
[A/N: Sweet sixteen, Sixteen Sixteen~ ... I'll make you sweet sixteen]

Cha Eunwoo's POV

Gosh, I'm super tired right now. We are still setting up hyung's mansion here and it is 8:30pm. I was supposed to study for tonight parents noticed me that I had always study every night without having a break, so they told me to have a break but now, I'm not that having a break.

Haerin was wearing her short pants and a white tee that she changed from her school uniform to this. All of them are working hard except me who always received biscuits and tea by the maids. I saw Myungjun hyung got pissed off because of me for not handing a helping hand. Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm too kind to them.

I had always tried to get away from these maids but I wouldn't let my good pride to begone. Sigh, I'm sorry my fellow friends. Well, at least I helped them...for 30 minutes, that was...after school.

"Excuse me, maids. Eunwoo here wanted to help us" as Haerin slung her arm to mine, dragging me away from the maids. I send an apologetic smile and they melted. It works. "You should be a namja, idiot"

"I was trying to do it" I giggled and ruffled her hair.

Again, she wasn't wearing her glasses anymore which makes me falling in love with her so hard. The way she smiles could melt anyone's heart, her stubbornness would be then cutest one among the girls in school and even her blank expression face can be attractive, like a model in a magazine. You should try to meet her, she is a goddess.

Me and Haerin were in charged to decorate the backyard together with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. We spend our own money with these stuffs and a little handy from the Kim's. To protect Haerin's safety, Tae and I hung up fairy lights against a wall at the edm stage. Good thing that the wall is stiff, wouldn't gonna fall if so many people gonna stand on this stage.

I'm kinda worried about this party. The whole school will gonna come, imagined like one of those parties in the US. Drunken people are minors, people flirting in a room and even crash some things inside the house. Gosh, I'm so worried.

After, we had dinner with hyung's parents. It was a feast as a reward for us became a handy people. We talked about our personalies and some are just related to our type of lover which was kinda embarrassing, just like playing 'truth or dare'. I yawned and covered my mouth. "Sleepy?" I heard Haerin whispered, nodded slightly. "Let's go home. It's getting late" I looked over my wrist watch, it was almost 9:30. Damn, is it already this late? Our parents will getting worried and probably mad at us.

My driver sent her first at her home. I helped her by opened the car door. She thanked and greeted night to each other. I hugged her for a minute and left her. I grin sheepishly as I stepped into the car. "Fall hard, eh?" My driver said, grinning as he looked through me at the mirror.

"Shut up, ajjushi" I chuckled and yawned, drifted mysled to sleep by leaning to the car window.


(Saturday morning)

Today is the day for the party. Sigh, I'm so nervous about this. My mom knock the door of my bedroom while I was wearing my clothes after I took my shower. She told that breakfast was ready downstairs and I replied "coming!"

I finished buttoning up my pink-peach shirt then I walked down to the dining room. As I got there, I saw my dad was reading the latest newspapers and my mom was talking to her friend in her phone. I greeted them morning and started eating my breakfast.

My phone vibrates on the table, showed that Haerin texted me. I got nervous out of the blue. Is it true that I'm really falling hard towards her? I think our engagement thing wasn't that bad.

I unlockedy my phone and opened Haerin's message.

"Wanna go hang out together at the park near your house?" - Haerin

I almost got chocked when I was drinking the sour drink orange. S-she was asking for me to date? O-or is it just a hang out? Wait, aren't that just the same? Should I go? Well, we are a couple. So...

"Sure, I'll be there" - Eunwoo

"Mom, I gotta go" I told her as I finished my meal. I ran upstairs to pick up my wallet. After, I ran downstairs again, to the front door and wearing my red converse high. I locked the door behind me, started to walk my way to the park where I should meet up with my fiancé.

Once I got there, I saw she was talking to guy wasn't sure who is it because he showed his back. He then walked away, noticed that Haerinnie is holding a box. Maybe her fanboy. Without any hesitate, I jogged towards her and she noticed me right away. "Good morning to you, jagi" she winked at me, stopped my heart for a second! She called me 'jagi'~

"You too, sweetheart" we both laughed, hugging her tight. "I miss you, Haerin"

"W-what happened to you? You are being weird" I saw she blushed as pink tulip.

"Maybe I am. You've gotten beautiful lately" I rested my cheek on her head. Her hair smells so good, the scent of lavender. How nice it is. I heard she muttered thanks, just chuckle. "Gaja" I held her hands right and exited the park.

I asked her who was the guy who met her earlier and she said it was a random guy a fan of her. She never knew the she had a fan. For her first fanboy, she accepted his gift. It was a bar of green tea and her totally favourite bunny which is eating it's carrot. Dang it. I shouldn't have bought them in the first place.

Instead of holding hands, I slung my arm around her shoulder, making myself comfortable. It was like I'm hugging a stuff animal while walking. She is warm and fluffy, what makes her that was she is wearing a pink sweater and long white jean and we matched perfectly.

We kept on talking until we stopped by at a corner shop, a candy shop. Of course, she had bought green tea snacks while I bought white chocolate bar. After that, we sat on a bench outside the shop, enjoying how sweet it is.

Haerin who was the one who made the first moved by entwined our fingers. I felt so happy, can't stop blushing and grinning to myself. Who wouldn't feel happy to be with her?

"About tonight's party. Will you pick me up?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Sure, I will"


As we made decision earlier, I picked her up at her house. She came out from her house, wearing a black knees length dress and a short heels. She is cute in any dress. She then opened herself the car door and got in. "Let's go" she smiled.

We sure talked a lot mostly about our worries of hyung's party. Why would we agree to come to the party? Sometimes, I am not sure about my decisions.

On the way to Kim's house, cars parked all over the place, even the parked the neighborhood. We both wasn't sure to park inside, because maybe there wouldn't be some spaces so we decided to walk there. I parked near Jimin's car, as I knew his car which was in blue. I quickly held Haerin's hand and made our way to the party.

I saw Taehyung and Jungkook approached us, panting so hard. "Guys!"

"Hey!" I greeted them.

"Wwooo!!! That party was legit for just 15 minutes" Tae shouted.

"What happened?" Rinne asked. Jungkook put his both hands onto our shoulder.

"Namjoon hyung kissed Jin hyung" he said innocently.

"What!?" Wait, I'm the only one who said that? Haerin knows??

Gosh, hyung these days. They made funny stuffs like that. Maybe it's not funny for them. A saying, 'Love can be any gender'. I guess it's fine. Oh well.
