t h i r t y o n e

taegi posted a selca uwu (i know i'm like a few days late but just pretend that they posted it today)


"isn't jimin the cutest!" jungkook gushed.

yoongi meowed as if asking 'what about me?'

"you're cute too, yoongi, but jimin is cuter. he's also a rare calico cat. there aren't very many male calico cats. they're all mainly females or at least that's what jimin told me."

taehyung said nothing as he stared at the cat in jungkook's arms. jimin is a calico cat, jimin is a calico cat, jimin is a calico cat, jimin-

"taehyung, isn't jimin cute?" jungkook asked as he turned to face the male who was still staring at the calico cat in shock.

"the cutest," was all taehyung had managed to say. taehyung remembered his brother saying that the calico cat that killed him as a female or at least he assumed it was.

jimin is a male calico cat. he didn't kill seokjin, there's no way.

yoongi whined. "what are you jealous?" jungkook asked as he turned to the other cat in his arms. "there's no need for you to be jealous when taehyung has feel-"

taehyung immediately snapped out of his trance and clapped his hand around jungkook's mouth. jungkook wasn't supposed to tell anyone about his feelings for yoongi, especially now when all taehyung could think about was his brother.

jungkook's eyes widened upon realizing what he almost just said. slowly, taehyung lowered his hand before reaching for yoongi.

he brought the cat's face towards his and let yoongi lick his lips, the sparkly dust appearing once again and turning him back into a human.

"what were you about to say jungkook?" yoongi asked.

jungkook bit his lips while he glancing at taehyung. "i don't know, i forgot."

yoongi glanced back and forth between jungkook and taehyung, obviously not very convinced, but didn't press any further.

"didn't you say a calico cat..." yoongi trailed off, unsure of how to ask his question.

taehyung seemed to know what yoongi was trying to ask. "yeah, a calico cat was responsible for my brother's death."

jungkook looked down at the cat in his arms. "but jimin wouldn't ever do that. he's the protector of the animals."

taehyung nodded. "yeah, jimin is my best friend, without him i wouldn't have gotten over seokjin's death."

the cat meowed in jungkook's arms. i was the reason for your brother's death. i felt guilty for what i did, so i felt like i was responsible for your hurting

"oh, jimin, why don't you turn yourself back into a human now, that way we can know what you're saying when you speak. we're not sure what your meows mean," jungkook said as he gently ruffled the cat's fur before putting it on the ground.

the cloud of sparkly dust appeared once again, turning him back into his human form.

"hey, how come taehyung has to kiss me to turn me into a cat and back into a human, but you can easily turn yourself into a cat and back whenever you'd like?" yoongi asked.

"after becoming the protector of the animals, i was given this special ability to rescue any animal in any situation." jimin explained.

"so you're originally a cat?" taehyung asked.

jimin nodded. "yes, i've always been a cat."

"wow, whoever turned you into a human did a good job. i know you're my best friend, but you're so good looking," taehyung gushed.

yoongi frowned while turning his attention to taehyung. "what about me?"

"you've always been a human."

"and i'm a bunny!" jungkook happily shouted, wanting to be included in the conversation with his friends as well.

"as hoseok likes to say, the cutest bunny," jimin added.


that night, taehyung had another nightmare, but this time he woke up screaming as his dreams replayed the memory of his brother's death.

"taehyung! are you okay?!" yoongi frantically asked as he was startled awake by taehyung's screams.

taehyung ran his fingers through his sweaty hear and turned to look at yoongi while trying to calm his heavy breathing.

"my brother..." he began but didn't finish his sentence. tears began to fall from taehyung's eyes and he let yoongi engulf him into a hug.

"it's okay, taehyung, I'm here," yoongi said as he rubbed his hand on Taehyung's back to comfort him.

"but seokjin...he's not here," taehyung said in between sobs. "i miss my brother. i miss him so much, yoongi."

yoongi continued to rub taehyung's while continuing to tell him words of comfort. "seokjin is here, maybe not physically, but he's here..." yoongi pulled away from the hug to press a finger in the middle of taehyung's where he thought his heart was. "...here's right here."

"seeing jimin in his cat form today reminded me of the calico cat that killed my brother." taehyung said as more tears continued to stream down his face. "that cat was the reason why i hated animals, specifically cats. a cat killed my brother."

"hey, you don't hate cats anymore. you don't hate me. you also don't hate other animals. you really like jungkook and namjoon's dog too." yoongi smiled as he placed his hands on both sides of taehyung's face and using his thumbs, he wiped away taehyung's tears.

"what if i start to hate cats and other animals after you leave?" taehyung quietly asked. his tears had slowed down while his heart raced as yoongi was gently wiping away his tears and giving him the most caring and loving expression.

yoongi frowned. "don't say that, you're not going to hate animals again. you'll have jimin with you too and that namjoon guy." yoongi tried his best not to make a face upon saying namjoon's name. now wasn't the time to get jealous. "you'll be just fine." he reassured.



"can you kiss me?"


taehyung sighed and placed his hands on top of yoongi's. "it doesn't have to be on my lips. i just want you to kiss me."

"you want me to kiss you to make you feel better?" yoongi asked as his eyes bore into taehyung's.

taehyung nodded. "please?"

yoongi softly smiled. "of course, baby, anything for you."

taehyung closed his eyes as he felt yoongi's lips press against his forehead. the small action made taehyung let out a sigh of content before grabbing yoongi's hands and intertwining their fingers.

taehyung placed their hands in their laps as yoongi continued to press kisses all over taehyung's face. above his eyes, on his cheeks, his nose, his chin, and the corners of his mouth- yoongi made sure to litter his kisses all over.

i love you, taehyung wanted to say, but he kept his mouth closed. he continued to let yoongi kiss him, making him feel better and making him forget about seokjin and his nightmare.
