
The meal afterwards had been silent, neither of them had said a word and they both had just nibbled on their burgers while looking outside.

Porsche had considered thanking Kinn for helping him out in that awkward situation but he couldn't admit that Kinn had things like feeling since he most definitely didn't, if he did he would've treated his staff better and Porsche couldn't recall seeing Kinn ever actually happy and smiling like he meant it. 

Whenever Porsche had seen Kinn he would either look like all of his emotions had been drained from him or he would force out the fakest smile Porsche had ever seen and he hadn't even seen Kinn mad before either.

Porsche and Pete had given him the nickname 'Robotman' before during a day off, they had gone to the bar and spent all evening drinking, partying and most importantly spending most of their evening complaining about Kinn to pretty much everyone they could start a conversation with.

Kinn had been silent too, he regretted helping Porsche out since he didn't have a reason to but yet he did. 

Kinn had also disliked Porsche to a certain extent, he had always been super casual to his superiors as if they were his close friends which Kinn found irritatingly unprofessional considering how it might mean his end someday and he had been reckless during a lot of his missions.

Kinn knew deep down that Porsche's questionable choices had worked out so far except for the time that he got drunk during a party but Kinn wanted to forget about that.

Even though he didn't know who of the two had made the plan to sneak into a private jet and fly away, it sounded like something Porsche had come up with and Kinn couldn't deny that he definitely had saved their lives back then.

It had stressed Kinn out when Porsche and Vegas suddenly weren't reachable anymore and he didn't know why, everyone knows that his relationship with Vegas wasn't something you would expect from cousins. Everything had always been a competition between the two, they would always race to see who was faster which Vegas would win most of the time and he would always mock Kinn for losing but Kinn always won things like chess which upset Vegas a lot.

Kinn smiled slightly thinking back to when his biggest worries were losing a bet on who could finish their homework earlier or who could pull the attention of the kid on the other side of the street. 

Porsche seemed to have noticed the slight grin and also smiled, This was the first time Porsche had seen Kinn smile that seemed genuine. 

"Took you long enough," he mumbled softly.

"What?" Kinn had seen Porsche move his lips and form some words but didn't hear what he has said.


Porsche went back to looking at the never-ending stream of people outside, most of them were blond which was something Porsche couldn't get used to straight away, most of the blonde people in his country were either immigrants or they had dyed their hair that way but now it was nothing but an endless sea of gold and a few exceptions of brown, black, orange or dyed hair.

Porsche even meant to see someone with pink hair with blue highlights but it was hard to spot that person again.


Kinn looked up from the remains of the burger in his hands, "Yeah?"

"I think we should go." 

Porsche had spotted a suspicious group of people who had been standing on the other side of the street, all of them had the same suits on as the man that had attacked Porsche and Vegas on the train, except one person in the centre who wore a bit more comfortable clothes, the type of clothes you would wear when spending all day on the couch watching movies.

Kinn had noticed where Porsche had been looking nervously and immediately understood the situation.

There seemed to be at least 8 men and even Porsche didn't know if he could handle all of them but as long as they stayed in the crowd that was slowly making their way to the centre of the city those men wouldn't be able to do anything, or at least that was what Porsche was hoping.

"Act like you haven't noticed them," Porsche sounded calm but his voice was trembling slightly, the last time he had seen one of those men he ended up in the forest with a rapist who had reminded him of the deep dark moment in his past that he had finally managed to forget.

"Okay." Kinn sounded a lot braver than Porsche but his face was a lot whiter than usual which gave his nervousness away.

They stood up and walked towards the entrance as casually as they could. The men were pretty close to the entrance and Porsche could see one of them grab something out of his pocket which seemed to be a knife, maybe they were planning on attacking them in the middle of the street after all.

The both of them hesitated for a bit knowing the changes they had to take were big, especially for Porsche since he would most likely get murdered straight away since he was only a mere bodyguard while they likely needed Kinn alive. 

Kinn took a deep breath and grabbed Porsche's hand tightly before opening the door and sprinting out into the big crowd. 

Porsche had a hard time trying not to fall as he kept being dragged along with Kinn who wasn't stopping, he mumbled out apologies as he pushed people aside to get further away from the men that were most likely chasing them.

They kept running at full speed till they reached a big street with multiple lanes and a ton of trees planted alongside all of the pavements. 

The building around them were all expensive worldwide brand shops like Gucci, Versace and a big Samsung store with multiple stories. The street was filled with cars and busses and the pavements next to it weren't any less crowded as hundreds of people were minding their own business trying to get to their destination. 

"What do we do?!" Yelled Porsche trying to be louder than all of the sounds surrounding them.

"The store!" Kinn still had his hand wrapped around that of Porsche and continued running again which almost made Porsche fall as he placed his foot on a small rock on the cold grey stones.

Kinn ended up entering the ginormous Samsung store that Porsche had spotted earlier, it had been a smart move since there were countless amount of people placed all over the store that were supposed to make sure there wouldn't be any robberies or fights.

The men were just as they suspected still behind them but were forced to stop running to not look suspicious in the eyes of the security.

They walked around for a bit and 'tried out some phones' to not look obvious either, Kinn had grabbed one of those modern flip phones. It was an older model and one of the first models that had been outed and that was why it was placed more in the back of the store since more people would be interested in the newer ones.

He dialled a number and started calling, he pulled Porsche in front of him as a cover so that no one would see it and they waited in silence while waiting for someone to answer.

Porsche had no idea who Kinn was trying to reach but he had a suspicion which got confirmed as he heard Arm say "Hello?" through the speaker, Porsche was standing close enough to hear him talk and that's why he recognised him.

"We are being tailed, I don't recognise any of them but I think they are from the French too."

"What location?" Pete could also be heard on the other side of the line.

"A Samsung store in the centre of the city, can you track it?"

The line went silent for a bit before Arm finally answered again, "Yeah I found you, we are about ten minutes away so stay put."

Kinn was about to hang up when he heard someone walk through the speaker again, "Hey Kinn, got yourself in trouble?"

Porsche could feel the chills run down his back as he heard the voice, they had found Vegas and hearing his voice again made him want to throw up but he stayed strong and tried not to show how uncomfortable he was with the situation.

"As if you didn't have problems during your stay here." Kinn snarled back and hung up,  his voice sounded cold and he clearly couldn't stand the younger's voice either.


Sorry for being late, I finally started reading ao3 and I got a bit obsessed with it so I forgot to update which is kind of a lame excuse though lol :)

Luv Y'all<3
