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Friday December 13,         2019 Holiday Treats

I rolled over hearing light snores turning over seeing my husband, Keith asleep. A slow smile creeped upon my face. I kissed his cheek, getting out the bed and going to do my morning routine. Me and Keith have been married ever since we graduated from high school. We did everything together we was like a power couple I guess. He played football, and I was a cheerleader. During that time I had got pregnant and had our first child when I was 17, Kennith Tyree Powers. Then 2 years later my babygirl, Kamari Indiya Powers came into the world and I love them all to death. A year after that we got married.

I eventually got out the shower brushing my teeth,wrapping the towel around me walking back into the room seeing Keith still sleep. Putting on a large shirt, putting on some lotion.

I walked down the hall.           

"Ken" I said pulling this cover off of him. He opened his eyes closing it back fast

"Ken I saw you"i said tickling him

"Ahhh ok mamaaa stopppp"I got turning on the water

"Take a bath while I go wake up Mari ok?" as I laid some gym shorts and a shirt on his bed

"Kamari?"I said walking in her room find her playing with it's her doll house

"Goodmornin Mari why you up so early babyh?"

"Good morning mommy, when I'm excited I get up early" she said moving her dolls around

"Go get in the shower while I go cook please ma'am" I said closing her door

I begin scrambling the eggs when I heard little foots coming down the stairs. They sat down watching pjmask.


I was getting some plates out of the cabinet humming Best Part by HER when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Goodmornin ma" he turned me around kissing my lips softly

"Goodmornin baby, how did you sleep?"

"Like a baby after you put it down on me lastni—"

"Ahh okk" I giggled hitting him getting some cups, as he got the orange juice out the fridge

"Kenmari" we had came up with a nickname for them together so it will be easier

"Sir" they both said

"Come eat" we sat at the table and began to eat our food

"So y'all ready to go stay with Nana?" i asked eating some more eggs

"Yes mama I wanna see uncle Trey"

"No I wanna see keekee" and that right there started a whole argument between them

My mama and dad had me and my siblings put money together so we could rent a house so we could all be down there for Christmas in Arizona. We leaving today and the kids are so happy.

"Ayy y'all chill out" Keith said as they became quiet

"Is ole girl coming?"

"You talm bout Jordan baby mama?"
scrubbing the dishes

"Yea, cause I know he gotta new boo"

"Correction it's his fiancée"

"Girl....same difference but is Sasha coming"

"Yea mama already said they better leave that shit at home, she just want us to get together for the holidays"

"And let Sasha say some slick bout you imma act up"

"Baby chill out she know I'm stuck"

"She betta" I said as we walked upstairs


We where getting our last things together in the suitcase making sure we have everything putting it in the car.

"Y'all ready?" I asked my kids

"Yes mommy we ready" I buckled them up

"Mhmk babies it's gonna be a long ride so y'all get comfortable ok?" I close the door getting in the passenger side as I heard shoes falling on the floor

"Y'all good, y'all got everything?" Keith asked on more time before leaving the house

"Yes sir"

"Ight well we finna leave" he said pulling out the driveway

I got comfy turning on some music


I looked back to see the Ken sleep and Mari playing her iPad

"Babies where here" we pulled up in the drive way seeing 5 cars and a 2 story house

"Wake up your brother" I said texting my mother that we're outside.

"Woah daddy this house is biggg" Mari said hitting her bother pointing at the house

"And look at all the lights around the house" Ken said waking up

They started talking about all the things around the house. Keith parked the car

My phone lit up seeing mama said ok. I saw her open the door with my nieces and nephews standing around her, being nosey just like her.

Keith turned off the car engine, going to the trunk.

"Nana" I opened the door

"Get y'all stuff out the backseat" they hurried and got there things running to they're grandparents

We got all the suitcases and walked to the house being greeted by my brothers, sisters, and parents.

"I'm so glad y'all made I ain't even think y'all was coming"

"Oh believe we was cause if we didn't we wasn't going to hear the end of it" Keith dapped up my brothers

"Well there's dinner in the kitchen and they kids are about to go to sleep" mama said kissing me and Keith walking out the kitchen we fixed the kids a plate and ourselves.

We got done eating about a good 20 minutes after. Me and Keith was walking upstairs trying to find our room when we read the name "Powers" .

We got everything settled and hopped in the shower. I was putting on lotion glancing back and forth at the tv.

"We're going to have a good time ok baby" i looked at Keith nodding my head going to make sure the kids where ok

"So what you think we doing tomorrow?"

"Ion know I just wanna catch up ya know.." I turned the tv off looking back at him

"Yeah i feel ya" he layed down turning off the lamp

I did the same laying on his chest, he rubbed my butt.

"I love you Tyree"

"I love you more mama" he kissed me before we slowly drifted to sleep
