

Nights Like This.

I opened the cabinet doors looking in then trying to find me something to eat. I was so bored. My sister went to go stay with her girlfriend, and mama somewhere with her new boyfriend. Finding me some Doritos, and walk over and get me a water. Hitting the corner I turn off the kitchen light, walking on the living room.

When I turned the channels pressing the Netflix app. Pulling the blanket around me, wrapping myself up in it. I feel my phone vibrate, reading the name '💕!'.

"Yessssss?" I asked pressing All American.

"I'm finna slide through."

"Keith did you even ask me if you could come?" I rolled my eyes, putting some more chips in my mouth.

"Well I mean you know now, so what's the point?"

"You'll be mad if I don't open the door." I looked in the phone shrugging.

" I wish the hell you would." he looked down at the camera. "Ya know wishes come true when I'm in them." I smiled turning up the tv volume.

"They might do but, when get in I'm beating dat ass." He chuckled, softly nodding prolly imagining what his gonna do you me.

"I'll be waiting for it daddy." I looked at him smirking.

"When you gone be here?" I asked as I seen lights through the living room window. "Well never mind." He hung up the phone, knocking on the door. I get up but not to open the door, but to look at him out the glass beside it.

"Y/N open up the damn door." He looked at me pointing a finger.

"Say please!" I cheesed like I little kid.

"I'm not gone ask you no more." I shrugged, walking back to my seat. I got back up unlocking the door. He walked in looked at me mean. I giggled closing the door; locking it.

"I should take these snacks back."

"No baby I was just playing." I walked to the laundry room getting him some comfy clothes. He takes the clothes, going to the bathroom changing.

I looked through the bag to see what he bought. Stuff like chips, candy, Powerade, and some more juice. I feel him rub my booty; kissing my neck.

"Baby I wanna do something fun tonight." I said moving his head away from me.

"Well what I was doing was gonna get fun." He whined. "No let's do like some face mask stuff. I got some in my room."

"I'm not putting that shit on my face." Grabbing his blue Powerade; opening it.

"Please! It's what couples do, we'll look cute. We can take pictures and-"

"-Ok girl imma do it." Squealing in happiness, I grabbed his hand pulling in to my room. "And don't girl me ok?" He shot me a bird.

I grabbed the mask and the tool to put it on. We walked in the bathroom, and I sat on the sink.

"Come mer'." I pulled him in between my legs. "Wash your face please." He did as I said. I began to put the clay mask on his face. I could feel his eyes on me.

"It's not polite to stare baby." Giggles left my mouth. "Well I like the faces you make when you constraining."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I continue to do what I was doing. After bout 2 more minutes, I was done.

"You like it?" I asked looking behind me, into the mirror.

"I look like that emoji." I squinted my eyes at him. "What emoji?"

"The black moon emoji, that be looking to the side." I laugh, hitting him.

"Shut up, I think you look cute."


"How long this supposed to be on again?" He asked; drinking the rest of his juice.

"Til' it's hard." We had just got done taking pictures of us with our mask.

Right now we're watching Avengers End Game. It was getting kinda boring, so that's when my idea popped back up in my head. It had stop time so it was great. He went to the bathroom so it was a good time for me to go outside.

I grabbed the snacks, juice, trash bag, and my computer. Grabbing a couple more blankets. After I made sure that everything was in place.

"Keith you ok?" I asked him as he opened the door.

"Yea can I take this off now?"

"Yea, and use this after." I gave him the face cleaners soap. We start to take off the mask. After a couple of minutes we got it all off.

"Man if Algee call me one mo' time." I giggle sitting down turning off the tv.

"He just wanna see what you doing. You don't have to be so mean." I looked at him putting on my, orange colored crocs.

"I ain't being mean, I'm spending some time with my baby. It's not that hard to understand." I turned his phone off; looking at me up and down.

"Where you going?" He sat back some more in the chair.

"I'm just not going somewhere you is too." I took my phone off the charger.

"But where are we going?" I turned around and looked at him, putting my index finger up to my lips.

"Shhh, and just come on." I grabbed his hand turning off the house lights, walking towards the back door. I told him to cover his eyes so he can't see. We walked in to the backyard, then I asked him to open them.

"You like it?" I smiled, tilting my head.

"Yea it's cute. When you had time to do this?" We walked closer to the trampoline, getting on it.

"You texted me earlier and said that you was gone come, I just didn't know when." I patted a spot right beside me.

When he got right beside I pulled up Netflix. Picking a movie, I sat it down.  He pulled me closer to him. Leaning down he kissed me slowly, feeling the butterflies in my belly. I smiled into the kiss.

Feeling him lick my lip asking for and entrance, I open my mouth a little wider. I feel myself getting picked up, onto his lap. He move us up against the covers hanging up.

As we pull away from the kiss, he rubbed my ass softly. Laying my head on his chest, I began to turn my attention back to the movie.

"You know I love you right?" Keith whispered. I smiled lightly looking at him.

"And I love you more."

"Ion know never evea' wanna lose you." I massage his head, listening to his heart beat.

"Your not I promise." I said holding out my pinky. He chuckled and grabbed mine with his; kissing me. We began to eat, and talk more before slowly drifting to sleep.


"Where's Y/N?" Kehlani, her sister asked there mother.

"Ion know, I thought you said you was coming home last night?" She looked over at her.

"Well her and Keith must be somewhere."

"And where's all my damn blankets!?" Her mama looked in the hall closet. Kehlani and there mom eventually made there way to the back yard.

"What the hell?" There mom whispered, before opening up the trampoline. They looked at them how they we snuggled up together. The watched in awe.

"They so cute!"

"Yea maybe we should let them sleep." Closing the zipper the walked back in to the house.
