Chapter twenty two:

Kakashi stood by, realizing that he should leave them to their moment. Even he felt the tears coming, flowing down his face freely as he clenched his shirt at where his heart should be.

Even he felt hurt by the words and emotion shared between the two. One look to the side showed that his sensei was no better, the tears flowing down his face and collecting at his chin, dropping down as a bigger, united droplet. However, the white-haired sannin was also holding a book and a pencil, seemingly taking notes. Of what, the man wouldn't know. And he didn't feel like using his sharingan to figure out.

It hurt to know that Naruto had a bond to Sasuke that was tighter than the bond to him, but it also hurt, knowing he was separating them. Now, he wouldn't give up on his blonde, of course not, but he realized that he will have to let others have their moments, like now. He felt a slight smile, knowing he still has a fair chance, but his heart swelled at the fact that he saw the blonde happy. He prided himself on being very observant, but he wanted to beat himself up over how he could miss such immense sadness from the blonde.

He didn't know he had such a fragile, yet strong heart. It was truly sad, but he promised himself, and Naruto, that he would make up for it. And, instead, make new, better memories with the jinchuriki.

Sasuke was at Naruto's earlobe, catching it between his teeth and gently lapping his tounge up against it, earning a soft whimmer from the blonde. Naruto, feeling bold, leaned up and bit the other's neck harshly, earning him a groan and a bite to his own neck that was sure to leave a bruise. They both ravished eachother as much as they could, barely stopping to take a breath. And those were short enough because they seemed unable to separate their lips. It was as if they had been magnetically connected and now refuse to go more than a millimeter away for a breath.

When their lips clashed again, tounges entered and explored, invading territory and battling for dominance. Of course, the Uchiha had won the little fight, leaving the blonde to mewl into the kisses as he sucked on his tounge, pulling away shortly to marvel at his masterpiece, a string of saliva forming a bridge between the two mouths as ragged breaths were heard. Not soon after, they clashed again and again, going at it for god knows how long. So long at least, that Jiraya had to grab the two and bring them to the hotel because it was getting dark already.

Once inside, he quickly went up to their rooms, urging Kakashi to go and stay with Naruto and Sasuke for the night to make sure that the raven doesn't do anything rash.

So the silverette did. And although it hurt him to see and watch his crush with another man, he felt he could deal with it. If the man was happy, then he'll live with possibly having to share him. He was surprised however, as they both basically jumped on the bed, making out before they both passed out from lack of breath. He couldn't help but snicker at that. He got on the bed next to the blonde, wiping the drool from his lips and caressing his cheek. He smiled gently at the sight of the sleeping blonde, pulling down his hitaiate to place a soft peck on the other's puffy lips.

~ The next morning ~

The boys all woke up in one bed, Sasuke almost immediately pouncing on Naruto again. But he was deflected by Kakashi, who had pulled the blonde to his side, so as to not let the other get closer. The raven groaned, trying again, only to be deflected again by the persistent copy cat. Jiraya was also there, helping the nin by dealing with the Uchiha with a karate chop to the neck, knocking him out. The nin thanked him, hugging the kitsune to his chest in order to calm him down.

He was shivering after all. Most likely the cause from lack of memory of the previous night. He didn't blame him however, instead just comforting him by soothing his back. The blonde relaxed into the loving embrace, feeling his breathing go back to normal. He had been startled by the raven, scared even, of the crazed look in his eyes.

Now that the raven has been subdued, the blonde could finally take a calm breath, feeling the tension leave his body. While he did remember what happend the night before, he was scared of the raven because of how crazy he looked, the way his pupils were dilated and dull, and his grin so wide like it would tear appart his face any second. He liked the raven as much as he liked the silver-haired man, but he just couldn't bring himself to 'not' be scared of the image burnt into his memory.

So, he decided to avoid the man at all cost while he was still under the influence of the potion. And until Sakura, who got them into this mess, fixed her mistake. Until then, they'd just have to do their best to hide the blonde from the Uchiha. Since Sasuke was knocked out, they all went out again to get some food and supplies, exploring on their way. Jiraya had to stay back, so that he could keep watch over the knocked out boy, which he really didn't want too, as there were so many beautiful women in the land and he wanted to go to a sake-house and be among the girls.

It was one of the things he was best at after all, but now that he's taken responsibility as a teacher he can't do that much more. Although he knew he'd have to keep his obsessions at bay, but he didn't mean it to go this far. He'd gone without alcohol for almost a month! And he usually only goes without it for a day or two. So he really needed to change that.
