
It's very silent in the car as Porsche, Pete and Vegas are heading to the airport. The meeting that they are planning to invade is the day after. It's only been a night since the situation between Porsche and Gun. No one wants to say anything.

They are the only ones to avoid being seen by the enemy before their invasion. that's why Vegas wanted to bring specially chosen bodyguards instead of his own.  Pete is driving and Porsche is sitting next to him. Vegas is in the back seat.

When they arrive at one of the biggest harbours of Thailand they step out and grab their very little luggage including some weapons. it takes a 5-minute walk before they arrive at a huge ship filled with containers. an eastern-looking man greets them and leads them onto the ship and they get provided with a little room containing 2 bunk beds and a small table.

Vegas is unpacking everything while Pete is making phone calls to the connections they have there to make sure it isn't a trap or false information.

Porsche is standing in silence waiting.

"Porsche, can you grab the weapons? My hands are full." Says Vegas. Porsche does as he asked and grabs the weapons. There aren't many but they don't need much anyway since the bodyguards who will go with Pete have their own weapons and Vegas and Porsche aren't planning to attack, they will bring a weapon out of safety though.

The meeting takes place the next day somewhere in the late evening. Meaning they will have to wait a while. The boat is also gonna take a while, they got on the fastest one they could find but it still takes till tomorrow afternoon till they arrive.

It becomes silent again as everyone is doing their thing. Vegas decides to do a bit of work on the laptop he brought.

"Want to go for a smoke?" Asks Pete to Porsche and he agrees. They leave their cabin and go outside. There are people running around to get the ship ready to leave. None of them cares about the two men in suits.

Porsche offers Pete his lighter and they smoke in silence for a little while. It's cold outside, the wind is cold making it even worse and the clouds are hinting to rain but they don't care.

"Why did you jump in between yesterday?" Asks Pete. "If Vegas didn't show up you would have been dead now."

Porsche doesn't answer. He wasn't sure either. It might have reminded him of the people who came to collect rent, they would beat him, porchay and their uncle up if they were late.

"I don't know," he says.

Pete looks at him worried. "You do, I can see it in your eyes." He says.

Porsche sighs and tells him about the guys who came to collect rent every month. Pete listens to him carefully. He feels bad for him, his childhood might have not been the best but compared to that of Porsche he still had a decent one.

It goes silent again after Porsche finished his story but this time it's more of a comfortable silence. Neither of them says a word or is even planning to. they finish smoking and head back inside to go over their plan again.

They decide to not make any changes to the original plan. not that they expected that they needed to. they spend hours back in Bangkok making the plan perfect. 

it takes a while before they finally arrive and they immediately take action as planned. Pete jumps in the car together with two other bodyguards that Vegas send with him to go to the casino building next to the casino to overhear the conversations. they only have 2 hours left till the meeting starts. It's already filled with the bodyguards of the French mafia as expected. 

Pete and the other bodyguard purposely aren't wearing suits to avoid suspicion. they quietly slip through the bodyguards and continue to walk to the building next to it.

nobody seems to be in the building. they go to the second floor because the meeting is gonna be on the second floor too. they settle in an abandoned room that seemed to have been a bedroom. the walls are thin and the windows of the casino are open to keep the air fresh so they can hear the people there clearly but that also means they could hear them if they make too much noise.

Pete and the other bodyguards stay quiet for the next hour before they finally hear someone enter the room. at first, it is only French which makes sense since it's the French mafia but as the drug dealers enter the room the language changes to English. Pete is fluent in English and can easily keep up with the conversation even though the accent of the French is kind of terrible.

one of the bodyguards send with Pete moves a bit and accidentally bumps into one of the stuff remaining in the room. It's a lamp and before he can catch it it has already fallen onto the ground and it breaks into a million pieces with a loud bang. 

Pete holds his breath to hear if their neighbours heard it and just as he expected asks the French mafia leader one of his bodyguards to go check.

after a few minutes, they hear the door open and a tall man steps inside. Pete silently grabs his gun as he hears the man approach slowly. his heart beats faster than normal. One of Pete's bodyguards suddenly jumps up and runs towards the man at full speed. Pete murmurs "shit" under his breath and also jumps up, followed by his other bodyguard and they run towards the stairs.

The bodyguard who runs towards the man is fighting with him until the man suddenly pulls out a gun and points it towards the bodyguard. 

Pete looks at the scene trying to think of a way to get him out of the situation but the bodyguard yells to them to run away and Pete doesn't have much of a choice. More bodyguards have been sent to the building because of the sound. they see Pete and the other bodyguard leave the building and run after them.

Pete runs straight towards a big street in the hope that they can disguise themselves there. and their plan seems to work as they stop running and casually walk into a store with baby clothes. they see the men who are following them run by and they try to catch their breath. 

Pete grabs his phone and calls Vegas. "they found out about us, they got one of your bodyguards, what do we do now?" he quickly says. Vegas slows him down and thinks for a second. "just lay low for now." he says. Pete agrees and is about to hang up when one of the French bodyguards walks into the store and sees them. he grabs his weapon and Pete and his bodyguard run to the back of the store. 

Other people in the store start panicking as they see the weapon.

Pete hides behind the door and as soon as the man steps in he jumps on his back, they struggle for a while and the man accidentally shoots. Pete's bodyguard screams in pain, the bullet hit his leg.

Pete uses the taekwondo he learned when he was younger to floor the man and take his weapon and immediately shoots him in the head. he runs towards his bodyguard who is trying to stand up and they walk towards the backdoor together. outside is a small alley where they find an abandoned building in which they hide.

Pete then realises that he is still calling Vegas who is pretty much screaming at this point. he tells Vegas what happened and Vegas immediately sends the medic they brought to the abandoned building.

Pete finally can breathe again. they crawled their way to the attic where they find a couch and Pete tries to stop the wound from bleeding. 


Hi, I finally finished a chapter. I'm pretty sure it took me 3 months. sorry:(

also, Kinnporsche's one-year anniversary was like a week ago. so that reminded me that I still needed to finish this. 

I also started a new Wattpad about a boy who gets into a K-pop survival program but then realises he is gay so please check that out  :))

ill try to update both but ill probably focus on the other one more for a while.

Luv yall<3
