*Slaps* "Well, That Didn't Work. NEXT!"

Joy, Moon, and Seashell stood in Joy's sleeping cave, staring. Air was still laying on her bed in the same exact way she had been last night. It looked as if she hadn't so much as blinked. 

"Air?" Joy questioned. "You okay?" She didn't respond. Seashell waved her talons in front of Air's face. She didn't even blink. They went back to studying her. 

"Maybe she's dead." Seashell suggested. Joy pressed her talons onto the hybrid's neck. 

"Nope, she's got a pulse." Joy declared. 

"Well, then that means it's definitely Air, and not some statue she put here to prank us." Moon confirmed. They stared again. 

"Maybe we should slap her." Seashell offered. There was a pause. 

"I'LL DO IT!" Joy volunteered. 

"No way, I wanna slap her!" Seashell cried. 


"BUT IT WAS MY IDEA!" Seashell shot back. 

"NOBODY IS GOING TO SLAP HER!" Moon announced. 

"Fine." they grumbled. 

"Maybe one of the boys has an idea," Moon suggested.

 "Great idea Moon, I'll go get Kelp." Joy said happily, running out of the room. Moon watched her go, and, while she was distracted, Seashell leaned over and smacked Air. Nothing. 

"Well, that didn't work." she commented. "Next?"

Joy walked into Kelp's sleeping cave to find Winter, Qibli, and Kelp in a similar predicament. Nightflyer was on his bed, a big goofy grin on his face. 

"You guys too?" she asked. 

"What do you mean? "Kelp questioned. 

"Air's been frozen all day. We've slapped her, yelled in her ears, taken her pulse, waved our talons in front of her face. She hasn't even blinked." Joy explained. 

"Nightflyer's the same way, only we also threatened him, and breathed a little frostbreath on the end of his tail." Qibli added. 

"Huh. Have you tried burning him?" she asked. They shook their heads.

 "Worth a shot." Qibli admitted, breathing a little bit of fire at the end of Nightflyer's tail. Nothing. 

"Hmm." Joy wondered. She walked over and studied Nightflyer for a moment. Then she wound up and punched him in the face as hard as she could. The Nightwing went flying to the floor. 

"OW!!" Nightflyer yelled, clutching his face. 

"Hey it worked!" Joy exclaimed. 

"JOY!!"  he shouted at her. "WHAT THE HELL!" 

"Oh, sure. We practically freeze off your tail and nothing, but she comes in and punches you and now you're awake." Winter commented.

 "Maybe it'll work on Air too!" Joy suggested, running from the room. 

"Oh no." Nightflyer said worriedly, running after her. 

"I have found a solution!" Joy announced, rushing into the cave. 

"No." Nightflyer insisted, running in behind her. 

"Geez, Nightflyer. What happened to your face?" Seashell asked. 

"Her stupid solution." he explained, pointing at Joy. 

"Well, unless you've got a better idea, this is the only thing we've got." she countered. Nightflyer thought for a moment. 

"Okay, I've got one thing that might work." he admitted. He walked over to Air and whispered into her ear so that the other's couldn't hear. 

"If you don't want them to hear about last night, I suggest you start moving again." he muttered. Air jumped up, her face pink.

 "What the hell did you say?" Joy demanded. 

"Nothing!" they both shouted at the same time. 
