Chapter two:

Last on the list was a certain blonde, who made sure that he had one of his best smiles showing.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you're the last on the list, kid. Introduce yourself, will you?" Ero-sennin spoke, looking at the boy with the brightest smile out of all of his students.

"Uzumaki Naruto desu! What I love above all else is Ramen! I like Ramen of all kinds, although miso Ramen is my favorite one! What I hate is to wait three minutes for instant Ramen to finish. For my future plans... I want to be hokage dattebayo! The greatest of all ninja who is shown respect without fail or exceptions." The guy cheerily said, putting on one of his goofier smiles, already building up a kind of cheery, non-attentive type of character. He didn't want to worry the people around him and lose what little interest his teammates may show for him, so he put up a facade. A fake, in hopes to keep the team together and be able to make them smile when they felt down.

Having finished, the teacher of the team looked at all four of his students, a smile on his face.

"Alrighty children, I want you to go to training ground 7. I'll be there shortly, I still have some business to attend to now that we've all been acquainted." He smiled, heading out of the classroom. But not before handing us all papers on some of the 'rules' and a little map that showed us all of the training grounds, including the one we were told to go to.

I smiled a little. After all, Jiraya-jii san was now my mentor. He's one of the few adults that accepted me for who I was. I then turned towards Sakura-chan, striding over to her. "Ne.. Sakura-chan. Wanna go with me to the training grounds? We could.. make it a date?" I wiggled my eyebrows, putting on my biggest smile yet. It's not because I liked her, that I asked her to go with me but because I didn't want to ask the other men on my team because they were very likely to say no. Well, Sakura had every right to hate me too, but I just hoped that wasn't the case.

"Naruto baka! No, I will not go with you." As I sighed, I watched her turn on her heel and swivel over towards sasuke, who looked as annoyed as ever, asking him what I'd just asked her. It made me sad that she didn't want to go, but it made me frustrated that she'd go ahead and use MY idea to ask HER crush out. I mean, it's not that I hate her, after all, she was the prettiest girl in our class. However, I didn't understand what she saw in the raven-head man, who seemed to be interested in nothing at all. I actually didn't understand what all of the girls saw in him. Like, all he ever does is stare at the board while the teacher teaches, and shows little to no emotion. Is that it-? Do the girls like the emotionless type? Is that why he's always flanked by girls left and right?

I shook my head, then went to check my map, only to realize that I had subconsciously crumbled the frail piece of paper while lost in thought. Sighing yet again, I neatly stroked the paper back to it's original state, looking at the direction before making my way out of the classroom and over to the training grounds.

Now at training ground seven, I decided to not laze around for once, and instead take a look around, perhaps memorize everything there was. That would certainly be helpful if we needed to train our fighting skills. After all, to have an advantage it is best to know your surroundings, that way you can set up traps and lure your target in, or simply find a good place to hide and ambush the victim. Arriving at a little lake, I came up with an idea, should we have to engage in combat with one of the legendary san-nin.

I soon sensed another chakra, so I quickly made my way to the middle of the training ground and laid down, pretending like I was just lazy and waiting for everyone to arrive. And that worked. Because only a moment later, I saw sasuke enter my field of view.

"Usuratonkachi. What are you doing just lazing around? You should have at least taken a look around if you were here so early, not laze around like Shikamaru." The raven spoke, looking at the blond in disdain.

'But I did do that.. I just don't want to break character in front of you all.' I thought, giving sasuke a huff before crossing my arms and looking away. I immediately got up after feeling a tap on my shoulder from behind.

"Gahh-! What- when did you get here-?!" I asked, realizing I hadn't sensed his chakra, or felt his scent at all.

"Yo." Was all the man said, giving the blonde an eye-smile.

Keeping up the act, the blonde scrunched up his face, looking at the silver-haired man in disdain, blue eyes disappearing behind heavy eyelids.

The man, feeling slightly bothered by the other's antics, goes to move away a step or two.

That's when the gumball banshee arrived, voicing her arrival with a loud: "Sasuke~!", making all three men groan in annoyance. Clinging to said man, she 'affectionately' rubbed her head against the man's arm.

"Jii-san should be here by now, I wonder where he is.." Naruto spoke absent-minded, looking up at the clear blue sky.

"Ohayo children!" A loud voice exclaimed behind them, startling everyone.


I'm so sorry for my mistake!
I hadn't noticed that
The second chapter wasn't
Published! So sorry! And thank
You all for sticking with me
And reading this story!
