t w e n t y o n e

who doesn't love some hopekook 🥺


jungkook happily munched on some cheeseballs as yoongi stared at him with his mouth agape.

"are...are those my cheeseballs?" he asked.

jungkook shook his head. "not anymore."

"but...i had to eat one of your carrots yesterday. jimin only had cat food to eat and i didn't want none," yoongi said.

"well, you ate one of my carrots, so i'm eating your cheeseballs." jungkook said while munching on some more cheeseballs.

"taehyung..." yoongi whined as he reached for him and wrapped his arms around him. "jungkook is eating my cheeseballs."

"i'll buy you more." taehyung said as he cleared his throat and nervously peeled yoongi's arms off of him.

yoongi raised an eyebrow confused. he was about to ask why he wouldn't accept his hug when the door of the animal shelter opened and the little bell at the top rang.

"hoseok!" jungkook yelled as he set down the container with the cheeseballs and ran to the animal healer's arms.

"hey bunny," hoseok whispered as he wrapped his arms around jungkook. "my favorite patient and the cutest bunny."

jungkook blushed and smiled as he hugged hoseok tighter. "hoseok, i have something to tell you." he said as he remembered his conversation with taehyung the night before.

slowly he unwrapped his arms from hoseok. jungkook glanced back at taehyung who gave him some thumbs up and smile for reassurance.

"what's happening?" jimin asked as he appeared beside yoongi and taehyung. he was at the back feeding the animals.

"jungkook is about to tell hoseok something important." taehyung answered.

"what is he going to tell him?" yoongi curiously asked.

"hush and watch." taehyung said as he watched the scene before them. he was excited about jungkook.

"what is it kookie?" hoseok asked.

jungkook nervously fidgeted with his fingers. he noticed that his thumb and index finger on his right hand had cheeseball crumbs.

hoseok noticed, so he reached out and grabbed jungkook's right hand. he brought the bunny's hand close to his mouth while jungkook looked at him confused and sucked on his cheeseball covered fingers.

jungkook stared with his mouth agape, not expecting for hoseok to do that.

yoongi, jimin, and taehyung weren't expecting that either. they stared in shock as hoseok then pulled jungkook closer to him and grabbed his face.

"you have some on the sides of your mouth too, let me help you with that," he said.


jungkook didn't have time to question what hoseok was talking about. hoseok had placed his hand on the back of jungkook's head and brought their lips together.

jungkook was not expecting that at all. not wasting any time, he found himself kissing hoseok back.

it was such a sweet and loving kiss that was shared between them. their lips moved slowly and softly against each others in such a lovingly way that they couldn't believe that they were kissing.

yoongi feel a bit envious as he stared at his best friend and hoseok share a kiss, but he quickly shook the thoughts of his head. he wanted to be supportive of his best friend.

he discreetly glanced at taehyung who was beside him who was watching the scene with wide eyes. he glanced at yoongi from the corner of his eye once, so yoongi quickly averted his gaze back to jungkook and hoseok.

taehyung had felt a burning desire inside of him to suddenly reached out to yoongi and kiss him. but he couldn't. yoongi would turn into a cat. besides, he couldn't fall in love with yoongi, jimin told him that it would be hard to move on and he didn't want his memory to be erased either.

jimin, on the other hand, was smirking. he had been waiting for so long for jungkook and hoseok to kiss. it was obvious that they liked each other.

slowly, afraid to pull away, hoseok broke away from the kiss and rested his forehead against jungkook's. "you had crumbs on the sides of your mouth and i just had the urge to kiss you."

"you can kiss me any time you want," jungkook said. "because i like you, maybe even love you."

hoseok smiled pecked jungkook's lips. "i also like you-no wait, i think i might love you too."

they shared another soft kiss and when they broke away again, jungkook was looking at hoseok with his big doe eyes in such a loving way.

watching the scene in front of them made yoongi wish that it was him and taehyung kissing and confessing their feelings for each other, but he could only wish because he knew that his love for taehyung could never happen.

how come jungkook and hoseok can have feelings for each other, but i can't have feelings for taehyung. yoongi sadly thought to himself.

"my cute little bunny," hoseok said as he wrapped his arms around jungkook again.

jungkook giggled. "what does that make us now?"

hoseok smirked. "anything you want to be."

"i want to be your boyfriend and for you to be mine."

"then i'm your boyfriend and you're my boyfriend." hoseok smiled.

jungkook happily kissed hoseok again, not even bothering to care that he and hoseok have been kissing in front of everyone else. they didn't even care. at that moment nobody else mattered, but themselves.

"wait, how are they dating?" taehyung asked. "isn't jungkook a bunny?"

"hoseok is a bunny too, but he spends most of his time in his human form since he helps other animals as well." jimin explained.

taehyung nodded his head in understanding. "they're so cute."

"you're so cute," yoongi whispered.

taehyung heard and turned his gaze to yoongi. his cheeks were pink. "wha-what?"

"nothing," yoongi smiled. he wanted to grab taehyung's face and kiss him. he wanted to kiss him so hard to show him how much he loves him, but he couldn't. jimin told him he couldn't fall in love with taehyung and he knew, but after he heard the story, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to handle living without taehyung. not mention, he'd turn into a cat.

yoongi wanted to ask jungkook if he could ask hoseok for some more magic dust but decided against it. he didn't want to use his best friend, especially when jungkook was now dating the person he loved.

later that night, when it was time to go home, he stared longingly at taehyung who had his back turned to him and was already walking to his house with an overly excited jungkook. then, he turned the other way and walked home with jimin.
