A Project Of Realization

"Hey Air?" Rainkeeper asked. They were in the art cave, of course. 

"Yea?" Air replied. She was looking at the different glazes the cave had, wondering if it was too late in the year to start a new project. 

"I need your help with a project." he admitted.  She eyed him suspiciously. 

"What is this project?" she asked curiously. Rainkeeper blushed slightly. 

"I want to make something for Pear..." he said awkwardly. "But all I know how to do is paint, so I thought that you could maybe show me how to work some other stuff?" Air grinned. 

"I'd be happy to help!"


"Of course. It's not every day you get asked to help your friend make something for their girlfriend." she added slyly. 

"She's NOT my girlfriend!" Rainkeeper exclaimed. 

"Mhm. You just keep telling yourself that." she replied. 

"She's not!" he repeated, his face flushed with embarrassment. 


Nightflyer walked calmly down the hallway, until the familiar pain of an incoming vision sliced through his head. He groaned and leaned against the wall as images appeared in his head. 

It was her again, the small Nightwing dragonet with the brown eyes. She was running again, but this time, she seemed happy. She shrieked and laughed as she ran, occasionally glancing over her shoulder at the dragon chasing her. She ran through a field of tall grass. It was so tall it nearly buried the little dragonet. She was a tiny thing. 

Nightflyer frowned. This was the happiest he'd ever seen the dragonet. Normally she was terrified, her brown eyes wide with tears, or she was unconscious. But this appeared to be a happy vision of her. But who is she? he wondered. And is this vision before or after the others? 

A cave home appeared, as if it was tucked into the bottom of a mountain. The girl ran towards the entrance just as someone appeared. It was the Skywing dragonet, the one with smoky scales. But he looked slightly younger in this vision, and less hardened. He grinned as the girl shrieked again and ran around him. 

"Embie! Save me!" she squealed, laughing as she looped back towards the field. As they rounded the Skywing, Nightflyer finally got to look at who was chasing the Nightwing. He nearly dropped dead at the shock. The dragon chasing her was a Nightwing. He was young, but old enough to be the dragonet's father. He was smiling, a thin scar running on the side of his face, from his temple to the edge of his jaw. 

"I'm gonna get you!" he cried, finally catching up to the dragonet. He scooped her up in his arms and she shrieked again. He tickled her slightly and she burst into giggles.

 "Daddy! Put me down!" she laughed. 

"Alright," he agreed, setting her down. But then, out of nowhere, the skywing dragonet tackled him and they both fell to the ground. The little girl jumped on them both, laughing. 

"Get him!" the Skywing cried. 

And then it ended as the three of them laughed in the grass. Nightflyer's mind was racing. He already knew the truth, but he still had to check. He bolted to a mirror and turned his head sightly, his heart pounding. There was a thin scar on the side of his face, left from their fight with Chameleon last year. The scar went from his temple to the edge of his jaw, just like the adult dragon in his vision. 

Across the school, Joy stopped walking as a shout echoed through the school. 

"Did you hear something?" she asked. Kelp frowned.


"Huh." she replied, a confused look on her face. "I swore I just heard somebody scream." 

Rainkeeper studied the small pendant he had made. It wasn't perfect, but it was exactly the way he wanted it. Air handed him a small tool. 

"What's this?" he questioned. 

"It's a pick. You use it to make small details, or you could use it to engrave something." she explained. "If you wanted to write anything on it." Rainkeeper thought for a moment. 

"Okay, I'll right something. But NO JUDGING!" he ordered. 

"Alright." Air agreed. Rainkeeper eyed her skeptically. 

"And by that, I mean No snorting, no laughing, no snide remarks, no complaining that it's cheesy and suggesting something better,  no comments, no sarcasm, no looks that scream 'are you SURE?', no mocking my handwriting, no telling my I spelt something wrong, or that I should word it differently, no nagging me, no pestering, no balancing fruits on your head behind me until they fall and ruin everything, no interfering at all." he recited. Air stared. "Sorry, I live with Joy. You have to specify otherwise she will find every loophole that exists." he added. 

"Okay then." she commented. With a sigh, Rainkeeper got to work. 

"But you never said I couldn't go back and change it later." she added. Rainkeeper chucked the pick across the room with a scream. 
