chapter 3

When I got home I got a text from jack.

Jack-hey beautiful


Jack-do you want to hang out tonight?

Me-yea when and where?

Jack- I will pick you up in 20mins and its a surprise!!

Me-fine what do I need to weat

Jack bring a bathing suit wear casual clothes

Me- okay see you later

Jack- bye beautiful

*end of conversation *

So I got ready as fast as I could I was so excited 20mins later I was done and he asked me what my address was


Me-1516 sky road

Jack- okay bye be there in a min


*skip car ride*

(Jacks p.o.v)

When we got there I look at her and she is beautiful she is looking up and the sun is beating down on her perfectly. She looked perfect and her perfect body wow she was beautiful.

So I was snapped out of my thought when somebody poked my shohlder it was griffin she asked me if I wanted to go into the water and I took of my shirt and ran to the ocean and she was right next to me. I knew I had to figure out away for her to be mine and that she would be my last kiss before i die.

(Griffins p.o.v)

He was perfect he was the one I wanted. And so I did what I had to do we were splashing around and then I tripped and he caught me and we looked at each others eyes for awhile once he stood me up and then all I did was kiss him and I felt sparks all throughout my body it was perfect.

(Jacks p.o.v)

Wow! She kissed me! I didn't think she liked me that way burn I sure did like her that but she kissed me! This is great but now I can ask her to be my girlfriend. "Do you want to go get something to eat?"I asked her "that would be good."

*skip car ride*

When we got there we walked in and I went up to the register I realized that I was holding griffins hand but she seem to mimd so I just keep a hold in her hand until I hear somebody call my name it was the one and only Andrea russet. I thought I would never see her again but I guess not she ran up to me and jumped in my arms and she called me "jackypoo" what the fuck why is my name jackypoo. But I didn't catch her and she fell o her ass so I guess that was pretty funny.I grabbed griffin and pulled her into my waist and waited for Andrea to get up when she finally got up she was about to cry I said "Andrea we broke up a year ago" Andrea said "but jackypoo- but I cut her off by saying "stop calling me jackypoo I don't even know where then hell that even came from" all she did was turn to griffin and slap her and said "this is all your fault this is why jackypoo is not taking me back!" "No thats not the reason why I broke up with you" "then why did you" "because you are a fucking slut and nobody wants to be with someone like that" she ran out was so pissed off.
