chapter 4

(Jacks p.o.v)

We kissed and it was amazing so I decided that I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend so here we go im going to do it here I go. Wow I don't even know what to say okay grow up gilinsky and just ask her. "Hey Griff can I talk to you?" "yea share what's up?" "Okay so I need to ask you a question and its pretty hard for me to word so her it is I loved you since the first time I saw you you are prefect in my eyes you are funny, hilarious and you just smile and my whole world lights up it is amazing so will you please be my lovely girlfriend."

"Jack I would love to be your girlfriend" I kissed her and I felt sparks again and I probably will forever

(Griffins p.o.v)

Wow he kissed me and asked me to be his girlfriend in just one day I think this day could not get and better.
