lan sizhui x sister!reader 📖࿐


▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff and maybeeee angst 

▶ Female Reader 


"So he doesn't remember anything?" 

Lan Wangji shook his head. 

[Y/N] frowned. "I thought they said his fever wasn't that bad?" 

"May be a trauma response." 

[Y/N] bit her lip and glanced over at the closed door where the sleeping child they were talking about laid. "Well... is there a chance that he'll ever regain them?" 

"Maybe," Lan Wangji said. "But it is unlikely unless something big triggers it." 

"So he won't remember even me? Wuxian?"

Lan Wangji's face twisted like he had swallowed a lemon but it was gone the same instant it had come upon his usually jaded features. He shook his head. 

"What am I going to do then?" 

"I do not know." Wangji answered, unhelpfully. 

[Y/N] glared at him but she was too tired and stressed to really mean it. 

[Y/N] had hid A-Yuan away before running away, trying to both lead the cultivators away and to maybe see the whole thing through alive. She managed to get away, change her clothes to something plain and didn't hint at all that she was of Wen decent. Lan Wangji later found her, wandering hopelessly around with no purpose, and brought her back to Gusu under the guise that she was an innocent person who's family had been killed by the Wen's and she was looking for her younger brother. It worked. Not even a month later, Wangji disappeared and still healing late in the night before returning in the early morning with her precious younger brother in his arms. 

Only Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji (she thinks maybe Lan Qiren has an inkling of an idea) know the truth. 

"I... I will stay and help you raise him." 

Wangji raised an eyebrow at her. 

She crossed her arms. "I'm still his sister! He may not remember me but he is my little brother and you'll have to stab me in the heart and dismember me limb from limb if you want to get rid of me." (Foreshadowing...? Maybe... maybe not...) 

"Never." Lan Wangji shook his head. 

"Also I know you have no idea how to raise a child." 

Wangji shot her a cold look. 

[Y/N] smiled weakly. She could see why Wei Wuxian liked him so much. 


"I made some dumplings." [Y/N] announced, basket in hand. She brushed off a nearby table and set the basket on it. 

"Jie!" Wen Yuan, now Lan Yuan, grinned from ear to ear. He dropped his sword and was by her side in an instant. 

"Your getting too fast for me," [Y/N] sighed. She patted his head, smiling. "I see you've been training hard." 

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Hanguang-Jun and the other Lan teachers have been teaching me a lot!"

"Hanguang-Jun? What happened to 'Rich-Gege'?" 

Lan Yuan blushed. "I-I just want to be respectful!" 

"Their already turning you into a Lan..." She muttered under her breathe. 


"You can have as many dumplings as you want!" [Y/N] pulled out a plate and put three dumplings on it. "I made too many..." She admitted sheepishly. 

"Thank you Jie!" 

"Its nothing A-Yuan." She gazed sadly at the growing boy who was now 9. 'I just wish you would stop growing up...' 

"I heard you made a friend. Jinhai was it?" 

"Lan Jingyi!" Lan Yuan smiled brightly, perking up at the mention of his new friend. "We have a lot of classes together and we sometimes train together. He is really good with thinking outside the box..." 

[Y/N] continued to listen to her younger brother ramble on about his new friend and what they did and how they spent their free time. She only wished that Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Granny Wen, Uncle Four, and Wei Wuxian were here with them. 

She was truly thankful for Lan Wangji saving A-Yuan... if only because of Wei Wuxian. 


"My dumb Didi," she scolded. 

Lan Yuan, now Sizhui, flushed. He was deeply embarrassed. 

[Y/N] wiped away some dirt from his cheek. "Why did you think it would be a good idea to try and train back here?" 

"Jingyi suggested it..." 

Lan Jingyi, the other idiot, sat next to Sizhui dirtied and also deeply embarrassed - mortified even. "D-Don't throw me under like that Sizhui!" 

[Y/N] sighed and wiped his face one last time before standing and getting out some cream and disinfect. With her back turned she could still hear the quiet whispers of the two teens. 

"Why would you say that!?" Jingyi whispered furiously. 

"Its true!" 

"Well yeah- but your sister scares me!" 

"Scares you? Jie isn't scary. She's very kind." 

[Y/N] smiled at that. Sizhui was growing up to be a very kind and respectable young man. Her heart clenched at the mere thought. She turned around, keeping her smile and fighting to not let the sorrow show in her eyes. 

"Let me see those cuts and bruises you've gotten." 

"Yes Jie." 

"Yes Maiden [Y/N]." 

People had started to call her 'Maiden [Y/N]' because she had refused to take on the Lan surname and because since she couldn't use the name 'Wen' she had decided to have no last name. It had brought up some questions. 


"So... you and Maiden [Y/N] are related by blood?" Jingyi asked one day as he and Sizhui lounged on a nearby roof, apples in hand. 


"Then why don't you have the same surname?" 

"I don't... know..." Sizhui admitted quietly. "Jie never wants to talk about it when I have brought it up before so I've just dropped it..." 

"Will you ever know?" 

"She always tells me I'll know when I'm older but I'm already 15..." 

"I'm sure she means never. My parents always used to tell me that but they never went through with it." 

Sizhui frowned. "I'm sure Jie will tell me when she's ready." 

Jingyi hummed, not convinced. "Your Jie really is a mystery. She showed up out of nowhere one day and is close with Hanguang-Jun and Zewu-Jun, has no last name, and refuses to talk about her past or anyone from her past." 

"Jie... she was alive and old enough to know what was going on during the Sunshot Campaign and the rise and fall of the Yiling Patriarch.. Those were dark times..." Sizhui swallowed a bite of his apple. "I'm sure she doesn't like to think about those things and people really shouldn't press her about such personal matters." 

Jingyi sighed dramatically, leaning back even further. "Your such a cinnamon roll, Sizhui." 


"And such a caring person," Jingyi added. "If it were me, I'd be dying of curiosity." 

"You are dying of curiosity," Sizhui pointed out. 

"Well, yes... but! I haven't pressed about anything that isn't common, public knowledge in a long time!" 

"I guess..." 

"Maiden [Y/N] also seems to always have an air of sadness." Jingyi said after a long pause. 

"What? Jie isn't sad-" 

"How do you know?" Jingyi met Sizhui's eyes. He was very serious for once. "My mother used to never seem sad to me, she was always smiling and laughing, until one day she killed herself." 

Sizhui sucked in a sharp breath. 

"I'm not saying that Maiden [Y/N] is that sad, I'm just saying she isn't as happy as she may seem to you. From an outsiders point of view, her smiles never seem to reach her eyes and she always seems to wilt when she thinks no one is watching." 

Sizhui frowned, brows furrowing. Now that Jingyi pointed it out, all the little things he had seen before finally came together. The sad little smiles, the mournful gazes, the empty laughs, the fleeting touches or hugs... 

"I think maybe you should talk with Maiden [Y/N]. Really sit down and talk. Because at this rate I think she might run herself into the ground." 

"Right... tha-thank you Jingyi..." 


"I-I remember!" Lan Sizhui sobbed, jumping up and hugging both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian tightly. 

Wei Wuxian smiled and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around him. "A-Yuan! My little radish!" 

"I-I'm sorry I ever forgot!" 

"Its alright my radish," Wei Wuxian cried. "You remember now and that's all that matters!" 

"Don't forget your sister," Lan Wangji reminded. 

Sizhui pulled back abruptly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Jie! O-Oh I forgot about Jie!" 

Wei Wuxian stepped back, wrapping an arm around Lan Wangji's waist. "Go find [Y/N]-Mei. I'm sure she has been waiting all these years for you to remember." 

Sizhui wasted no time running off, trying to find his sister. He had run all over Gusu, forgetting the rules, in search of her but no luck. She was no where to be found and he was getting desperate, Jingyi's words from months ago flashing in his mind. 

He finally stumbled upon where Lan Wangji kept his rabbits. He walked further back and saw, sitting underneath a tree, [Y/N]. A shrine with a list of names sat in front of her with incense sticks lit and burning. The wind cutting through the soft wisps every once in a while. 

As he got closer he could tell it was hand made, the craving not as clean as it could be and the wood itself rotting near the edges. 

"Jie!" He called, eyes tearing up again. 

[Y/N] looked up, surprised. Her hand clasped together like she was preparing to bow. 

"A-Yuan? What are you doing here?" Her arms fell to her side. 

"Jie! I- I remember!" Sizhui cried. His feet were rooted in place and he only then realized just how nervous he really was to see her reaction. "I'm so sorry I ever forgot." 

A strong wind blew, nearly killing the incense sticks, and [Y/N] looked at him in shock. 

"Y-you... A-Yuan... you really remember...?" Tears pooled in her eyes as she shakily stood. "You remember?" 

"Yes Jie! And I'm sorry I ever forgot in the first place... I know it must have hurt you to see me everyday and- and know that I don't remember..." He trailed off, voice cracking. 

[Y/N] ran to Sizhui and hugged him tight, crying softly. "Don't apologize my dumb Didi... it wasn't your choice to forget." 

Sizhui hugged her back just as tight, sobbing into her shoulder. "Jie... Jie..." 

"A-Yuan... My sweet baby brother... I'm so happy you finally remembered." 


▶ This timeline is fucked but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it rn 

▶ Jinhai - golden sea 

▶ I love the name Jinhai so much- 

▶ Jingyi may have had a small puppy crush on MC 

▶ Wei Wuxian and Sizhui feel so ooc T-T 

Completed : 6/24/2023
