
Na Haerin's POV

We hugged so tight preventing from coldness surrounded us. Right, we are outside of his house. His mom invited me for a dinner. So I had no choice but to accept her invitation. She is my future mother in law, why wouldn't I go?

When I saw 5 pairs of shoes at the entrance, I thought they were just his shoes that litter there but they turned out was ASTRO's shoes. Now, I'm not sure what I'm doing, just hugging and nothing else. I just dunno what to do. After the long hug, he broke our embrace. I let out sigh and took some air. I didn't breath properly ever since he hugged me out of the blue.

"L-let's go inside. The others are waiting. Your friends will get suspicious" I panickly said that. What if they knew already just because of our doing.

"Maybe my mom told them by now. The truth so loud, you can't ignore" I nodded. Sigh, I guess there's no point for me to hide this engagement thing from them now. I'm so dead by tomorrow.

As we got into the dining room, all the members were in o's. And I guess they knew about us. "Newly wed" Myungjun-ssi said.

"We're not yet" Dongmin growled. I giggled a bit from the back. We both then sit next to each other and enough for them to tease us. I complete ignore what they said through the dinner. I was just enjoying his mom's cooking at they were super delicious! Eating while listening? I literally can't do both.

"Mrs Lee, can you teach me how to cook sometime?" I gave an excited smile to her.

"Of course, dear. I would love to teach you"

"Kamsahamida~" I stood up, carrying my plates and cup to the kitchen's sink to wash them. As I was almost washing them, I saw two arms placing beside me, I mean to the counter, trapping me for not letting me go. I smell the Cologne which is belong to...Dongmin. "W-what do you want?" I sounded panicked.

"Watching you?" He said but in an asking tone.

"It's not what you called 'watching'. It's more trapping me while I'm doing cleaning here" I said then close the tap water. I didn't turned myself to look at him because I thought twice about it; if I turned our faces are close and if I turned we had stay close for a briefly moment until someone speaks up behind us. But that second thought was like we are doing it right now. "Let me go, Dongmin"

"No, I won't" what and why?

"Do you want something?" I asked still didn't facing him.

"Look at me and call me 'oppa'" w-what? Is he serious? Is he dumb or his mind is in space?

"I do can look at you but why would I call you 'oppa'?"

"Because you're mine" did...did I heard him correctly or am I dreaming? A kingka confessed me! Mayday, mayday!!

"Huuh??" As I turned around to face him, that's what I thought at first. We are close. Our faces are about 10 to 12 centimeters apart. We stayed frozen or is it just me who only stayed frozen because he leaned close to me. Anyone, please help me out.

Centimeters were like countdown to millimeters. I can't escape, his arms trapped around me that I couldn't do anything. When our lips were finally met, I didn't care about our surrounding at all. I was being weird because I am enjoying this moment. This moment can't go back so this is like a memory for ours. I didn't felt disgusted, embarrassed or angry, just half happy and half blank.

After our dinner, Dongmin accompanies me to the front door, "thanks for the dinner, see you" j bowed and waved goodbye.

"Wait" I heard he said that and grabbed my hand. "You didn't called me oppa" still?!

"Uhm...o-oppa" finally! Does he satisfied yet? I saw him chuckled, brushing his temple. I guess he is embarrassed for sure.

"Call me oppa starting now, okay? Goodnight"

"Goodnight, pabo-oppa" at least I called him oppa, right?

Once I arrived home, I took off my coat and did my night routine. All small works that I have to do was done, finally I get to sleep on my fluffy bed to my dreamland. But I can't sleep just because I should call Dongmin, oppa. Sigh, I guess reality can't be ignore.

The next morning, I knew today is exam and I was hoping for myself to be the top student of my school. I didn't get to win against Dongmin...oppa...aaaahh!!! So frustrating!!! Why must the word 'oppa' must be exist in Korean? Gosh Haerin. Focus!

"Mom, dad! I'm off!" I slip on my shoes to my feet and walk outside of my house. I wanna have a fresh morning air everyday so that I could refresh my mind and focus about the exam but unfortunately, Dongmin is my seatmate. Dang it.

"Haerin-noona!" A familiar voice calked out for me from my back, it was belong to Jungkookie. "Annyeong!"

"Annyeong!" I greeted him excitedly. "Why are you so happy today?"

"Because it's exam!" He gave his sweet bunny smile. Wait...he hates exam. I guess he is visiting his own grave.

"Good luck, kookie!" I patted his head.

"You too, noona" he did a side hug by slinging his arm around my shoulder.

Once again, Jungkook is such a sweet guy. Even when both of us are best buddies, yet we don't have any love feeling towards each other but like affection. I like Jungkook as my best friend forever, I hope nothing would stop our friendship.
After a long walk to school, arohas are gathering a lot today. Fan signs, cameras and everything they carried for astro. Please don't say that this gathering is related to our engagement. Argh, I admit that I hate keeping secrets. When will I tell them before our wedding? The near future could be a lot worse if I don't tell them. Oh, I wish they accept me and Eunwoo being together.

Me and Jungkook walked into our class and getting ready for the first exam, that is Korean language. I studied so hard for this test but all the short notes I had made still didn't understand. Gladly, Reina and Hyun gave me their notes but! I don't completely copied them all. My hard work will give a good result.

(Time skips: after Korean and Social Studies test)

Aaahh!!!! Finally two tests has finished. "I can't study anymore. My brain squeezed into juice. I can't think of anymore" Reina complaint, hitting her shoulder by using her own pencil case. Hyun who was standing behind her, patting Reina's back.

"Gwenchana. At least you made it. But made sure you didn't let a question left blank" I guess Hyunnie too. For me, I'm okay with both subjects. It's a good thing both of them gave a complete notes for the subjects. To be honest, I didn't really focus on both subjects. I hope I at least pass them.

"Gaja, chingu ya" I put both of my arms around their waist as I was standing between them. "To BTS!"

We walked together into the school's cafeteria for searching BTS. I spotted them first before these two girls spot them and I saw Namjoon waved his hand. "Girls, over here!" We nodded and jogged to our usual seat.

"What's for lunch?" Yoongi asked Jin who was carrying 10 lunch boxes which they are in small size because maybe big lunch boxes are hard to carry.

"You guys favourite, Cheese Fried Chicken! Each one of you will get two pieces of chickens" the nine of us squealed like a bunch of girls. Thank you, Jin for making us lunch. "I thought that chickens could cheer you guys up because of the exam. So, dig in" he continued his short speech. Namjoon who is sitting beside him clapped like a seal in the audience.

We then picked our own lunch boxes from Jin's Ikea bag which could fit those 10 lunch boxes in it. "Kamsahamida, Seokjin oppa~" I thanked him happily.

"Ne~" he replied. I tend to eat the drumstick but I heard someone was calling me from behind. The voice was familiar and I thought it belongs to Dongmin...oppa. Wait! Why do I forget about this 'oppa' thing?! Oh no. Aroha will kill me!

"Haerinnie? Earth to Haerinnie" I saw a hand waved in front of me, it was Dongmin's.

"O...oppa" what did I just said?!

"Oppa??" The other, excluding Reina and Jungkook gasped, looking at me in shocked.

"Jagiya, let's eat together" he gave his one powerful smile that can melt girls hearts.

"Why? I had like to eat with my friends here, can I?" I smiled like a normal kid does.

"Mm, sure. But next time, eat with me, arraseo?" I nodded quickly.

"Ne, arraseo. Annyeong" as he left me to his members. I got startled when Yoongi and Jimin hit the table hard and shouted at me.


"What was that for??" Namjoon went mad at me. I was about to cry but I'm gonna make this thing clear.

"Keep it down, please. After school, go to my house. I'll explain everything there" they nodded in an agreement. Phew, that would actually worked out to keep them in low voice before we got curious by everyone else who saw us shouting.

Sigh, I guess they are in shocked and anxious right now. Maybe they are being inpatient for getting know about me and Dongmin. Better prepare for the worse. I knew BTS hates Astro so much (not in reality) .

I'll continue in Eunwoo's POV
at the next chapter, okay?

