" Doam whined and wrapped his arms around Shinobu's shoulders, her purple eyes widening at the contact with the scum.

"Aw, Iguro-dono, Shinobu-Chan doesn't min-" With quick movement, Iguro punched a hole straight through Doma head, causing him to release his hold on Shinobu.

Iguro sadly also was turned into a demon, and is now uppermoon 4.

"She as a matter fact despises trash like yourself to touch or come near her." Shinobu put a finger to her bottom lip, her sharp purple and white nail grazing her soft top lip barely. "Your entirety is repulsive." She puckered her pink lips a spit on the just-now fully healed uppermoon 2.

Shinobu giggled sweetly and thanked Iguro, making her way away from Doma quickly. "Do it again Shinobu-" "Shut it, you!" Shinobu turned around and laughed seeing Kanroji, uppermoon 5, slap Doma in the back of the head.

Doma whined and turned to Kanroji and reached out to pat her head in greeting, Iguro had a vein pop out on his forehead. "Hello Kanroji-chan-"

"Don't touch her, you damn freak." Iguro slapped Doma's hand so hard it flew off.

"Oh my..." Shinobu muttered before leaving the infinity fortress.

In a forest...

"Hello, Kocho.." Shinobu paused mid-dash hearing the monotone voice.

"Hello there," she greeted back, waving her fingers towards the voice.

"Tomioka-san." She gritted her teeth, she never knew why but she just doesn't like Tomioka at all, but she'd definitely rather be in his company then Doma's.

"How are you tonight..?" He asked, his half-and-half haori flowing in the gentle breeze passing by the two. "It was good, but now I'm here!" Shinobu chirped, a small giggle at the end.

Tomioka sweatdropped and hummed, "..sorry? I've been out here testing my demon blood art on stray little demon slayers..." Tomioka drifted his eyes over to three water-spiked bodies, two dead and one choking on its own blood.

Shinobu's Purple eyes widen seeing the bodies, she claps her hands together with a open smile. "Good job Tomioka! I should try doing that as well, practice would do me good..." she lowered her voice, her stare drilling into the side of the uppermoon 4's head. (Tomioka and Iguro share that title, much to Iguros displeasure).

"One day I could kill you and take your spot.." Tomioka turned to Shinobu with a stotic expression. "Sorry, I didn't hear you.." Shinobu giggled into the back of her hand.

"Nothing Tomioka!" Tomioka hummed with uncertainty that she told the truth, but he didn't really want to know.

Shinobu grew irritated by his presence, though all he did was be there. "Have you been told we have a new upper-"

"Bye Tomioka-san, I've grown tired of having to see your face!" Shinobu gave a wave and a falsely sweet smile and disappeared with a poof.

"...sorry again?" He muttered, standing by himself for a few moments.

"What a bitc-"

With Shinobu~

Shinobu looked forward, humming to herself, a sweet tune.

'I wonder if there are anymore Demon slayers out here, the loner Tomioka probably killed them all..' Shinobu sighed, jumping up into a tree gracefully.

Shinobu stood on a branch, so silent there wasn't even a creak from the branch at all. A long hum came from the uppermoon, her gaze moving around the wooded area before landing on a shadowed figure sitting on a rock, the glimmer and sparkle from the lake infront of them.

"Ah, there we go!" She quietly cheered to herself. Shinobu tapped her shapr nail to the purple butterfly on her shoulder, a second layer a purple butterfly popped of her shoulder from the mark.

Shinobu watched the butterfly with happiness, a purple glow radiating from the poisoned beauty.

She blew on the butterfly, it following the motion. It fluttered over towards the figure sitting infront of the peaceful lake.

Shinobu's purple eyes watched the scene waiting for the Demon Slayer to activate her blood demon art.

Shinobu Kocho's blood demon art:

The purple butterfly marks on her skin are actually something she can summon by tapping the marks. A purple butterfly will come from the mark. The wisteria poison Shinobu took as human was so strong that it carried on to affect her blood demon art.

The butterflies will poison humans when they touch them. It weakens them drastically and after long kills them if Shinobu doesn't. The butterfly stains the human with purple meaning they've been poisoned.

A smirk painted Shinobu's pink lips as she watched the figure reach to the glowing butterfly. The smirk fell instantly, her eyes widening in that very second.

The person crushed the butterfly, and there was no purple on their skin to mark they've been poisoned.

A shudder racked through the petite uppermoons body. 'Who is this?!'

Out of anger, she decided to attack, springing from the tree she hid in she jumped at the figure, her eyes widened in anger.

The figure made no move to stop, for they didn't know she was attacking. At least that's what she thought.

As soon as her hand went to give a deadly blow to the person's head, her wrist was snatched, with a firm yet unharmful grip.

Her lips parted with shock and some fear, if they were strong enough to dodge her attacks twice like this..her rank could be stripped and they could take it.

Her hand shook slightly, trying to rip away, and finally the figure decided to show their face.


Lol 2 parts cause I can...no actually it's getting too long I'm sry bro 🧍‍♀️
